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CLASSIFIED Monday 2 deceMber 2019
U.N. chief warns of 'point of HEALTH
no return' on climate change DOCTOR ON DUTY
By ARITZ PARRA and FRANK Marriott Surf club Hospital 7:00 pm / 10:00pm
JORDANS 2 br oceanside $9000 Tel. 527 4000
Associated Press Gold Season Week 31
MADRID (AP) — U.N. Sec- Unit #1607 San Nicolas
retary-General Antonio email: IMSAN 24 Hours
Guterres said Sunday that Tel.524 8833
the world's efforts to stop ________________________________212032 Women in Difficulties
climate change have PHARMACY ON DUTY
been "utterly inadequate" Oranjestad:
so far and there is a danger Dakota Tel. 588 7364
global warming could pass San Nicolas:
the "point of no return." San Lucas Tel. 584 5119
Women in Difficulties
Speaking before the start OTHER
Monday of a two-week
international climate con- Dental Clinic 587 9850
Blood Bank Aruba 587 0002
ference in Madrid, the U.N. Urgent Care 586 0448
chief said the impact of ris- UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres arrives for a news con- Walk-In Doctor’s Clinic
ing temperatures — includ- ference at the COP25 summit in Madrid, Spain, Sunday, Dec. 1, +297 588 0539
ing more extreme weath- 2019. Women in Difficulties
er — is already being felt Associated Press EMERGENCY
around the world, with dra- Police 100
matic consequences for Guterres said growing de- And without them, our goal Oranjestad 527 3140
humans and other species. mands from citizens, partic- is unreachable," he said. Noord 527 3200
He noted that the world ularly young people, have The U.N. chief said he Sta. Cruz 527 2900
584 5000
San Nicolas
has the scientific knowl- shown there is widespread hoped the meeting in Ma- Police Tipline 11141
edge and the techni- desire for climate action. drid would see govern- Ambulancia 911
cal means to limit global "What is still lacking is politi- ments make more ambi- Fire Dept. 115
warming, but "what is lack- cal will," he said. tious pledges ahead of Red Cross 582 2219
ing is political will." "Political will to put a price a deadline to do so next
"The point of no return is no on carbon. Political will year. He also said that cre- TAXI SERVICES
longer over the horizon," to stop subsidies on fossil ating a worldwide mar- Taxi Tas 587 5900
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Guterres told reporters in fuels. Political will to stop ket for emissions, which is Taxi D.T.S. 587 2300
the Spanish capital. "It is in building coal power plants a key element of the sixth Taxi Serv. Aruba 583 3232
sight and hurtling toward from 2020 onwards. Po- article of the Paris accord, A1 Taxi Serv. 280 2828
us." litical will to shift taxation remained one of the most Women in Difficulties
Delegates from almost 200 from income to carbon. contentious issues for nego- TRAVEL INFO
countries will try to put the Taxing pollution instead of tiators. "We are here to find
finishing touches on the people." Guterres noted answers for article 6, not Aruba Airport 524 2424
rules governing the 2015 that some 70 countries — to find excuses," Guterres American Airlines 582 2700
588 0059
Paris climate accord at the many of them among the said. Jet Blue 588 2244
Dec. 2-13 meeting, includ- most vulnerable to climate Guterres also announced Surinam 582 7896
ing how to create function- change — have pledged that outgoing Bank of Eng-
ing international emissions to stop emitting more land governor Mark Carney Women in Difficulties
trading systems and com- greenhouse gases by 2050. will become his new spe- CRUISES
pensate poor countries "But we also see clearly that cial envoy on "climate ac-
for losses they suffer from the world's largest emitters tion and climate finance"
rising sea levels and other are not pulling their weight. from next year.q
consequences of climate
Guterres cited mounting December 2
scientific evidence for the Monarch
impact that man-made December 3
Freedomof the Seas
emissions of greenhouse Women in Difficulties
gases are already having AID FOUNDATIONS
on the planet, including
record temperatures and FAVI- Visually Impaired
melting polar ice. Tel. 582 5051
Countries agreed in Paris Alcoholics Anonymous
four years ago to limit glob- Tel. 736 2952
al warming to well below 2 Narcotics Anonymous
degrees Celsius (3.6 Fahr- Tel. 583 8989
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enheit), ideally 1.5C (2.7F) Tel. 583 5400
by the end of the century Centre for Diabetes
compared with pre-indus- Tel. 524 8888
trial times. Already, aver- Child Abuse Prevention
age temperatures have Tel. 582 4433
increased by about 1C, Quota Club Tel. 525 2672
leaving little room for the Women in Difficulties
more ambitious target to General Info
be met. Phone Directory Tel. 118