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u.s. news Diasabra 26 Juni 2021
Weapon being tested to see if it was used to kill Texas boy
(AP) — Investigators have Samuel’s cause of death was
recovered a weapon that ruled a homicide, but author-
may have been used to kill ities haven’t said how he was
a 5-year-old Houston boy killed.
whose body was allegedly
kept in a storage unit be- A Jasper County grand jury
fore being discovered in indicted 27-year-old Dylan
an East Texas motel. Walker on Thursday. Court
records didn’t list an attor-
The weapon was being tested ney who might speak on his
to see if it was the one used behalf. Balboa and her room-
to kill Samuel Olson, Andrea mate, Benjamin Rivera, were
Beall, a prosecutor with the previously charged.
Harris County District At-
torney’s Office, told report- Authorities allege that on
ers Thursday. June 1, Walker helped Balboa
move Samuel’s body from
“We’re not going to stop until a suburban Houston stor-
we get justice for little Samu- age unit to a motel in Jasper,
el,” said Beall, who declined about 135 miles (215 kilome-
to say what type of weapon ters) to the northeast, where
was found or used to kill the it was found inside a plastic
boy. tote in a room Walker rented
for Balboa.
The disclosure came the
same day a third person was Police believe Samuel, who After Walker helped Balboa freed after posting bond. hadn’t seen her son since the
charged in the case. All three would have turned 6 on May move the body to Jasper, he summer of 2020, according
face evidence tampering 29, died weeks before Balboa called authorities to let them “I’m thankful justice is be- to her attorneys.
counts and none have been reported him missing on May know where it was, police al- ginning to be served,” Sarah
charged with murder, though 27, according to an arrest af- lege. Prosecutors said Balboa Olson, Samuel’s mother, said Samuel had been living with
prosecutors said earlier this fidavit. His body was kept was on her way to Louisiana in a statement. Balboa since April 30, which
month that they expected in a bathtub at Balboa’s and when she was arrested in Jas- was the last day he was seen
to bring additional charges Rivera’s suburban Houston per. Samuel’s parents had been at school. Authorities haven’t
against one of them, Theresa apartment until they put it in involved in a bitter custody said why Samuel had been
Balboa, who was Samuel’s fa- the tote and hid it in a storage Balboa, 29, remains jailed battle since filing for divorce staying with Balboa instead
ther’s girlfriend. unit on May 13, police allege. on bonds totaling $600,000. in January 2020. His mother of his parents.
Rivera, 27, and Walker were had primary custody, but she
Police: Man who shot Colorado gunman was killed by officer
(AP) — A man who intervened in a KMGH-TV.
shooting that killed a police officer near
Denver was shot and killed by a respond- Troyanos said he heard Hurley fire five or six
ing officer while holding the suspect’s shots. The gunman fell against a parked ve-
AR-15, police said Friday. hicle, he said.
Johnny Hurley, who has been described by Police had not previously confirmed Hur-
police as a hero who prevented further blood- ley’s role or said who shot him. In a video
shed, shot suspect Ronald Troyke on Monday posted Friday, Police Chief Link Strate de-
after Troyke gunned down Arvada Officer scribed Hurley as a hero whose actions likely
Gordon Beesley with a 12-gauge semi-auto- saved lives. He didn’t offer an apology but
matic shotgun. called Hurley’s death by a responding officer
“equally tragic” to Beesley’s killing.
After shooting Beesley twice, Troyke shot out
the windows of police cars in the city’s down- “The threat to our officers and our commu-
town district, returned to his truck to get an nity was stopped by a hero named Johnny
AR-15 and was confronted by Hurley, who Hurley,” Strate said. “Johnny’s actions can
shot him with a handgun. When an officer only be described as decisive, courageous and
arrived, Hurley was holding Troyke’s AR-15 effective in stopping further loss of life.”
and the officer opened fire, police said.
Hurley’s family said they were thankful for
The shooting occurred near a library in Ar- support from the city and police and were
vada’s historic downtown, with popular waiting for the outcome of a third-party in-
shops, restaurants, breweries and other busi- vestigation into the shooting that killed the
nesses about 7 miles (10 kilometers) north- 40-year-old.
west of downtown Denver.
Police say Beesley was targeted because he
A store worker said Hurley was shopping was an Arvada police officer and that Troyke
when he heard the gunshots and ran out to had expressed a hatred for them.
confront the shooter with his own gun.
Police revealed Friday that a document writ-
“He did not hesitate; he didn’t stand there and ten by Troyke said he planned to kill as many
think about it. He totally heard the gunfire, Arvada police officers as he could, including
went to the door, saw the shooter and imme- saying, “We the people were never your en-
diately ran in that direction,” Bill Troyanos, emy, but we are now” and “This is what you
who works at the Army Navy Surplus store in get, you are the people who are expendable.”
downtown Arvada, told Denver news station