Page 112 - MIN VOS JULY 15
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HEALTHWednesday 15 July 2015
Problem Child (ADD/ADHD/Autism)
By: Dr. Carlos Viana an increase of over 6,000%. number of biological and ogy, the scientific journal of identify toxic heavy metals
Many more children are drug products, including the American Neurological and blood tests can reveal
Some of you who were diagnosed with other neu- many vaccines. For many Association. The research- the damage done by pesti-
lucky enough to know me rodevelopmental disorders medical researchers there is ers found strong evidence cides and insecticides.
as a child might remem- all considered to be on the a direct link between the ex- that certain immune system Get The Point! Cor-
ber me as a child who re- same spectrum including posure of mercury, a widely components that promote responding to the epidemic
quired a disproportionate Asperger’s, ADHD/ADD, known neurotoxin, and the inflammation are consis- rise over the past decade
amount of attention or cor- speech delay, autism and increasing incidences of tently activated in people treatments and therapies
rection. Called a “problem many other developmental autism. with autism. have been developed
child” by some and kindly and learning disabilities. This Since mercury is the Both of my boys are which greatly increase our
described by the smarter condition is so new that Tra- most toxic heavy metal, in over six feet healthy guys, ability to help children with
ones of you who realize ditional Chinese Medicine our grass- roots clinic we who have grown strong developmental problems.
that I just wanted to “do has no name for these con- started screening our child without cow’s milk. Milk to- Many of our children recov-
my own thing”. There are ditions. patients suffering from neu- day would be dangerous if er or improve dramatically
a group of boys; we are in There are three dis- rodevelopmental disorders it is not pasteurized. How- given the proper therapies.
our late fifties now, growing tinctive behaviors that char- for toxic heavy metals using ever, the pasteurization pro- Understanding the options
up in Aruba who I fondly re- acterize these disorders. At head hair. Over the years cess turns milk casein into a provide parents the tools
member as the “bad boys”. the extreme end of the we have realized what nu- very dangerous molecule needed to benefit our chil-
Really bad? Not really, we spectrum, autistic children merous scientists have that that inflames and injures the dren. Need some tools to
were expressing our own have difficulties with social autism, autistic spectrum brain. help your child? - Viana
budding individualism in interaction, problems with disorders and ADD have We have witnessed Natural Healing Center, Tel:
healthy ways. verbal and nonverbal com- similar characteristics to children with neurodevel- (297-585-1270), www.viana-
Unfortunately, to- munication, and repetitive those of chronic metal tox- opmental disorder symp-
day when we describe a behaviors or narrow, obses- icity. Knowing that toxic toms caused as a result of CARLOS VIANA, Ph. D. is
boy who “requires a dis- sive interests. These behav- metals disable a growing mal absorption and intoler- an Oriental Medical Doc-
proportionate amount of iors can range in impact body and brain by produc- ances to certain foods, es- tor (O.M.D.) having studied
attention or correction” from mild to disabling. ing chronic irritation, I start- pecially dairy products and in China; a US Board Cert.
we are probably of talking The hallmark fea- ed looking for all the culprits gluten contained in wheat Clinical Nutritionist (C.C.N.),
about a boy suffering from ture of autism is impaired of chronic inflammation in and grain products. Some an Addiction Professional
developmental disorders social interaction. Parents these children. of our patients’ parents (C.Ad.), Chairperson of the
such as Attention Deficit are usually the first to notice Many of my articles have reported remarkable Latin American Committee
Disorder (ADD) or autism. symptoms of autism in their are about the foundation changes after the elimina- of the International Acad-
This is bad. Worse, having child. As early as infancy, of all degenerative diseases tion of these foods from the emy of Oral Medicine and
to recognize that we are in a baby with autism may be and conditions – chronic diets of their children. Toxicology (IAOMT), a Re-
an epidemic that conser- unresponsive to people or inflammation. The triad re- Consistently, we juvenating Cell Therapist
vatively affects 1 in 166 chil- focus intently on one item sponsible for generating find strong indications of specializing in Age Man-
dren; there are many more to the exclusion of others for chronic inflammation in chronic inflammation in agement, has a weekly
autistic boys than girls.1 in long periods of time. A child your body is: toxic heavy children exhibiting devel- radio program, writes and
68 families have a child that with autism may appear to metals, bowel toxicities, opment problems. To treat lectures extensively. For
needs a disproportionate develop normally and then and the wrong food for your their symptoms we feed information: VIANA HEAL-
amount of attention. withdraw and become in- metabolic or blood type. our children foods that are ING CENTER, Kibaima 7, St
Epidemic? Yes, the different to social engage- There is now a great deal of compatible with their meta- Cruz TEL: 585-1270 Web Site:
incidence of autism has in- ment. The normal devel- information available that bolic type, which they can
creased from 1 in 10,000 in opment period has been tells us that toxic metals and digest, foods that do not Dr. Viana’s Award Win-
the 1970s to 1 in 150 today, noted to be up to when the chemicals such as mercury, cause constipation, foods ning BOOK: Prescriptions
child was immunized. lead, arsenic, cadmium, in- that will give them back the from Paradise, Introduction
Childhood vaccina- secticides and pesticides bacterial environment to to Biocompatible Medi-
tions, including flue shots, are a causative factor in temper these inflammatory cine – Available at local
and even B- complex in- many cases of autism and conditions. Bookstores, Hotel Gift shops
jections use Thimerosol as ADD. Treatment should and Boticas. Signed cop-
a preservative. Thimerosal Inflammation in the begin with a healthy diet, ies at Viana Healing Cen-
is a mercury-containing or- brain is clearly a feature high in quality protein foods ter, EBooks: Amazon kindle,
ganic compound. Since the of autism, according to a such as eggs, lean meat, Nook, Itunes check for
1930s, it has been widely study published November vegetables and balanced Events at:
used as a preservative in a 2004, in Annals of Neurol- essential oils. Hair tests can vianahealingcenter.q