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                                                                                                       sports Diasabra 26 Juni 2021

                         Record-chasing Italy becoming the team to fear at Euro 2020

            (AP)  —  Italy’s  unbeaten  confidence  ...  we’re  focused  playoff loss to Sweden when
            streak  won’t  last  forever,  and  prepared  very  well  for  he  left  Insigne  —  consid-
            and Austria coach Franco  this upcoming match against  ered the team’s most talented
            Foda is plotting to be the  Italy.”                       player — on the bench.
            one to stop it.
                                         Besides the unbeaten streak,  Insigne  has  formed  a  strong
            The Italians have become one  Italy will also be trying to set  partnership  with  Ciro  Im-
            of the favorites at the Europe-  another  record.  The  team  mobile, who has finally been
            an Championship after win-   has not conceded a goal in 11  able  to  translate  his  scoring
            ning all three of their games  matches, a total of 1,055 min-  success in Serie A to the in-
            in  the  group  stage,  scoring  utes. If Austria fails to score,  ternational stage.
            seven  goals  and  conceding  Italy  will  surpass  the  record
            none.  Those  three  victories  of 1,143 minutes set between  “It’s  the  first  time  that  I’ve
            at  Euro  2020  extended  the  1972 and 1974.             played in such an important
            team’s unbeaten streak under                              event at this level, in such an
            coach Roberto Mancini to 30  For a team that failed to qual-  important role,” Insigne said.
            games — matching the previ-  ify for the 2018 World Cup,  “In  the  past  other  coaches
            ous record set in the 1930s.  Italy’s recent results are quite  have  used  formations  that
                                         remarkable.                  were less compatible with my
            “Initially  it  seemed  to  be  an                        style of play, although I have  “Our  strength  is  that  we  Raspadori  was  brought  on
            insurmountable  and  impos-  “It’s something that makes us  always made myself available.  don’t change our nature ever.  as a substitute in Italy’s final
            sible  challenge  for  us,  be-  proud, especially considering                         Austria runs a lot and creates  group  match  against  Wales,
            cause  they  haven’t  lost  for  what they thought of us be-  “Now Mancini is using a sys-  pressure, we’ll study our op-  making  only  his  second  ap-
            an eternity,” Foda said. “But  fore the tournament started,”  tem of play that is more suit-  ponents but we will prepare  pearance for his country.
            sooner  or  later  even  Manci-  Italy  forward  Lorenzo  In-  ed to me and to other players’  for the match thinking about
            ni’s team will lose.”        signe  said.  “But  we  have  to  characteristics.”       what we have to do.”         “This is all a fairytale, for the
                                         stay focused, calm and think                                                           team  and  for  me,”  Raspa-
            Austria,  which  has  reached  about  ourselves.  We  haven’t  Insigne  already  has  experi-  Italy  is  playing  with  such  dori said. “In four months so
            the round of 16 at the tour-  done  anything  yet.  Our  ob-  ence scoring at Wembley, in a  spirit  that  the  buzzword  many things have changed.
            nament for the first time, will  jective is to go all the way, it  1-1 draw against England in a  among the Azzurri players is
            get its chance on Saturday at  wasn’t just to get through the  friendly in 2018.       “fairytale.”                 “Those who are now my Italy
            Wembley Stadium.             group stage.”                                                                          teammates were who I saw as
                                                                      “It was only a friendly but it  No one embodies that more  sporting  idols  a  short  while
            “The  team  achieved  some-  The 30-year-old Insigne em-  was incredible,” Insigne said.  than  Giacomo  Raspadori,  a  ago.”
            thing  spectacular.  We  are  in  bodies Italy’s transformation  “I think it’s everyone’s dream  21-year-old Sassuolo forward
            the round of 16 and now we  under Mancini.                to  score  in  such  a  stadium.  who  hadn’t  even  played  a  The  winner  of  Saturday’s
            want  to  put  everything  to                             We will try to go to London  game  for  Italy  when  he  was  match will head to Munich to
            take the next step to make it  The  previous  coach,  Gian  and give a great performance,  named in the 26-man squad  face  either  defending  cham-
            into  the  quarterfinals,”  Foda  Piero Ventura, lost the squad’s  as we have always done until  for the tournament.  pion Portugal or Belgium in
            said Friday. “We have lots of  support during a World Cup  now.                                                     the quarterfinals on July 2.

