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A26     u.s. news
                      Diasabra 26 Juni 2021

                          On border tour, Harris laments 'infighting' over immigration

                                                                                                   them  to  stay  home  rather  Mexican  border  in  May,  the
                                                                                                   than make the journey to the  most since March 2000. The
                                                                                                   U.S..                        numbers  were  boosted  by  a
                                                                                                                                coronavirus  pandemic-relat-
                                                                                                   Republicans  have  tried  to  ed  ban  on  seeking  asylum,
                                                                                                   paint  the  administration  as  which  encouraged  repeated
                                                                                                   indifferent to border security,  attempts to cross because get-
                                                                                                   seeking to revive a potent po-  ting  caught  carried  no  legal
                                                                                                   litical weapon against Demo-  consequences.
                                                                                                   crats  for  the  2022  midterm
                                                                                                   elections.  Trump  plans  to  Republicans   jumped   on
                                                                                                   visit the area less than a week  those figures to attack Biden
                                                                                                   after Harris, and he’s certain  and Harris as weak on border
                                                                                                   to  seize  on  her  trip  to  keep  security. Administration offi-
                                                                                                   driving the GOP narrative.   cials, including Harris, refute
                                                                                                   Other  administration  of-   the charge. Harris repeatedly
                                                                                                   ficials  have  made  multiple  sent  a  message  to  migrants
                                                                                                   visits  to  the  border,  but  the  during  her  recent  visit  to
                                                                                                   absence  of  Biden  and  Har-  Guatemala: “Do not come.”
                                                                                                   ris had left some Democrats
                                                                                                   worried that damage already  But  those  comments  drew
                                                                                                   has been done. There’s con-  fire from some progressives,
                                                                                                   cern that the Biden adminis-  most notably New York Rep.
            (AP)  —  Vice  President  El  Paso  that  she  had  said  in  While Cruz said he was glad   tration has ceded the border  Alexandria  Ocasio  Cortez,
            Kamala  Harris  on  Friday  March that she would come  Harris  had  visited,  “if  the   security  debate  to  Republi-  who called the message “dis-
            used  her  first  trip  to  the  to the border and it was “not  vice president came to Texas   cans.                appointing.”
            U.S.-Mexico  border  since  a new plan.”                  without  a  concrete  plan  to                            It was an incident that under-
            taking office to call for an                              secure our border and is un-  “The administration is mak-  scored  the  political  no-win
            end to political “rhetoric”  And she said the choice of El  willing to reverse her admin-  ing  Democrats  look  weak,”  situation  for  Harris,  taking
            and “infighting” over im-    Paso was meant to underscore  istration’s failed immigration   said  Texas  Democratic  Rep.  on  an  intractable  problem
            migration,  an  issue  that  a shift to a more humane ap-  policies that caused the crisis,   Henry  Cuellar  in  an  in-  that’s  frustrated  past  ad-
            Republicans have been ea-    proach to immigration policy  then her visit is nothing short   terview  with  The  Associ-  ministrations  and  has  been
            ger  to  weaponize  against  by  the  Biden  administration  of a glorified photo-op.”  ated Press. “I’ve heard, from  used by both parties to drive
            her.                         after  the  hardline  stance  of                          Democrats  and  Republicans  wedges  and  turnout  during
                                         former  President  Donald  Trump  said  on  Friday  in  an   in my area, what the heck is  campaign  season.  If  Biden
            Immigration  “cannot  be  re-  Trump.                     interview with the conserva-  going  on  with  this  adminis-  chooses not to run for a sec-
            duced  to  a  political  issue,”                          tive  outlet  Newsmax  that  “I   tration?”               ond term, Harris will be seen
            Harris told reporters. “We’re  “It is here in El Paso that the  think  she  should  go  to  the                     as  the  leading  contender  to
            talking about children, we’re  previous   administration’s  real part of the border, not a   Cuellar’s district spans from  replace  him,  and  the  immi-
            talking  about  families,  we’re  child  separation  policy  was  part of the border that’s sel-  south of San Antonio to the  gration  issue  could  become
            talking   about   suffering.  unveiled,” she said. She also  dom violated.”            U.S.-Mexico border, and last  either  a  chance  to  showcase
            And our approach has to be  noted  Trump’s  “remain  in                                year he won reelection by the  her  accomplishments  or  an
            thoughtful and effective.”   Mexico” policy, which forced  Harris  has  borne  the  brunt   slimmest margin of his near-  albatross.
                                         asylum seekers to wait on the  of  attacks  from  Republi-  ly  two-decade-long  career.
            Harris’s  trip  came  after  other  side  of  the  border  for  cans  over  immigration  since   While he says he’s not wor-  During a meeting with faith-
            months  of  criticism  from  their claims to be adjudicated.  Biden  assigned  her  to  lead   ried  about  his  own  reelec-  based  organizations,  as  well
            Republicans  and  some  in                                the  administration’s  efforts   tion, he adds, “I worry about  as  shelter  and  legal  service
            her  own  party  over  her  ab-  “We  have  seen  the  disaster  to address the root causes of   my colleagues.”    providers,  Harris  said  she
            sence  and  that  of  President  that  resulted  from  that  here  migration  to  the  U.S.  from                   and Biden “inherited a tough
            Joe  Biden  from  the  border  in El Paso,” she said.     countries like Mexico, El Sal-  Biden’s  first  few  months  in  situation.’”
            at a time when immigration                                vador  and  Guatemala.  She’s   office have seen record num-
            officers  have  logged  record  Harris visited the region with  emphasized that her focus is   bers  of  migrants  attempt-  But  she  maintained  that  “in
            numbers of encounters with  Homeland Security Secretary  on improving conditions for   ing to cross the border. U.S.  five  months  we’ve  made
            migrants attempting to cross  Alejandro  Mayorkas,  Texas  residents  of  those  countries   Customs  and  Border  Pro-  progress...there’s  still  more
            into the U.S.                Democratic  Rep.  Veronica  through  economic  and  hu-   tection  logged  more  than  work  to  be  done,  but  we’ve
                                         Escobar  and  Illinois  Demo-  manitarian aid, to encourage   180,000  encounters  on  the  made progress.”
            Her  half-day  stop  —  in  cratic  Sen.  Dick  Durbin,  a
            which she toured a Customs  prominent Democratic voice
            and  Border  Protection  pro-  on immigration reform. Both
            cessing center and met with  Mayorkas  and  Escobar  said
            migrant  children  there,  vis-  they invited Harris specifical-
            ited  an  intake  center  on  the  ly to the area, and Mayorkas
            border and held a roundtable  was quick to emphasize that
            with  local  service  providers  border security is in his port-
            — is unlikely to quell GOP  folio, not the vice president’s.
            efforts to use immigration as
            a political cudgel against the  But   Republicans   faulted
            administration.              Harris for a trip that they dis-
                                         missed  as  little  more  than  a
            Harris  defended  both  the  photo session. Texas Sen. Ted
            timing  of  her  visit  and  the  Cruz, a conservative Repub-
            choice of El Paso for the stop.  lican and leading administra-
            Some critics had said the lo-  tion  critic  on  immigration,
            cation  is  too  far  removed  charged that Biden’s policies
            from the epicenter of border  “opened  the  floodgates  to
            crossings creating a strain on  human  smugglers  and  drug
            federal  resources.  She  told  cartels.”
            reporters  after  landing  in
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