Page 106 - MIN VOS JULY 15
P. 106

                                                                                                                     Wednesday 15 July 2015

Great New Beach Tennis Court for the Kids at Imeldahof

                                                              gust. Activities and free     ful sponsors can count on     Photo shows Juul Hamoen
                                                              memberships of the Beach      many hours of fun, not only   of Aqua Azul Apartments,
                                                              Tennis Club at La Cabana      from the kids, but also from  Amalia Arrindell, Pedagog-
                                                              (Tropicana) are also of-      the staffers, who vowed       ic coordinator,
                                                              fered.                        that they would take up       BTA’s Sjoerd de Vries and
                                                              The joint project of Imelda-  the sport as well. What a     director of Imeldahof, Na-
                                                              hof, BTA and the wonder-      super initiative!             talia Arrindell. q

NOORD - The kids at chil-     at the children’s home in
dren’s home Imeldahof are     Noord. A wonderful initia-
very, very happy: they got    tive which was followed up
a wonderful beach tennis      by Juul Hamoen of Aqua
court on the property and     Azul Apartments. He em-
they will be able to play to  braced the project and
their hearts’ content from    found sponsors for the nec-
now on. The court, which      essary sand in Gusto Night-
saw its first balls played    club, Century 21, BTA and
last Friday morning, has      Imeldahof.  Imeldahof took
come about with the help      care of the court’s plas-
of some very nice sponsors    tic  sideboards, making the
and Beach Tennis Aruba        new beach tennis court in-
(BTA).                        stantly upscale.
But back to the beginning:    Beach Tennis Aruba will see
Sjoerd de Vries of Beach      to it that the thirty-some-
Tennis Aruba was ap-          thing children of Imelda-
proached by Directie Soci-    hof will be taught the right
ale Zaken with the idea to    technique during free clin-
build a beach tennis court    ics, which will start this Au-
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