                         Denmark on the road for 1st time to face Wales at Euro 2020

            (AP)  —  After  three  emo-  said.  “He  has  been  looking  round of 16.              Aaron  Ramsey,  another  of
            tional European Champi-      forward  to  this  summer  so                             the veterans from the tourna-  “Irrespective  of  what  11  he
            onship matches in Copen-     much, it’s a big, big dream for  “On  paper  it  sounds  like  a  ment in France, is hoping to  puts on the pitch, they’re go-
            hagen, Denmark will next  Christian,  and  just  to  know  great idea to have it all around  improve  on  the  team’s  per-  ing to work, battle, fight for
            play  in  a  city  that  Chris-  that he’s not here hurts.”  Europe  but  logistically  it  is  formance five years ago.  each  other  and  we  have  to
            tian  Eriksen  once  called                               an  absolute  nightmare,  and                             match that,” Page said.
            home.                        Wales  coach  Rob  Page  paid  throw COVID into that mix  “We’re  a  threat.  We  keep
                                         tribute  to  the way  the Den-  as well,” Page said.      games tight, so who knows,”  Players on both sides should
            The Danes will take on Wales  mark  team  had  coped  with                             Eamsey said. “Why not go all  have a good idea what to ex-
            in the round of 16 at the Jo-  the  situation,  but  said  his  Wales’  victory  over  Turkey  the way again?”      pect  from  one  another  —
            han  Cruyff  Arena  on  Satur-  team  has  to  focus  solely  on  and  a  draw  with  Switzer-                      Kasper Schmeichel and Dan-
            day, a stadium where Eriksen  the match.                  land were enough for second  Wales  will  be  without  mid-  ny  Ward  both  play  for  Pre-
            is  fondly  remembered  by                                place  behind  Italy  in  Group  fielder  Ethan  Ampadu,  who  mier League club Leicester.
            Ajax fans as a stylish midfield  “Obviously  the  world  has  A. The Welsh lost 1-0 in their  is suspended after being sent
            playmaker from 2010-13 be-   taken  note  of  what’s  hap-  final  match  against  the  Ital-  off early in the second half of  “We  have  great  competition
            fore  his  transfer  to  Totten-  pened  and  the  emotion  in-  ian, one of the tournament’s  the team’s final group match  and  we  have  a  really  great
            ham.                         volved in it, but we can’t get  top teams.                against  Italy  for  a  foul  on  relation to each other,” Sch-
                                         involved  in  that  now,”  he                             Federico Bernardeschi.       meichel said of Ward. “I don’t
            Denmark  lost  its  first  Euro  said. “It’s work as usual for us  Now  Wales  is  hoping  it  can                  see any any weakness in him.
            2020  match  to  Finland  1-0  and now we’ve got a job to do  build  up  the  same  kind  of  Hjulmand  said  it  would  be  He’s a complete goalkeeper.”
            after Eriksen suffered cardiac  and we want to go and finish  momentum that carried it to  tough  to  prepare  against  an
            arrest on the field and had to  it.”                      the semifinals of Euro 2016,  unpredictable Welsh team.   Also,  Ben  Davies  and  Joe
            be  resuscitated  with  a  defi-                          where  it  lost  to  eventual                             Rodon are Tottenham team-
            brillator. The Danes also lost  While  Denmark  is  hitting  champion Portugal 2-0.    “They’re very flexible. They  mates  with  Denmark  mid-
            to  Belgium  before  beating  the road for the first time at                           change  their  strategy  and  fielder  Pierre-Emile  Hojb-
            Russia  4-1  to  finish  second  a  tournament  that  is  being  Gareth Bale, one of the stars  their positions so it’s going to  jerg. Bale also played on loan
            in  Group  B  and  advance  to  played in 11 cities across Eu-  of the 2016 campaign, is his  be hard to know what to ex-  for the London club last sea-
            knockout rounds.             rope, Wales have had a tough-  country’s  all-time  leading  pect from that team,” he said.  son.
                                         er travel schedule. The team  scorer  with 33 goals,  but he
            “I’m  thinking  a  lot  about  based itself in Baku, Azerbai-  has not scored in his last 14  Page  said  it’s  uncertain  how  Hojbjerg  called  Bale  “one
            Christian  and  how  much  I  jan,  where  it  played  its  first  internationals  and  missed  Denmark will set up for Sat-  of  the  best  players  I’ve  ever
            have  hoped  that  he  could  two  matches  before  facing  a  penalty  against  Turkey  in  urday’s match. What he does  played with.”
            experience  this,”  Denmark  Italy  in  Rome  and  traveling  Baku.                    know  is  that  Wales  has  to
            coach   Kasper   Hjulmand  to  the  Netherlands  for  the                              match the Danes physically.
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