Page 111 - MIN VOS JULY 15
P. 111

                                                                                                                                                                    Wednesday 15 July 2015

Froome wins 1st high-mountain stage at Tour de France

                                                                                                                                      Sky’s Geraint Thomas was       used by the pro-Nazi Vichy
                                                                                                                                      sixth, making it the only      government during World
                                                                                                                                      team with three riders in      War II to lock up Jews who
                                                                                                                                      the stage’s top 10.            were later deported to
                                                                                                                                      The 167 kilometers (104        death camps.
                                                                                                                                      miles) ridden in 4 hours       The arduous final climb and
                                                                                                                                      22:07 by Froome, from          searing summer tempera-
                                                                                                                                      Tarbes in the Pyrenees’        tures were a rude awak-
                                                                                                                                      foothills, took the peloton    ening for riders coming off
                                                                                                                                      through plunging valleys of    their first rest day Monday,
                                                                                                                                      great beauty with buzzards     following the Tour’s east-
                                                                                                                                      flying overhead. It also took  to-west swing over nine
                                                                                                                                      riders past a reminder of      stages from the Nether-
                                                                                                                                      the worst human ugliness:      lands through Belgium and
                                                                                                                                      a concentration camp           across northern France.q

Britain’s Christopher Froome, wearing the overall leader’s yellow jersey, celebrates as he crosses
the finish line to win the tenth stage of the Tour de France cycling race over 167 kilometers (103.8
miles) with start in Tarbes and finish in La Pierre-Saint-Martin, France, Tuesday, July 14, 2015.

                                                                                                                    Associated Press

JOHN LEICESTER                  hammer blow on the Tour,”        “Froome rode away and
AP Sports Writer                said Nibali, the Astana          showed his authority,”
LA PIERRE-SAINT-MAR-            team leader. “I have no          Contador said. “I couldn’t
TIN, France (AP) — Chris        more to give. I’m not even       breathe. I couldn’t get my
Froome used the first high-     the younger brother of the       legs to work. It really was a
mountain stage of this          Nibali from last year.”          bad day.”
year’s Tour de France to        Froome, who was already          Riding like this, it’s hard
take control of the race,       wearing the race leader’s        to see anyone catch-
powering up a punishing         yellow jersey after nine         ing Froome on the last 11
climb in the Pyrenees on        stages, is now nearly three      stages to Paris unless he
Tuesday at a pace none of       minutes in front.                crashes, gets sick or has a
his rivals could match.         Closest is still Tejay van Gar-  disastrous off-day.
Froome and his Sky team-        deren, an American on the        On the final 15-kilometer
mates killed off the hopes      BMC team. But he’s 2 min-        (9-mile) climb to the ski
of one contender after an-      utes, 52 seconds behind          station, with steep gradi-
other, including 2014 win-      Froome overall.                  ents of between 9 percent
ner Vincenzo Nibali, the first  Quintana lost more than a        and almost 11 percent,
of the big favorites to crack   minute to Froome on the          Sky showed itself to be the
on the final ascent of Stage    ascent and is now trailing       strongest climbing team at
10 to the ski station of La     the British rider by 3:09, in    the race, which will help
Pierre-Saint-Martin.            third.                           protect Froome on ascents
As Sky led the way, with        Contador rode in near-           to come.
three support riders strung     ly three minutes behind          Spectators who cycled up
out in front of Froome to       Froome and slipped back          in the morning lined the
tug him up the gradients,       to sixth overall, 4:04 behind    road that snakes to an alti-
the lead group shrunk to        the leader. Nibali is 6:57 be-   tude of 1,610 meters (5,280
less than a dozen of the        hind Froome in 10th place        feet), in a moonscape of
hardiest climbers.              and looking nothing like         grey rocks and ski runs long
Alberto Contador, the 2007      the champion who won             devoid of snow. In cycling
and 2009 winner, was the        last year. He lost 4:25 on       parlance, the climb is “Hors
next former champion to         the climb and was the 21st       Categorie” — so tough
wilt as Sky rider Richie Porte  rider across the line.           that it defies categoriza-
generated another burst of      “Dream, dream scenario           tion.
speed.                          just to hear all those big       Porte’s second place at the
With six kilometers (four       names being dropped,”            finish sharpened the blow
miles) to go, on some of the    Froome said. “I couldn’t         for Quintana, denying the
steepest sections, Froome       have asked for it to go any      Colombian six bonus sec-
tore away alone, out of         better.”                         onds he would have got
the saddle as he acceler-       Froome also won the first        had he ridden in behind
ated. The last rider to stay    high-mountain stage in           Froome. Instead, Quintana
with him, 2013 runner-up        2013 on his way to his first     had to settle for 4 bonus
Nairo Quintana, couldn’t        Tour victory. There are still    seconds awarded for third
respond and finished third      two more climbing days in        place, while Froome got
behind Froome and Porte.        the Pyrenees, followed by        10 seconds shaved off his
“Froome has landed a            ascents in the Alps.             overall time for winning.
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