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                                                                                                       sports Diasabra 23 Januari 2021

                           Steelers tight end Vance McDonald retiring after 8 seasons

            (AP) — Vance McDonald                                                                                               can find respite, refreshment
            could sense last spring the                                                                                         and renewal."
            end of his NFL career was
            in the offing.                                                                                                      McDonald spent time on the
                                                                                                                                COVID-19  reserve  list  this
            The Pittsburgh Steelers tight                                                                                       season  after  testing  positive
            end's urge to branch out be-                                                                                        for  the  novel  coronavirus
            yond  the  football  field  —                                                                                       shortly after a win over Dal-
            one  that  bubbled  for  years                                                                                      las on Nov. 8. He missed two
            — came to a head during the                                                                                         games  while  in  the  protocol
            early days of the COVID-19                                                                                          and  his  playing  time  fluctu-
            pandemic.                                                                                                           ated wildly upon his return.

            “It  just  came  down  to  feel-                                                                                    McDonald said his bout with
            ing that call to just step away                                                                                     the virus only reinforced his
            from  football,”  McDonald                                                                                          decision that it was time.
                                                                                                                                “It created even a bigger fire
            And  so  he  did,  retiring  on                                                                                     underneath  me,  it  stirred
            Friday  after  eight  seasons                                                                                       more  passion  in  me  to  get
            to  focus  on  both  his  char-                                                                                     (Hidden  Meadow)  up  and
            ity foundation and the work                                                                                         running," McDonald said.
            that lays ahead on the west-
            ern  Pennsylvania  farm  he                                                                                         McDonald offered no insight
            plans to turn into a retreat for                                                                                    into  whether  Roethlisberger
            Christian leaders.           ly  chased  down  Chicago's  on  just  44%  of  Pittsburgh's  2020  nominee  for  the  Wal-  — who he sat next to in the
                                         Marcus  Cooper  to  prevent  offensive  snaps  this  season,  ter  Payton  Man  of  the  Year  locker  room  for  the  final
            McDonald kept the decision  a  touchdown  following  a  down from 69% in 2019 and  Award,  given  annually  to  a  three seasons of his career —
            to  himself  until  Pittsburgh's  blocked field goal early in his  51% in 2018.        player  who  makes  a  signifi-  will return for an 18th season
            loss to Cleveland in the first  first  year  in  Pittsburgh  and                       cant positive impact in their  in  2021,  though  he  believes
            round of the playoffs earlier  planted  Tampa  Bay's  Chris  The Steelers held a 2021 club  community.  McDonald  and  Roethlisberger “can still play
            this  month.  He  approached  Canty into the turf on Mon-  option  worth  $5.2  million  Roethlisberger  started  the  at a high level.”
            close  friend  Ben  Roethlis-  day  Night  Football  in  2018  for  McDonald,  who  caught  Trucks  of  Hope  campaign
            berger  in  the  aftermath  and  with  a  devastating  stiff  arm  just 15 passes for 99 yards in  during  the  spring,  a  drive  Steelers  coach  Mike  Tomlin
            the  two  embraced  while  on his way to a 75-yard score.  his final season. McDonald's  that  brought  trucks  full  of  praised  McDonald's  influ-
            fighting back tears.         “I will honestly miss holding  retirement  likely  kept  Pitts-  nonperishable  food,  PPE  ence  not  only  in  the  locker
                                         the football and running into  burgh's front office from let-  and cleaning supplies to over  room but the city.
            “It  wasn’t  really  about  foot-  a  human  being  as  hard  as  I  ting him walk this spring and  1,000  families  in  Western
            ball,”  McDonald  said.  “We  possibly  can,  because  that  is  McDonald had no interest in  Pennsylvania.         “He  was  a  class  act  on  and
            just looked at each other and  something I appreciate,” Mc-  starting over elsewhere.                               off the field, leading many of
            how thankful we are for the  Donald said with a laugh.                                 The program only deepened  our efforts in the community
            friendship.”                                              “I know there’s going to be a  McDonald's resolve to move  while  also  being  a  voice  for
                                         McDonald finishes his career  lot of changes with the Steel-  on  to  the  next  phase  of  his  our social justice efforts and
            McDonald  spent  the  first  with 181 receptions for 2,036  ers  moving  forward,”  Mc-  life.  He  and  his  wife  Kendi  the community work during
            four years of his career in San  yards  and  15  touchdowns.  Donald  said,  later  adding,  established Hidden Meadows  the  pandemic,”  Tomlin  said
            Francisco  before  arriving  in  His  playing  time  decreased  "I’m very, very happy to retire  Retreat in Ligonier, Pennsyl-  in a statement. "I wish he and
            Pittsburgh on the eve of the  in  2020  as  Pittsburgh  went  a  Steeler.  I’m  very  happy  to  vania — about an hour east of  his  family  nothing  but  the
            2017 season. He became a fan  to a more pass-heavy offense.  do it on my own terms.”   Pittsburgh — to create a place  best in his retirement and his
            favorite for his physical play  The  former  second-round                              where  “faith-based  leaders,  continued work to be a pillar
            and  intensity.  He  famous-  pick in the 2013 draft played  McDonald  is  Pittsburgh's  non-profit teams, and others  in the community.”

                         Goggia wins another World Cup downhill, Johnson takes 3rd

            (AP) — Olympic champi-       far.                         star who was also runner-up  week,  laughed  and  held  up  to  be  patient  about  the  sec-
            on  Sofia  Goggia  won  the  Goggia raced through swirl-  in the season-opening down-  three fingers after seeing she  ond place and the first place.”
            World  Cup  downhill  race  ing winds at Crans-Montana  hill.  “There  was  so  much  was in third place yet again,  Overall  leader  Petra  Vlhova
            and  emerging  American  to  seal  her  third  straight  wind I did not know what to  0.57 behind the winner.       posted  an  impressive  fourth
            star  Breezy  Johnson  was  downhill  win  0.20  seconds  expect.”                     “It’s definitely getting funny,"  place to extend her lead over
            third  —  yet  again  —  on  ahead of Ester Ledecka, who  American  rival  Johnson  ex-  said  the  Wyoming  native,  Michelle Gisin, who was out
            Friday.                      is  an  Olympic  champion  tended  her  streak  of  placing  who  rose  to  second  in  the  of the points in 33rd place.
                                         in  Alpine  skiing  and  snow-  third  in  each  downhill  after  downhill  standings  behind
            The  two  downhill  stand-   boarding.                    entering  the  season  without  Goggia.  “I’ve  been  patient  Vlhova,  a  slalom  specialist,
            outs of this season have now                              a podium finish in her World  about  not  having  a  podium  finished 0.89 behind Goggia
            shared a podium in all four of  “I  didn’t  expect  to  win  to-  Cup career.          for  like  four  years  on  the  in her 17th consecutive start
            the  marquee  speed  races  so  day," said Goggia, the Italian  Johnson, who turned 25 this  World Cup. Now I just need  in all races this season.
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