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A28    u.s. news
                      Diamars 1 maart 2022

                           On cusp of Biden speech, a state of disunity, funk and peril

            (AP)  —  In  good  times  or                                                           gether about what should be  more  than  920,000  in  the
            bad,  American  presidents                                                             done.”                       U.S.,  majorities  put  masks
            come  to  Congress  with  a                                                                                         back  on  and  avoided  travel
            diagnosis  that  hardly  dif-                                                          Politics  didn’t  stop  at  the  and crowds in January in the
            fers  over  the  decades.  In                                                          water’s  edge  but  it  paused.  sweep  of  the  omicron  vari-
            their  State  of  the  Union                                                           Though not at Mar-a-Lago’s  ant. Now, finally, a sustained
            speeches,  they  declare                                                               ocean edge in Florida, where  drop in infections appears to
            “the  state  of  our  union                                                            Donald  Trump  praised  Pu-  be underway.
            is  strong”  or  words  very                                                           tin’s  “savvy,”  “genius”  move
            much like it.                                                                          against  the  country  that  en-  Most  Americans  are  vacci-
                                                                                                   tangled  the  defeated  Ameri-  nated  against  COVID-19,
            President  Joe  Biden’s  fel-                                                          can president in his first im-  but  debates  over  masks  and
            low Americans, though, have                                                            peachment trial.             mandates  have  torn  apart
            other  ideas  about  the  state                                                                                     communities and families.
            they’re in and little hope his                                                         White  House  officials  ac-
            State  of  the  Union  address                                                         knowledge that the mood of  With  Biden  so  hemmed  in
            Tuesday night can turn any-                                                            the country is “sour,” but say  by  hardened  politics,  it’s
            thing around.                looks like.                  try. Today’s national psyche is  they  are  also  encouraged  by  difficult  to  imagine  a  single
                                                                      one of fatigue and frustration  data  showing  people’s  lives  speech  altering  the  public’s
            America’s  strength  is  being  Biden  will  step  up  to  the  — synonyms for the malaise  are better off than a year ago.  perception,  said  Julia  Helm,
            sharply  tested  from  within  House  speaker’s  rostrum  to  of the 1970s. But the divides  They say the national psyche  52, a Republican county au-
            — and now from afar — as  address  a  nation  in  conflict  run deeper and solutions may  is  a  “trailing  indicator”  and  ditor from the suburbs west
            fate,  overnight,  made  Biden  with  itself.  The  country  is  be more elusive than the en-  will improve with time.  of Des Moines.
            a wartime president in some-  litigating  how  to  keep  kids  ergy crisis, inflation and sense
            one  else’s  conflict,  leading  safe and what to teach them,  of drift of that time.  Biden,  in  his  speech,  will  “He’s got a lot of stuff on his
            the West’s response to a Rus-  weary  over  orders  to  wear                           highlight  the  improvements  plate,”  she  said.  “You  know
            sian invasion of Ukraine that  masks, bruised over an igno-  Take  today’s  climate  of  dis-  from a year ago — particular-  what  could  change  how
            makes all the other problems  minious  end  to  one  war,  in  course.  It’s  “so  cold,”  said  ly on COVID and the econo-  people feel? And pretty fast?
            worse.                       Afghanistan,  and  suddenly  Rachel Hoopes, a charity ex-  my — but also acknowledge  What they pay at the pump.
                                         plenty  worried  about  Rus-  ecutive in Des Moines, Iowa,  that the job is not yet done,  I hate to say it. But gas prices
            The  state  of  the  union  is  sian expansionism. A speech  who  voted  for  Biden.  “It’s  in recognition of the fact that  really are the barometer.”
            disunity  and  division.  It’s  a  designed to discuss the com-  hard  to  see  how  him  talk-  many  Americans  don’t  be-
            state of exhaustion from the  monwealth will be delivered  ing to us can break through  lieve it.                   Biden  suggested  last  sum-
            pandemic.  It’s  about  feeling  to a nation that is having in-  when  so  many  people  can’t                      mer  that  high  inflation  was
            gouged  at  the  grocery  store  creasing  difficulty  finding  talk to each other.”   A  year  into  Biden’s  presi-  a  temporary  inconvenience.
            and gas pump. It’s so low that  much  of  anything  in  com-                           dency,  polling  indeed  finds  But  it’s  snowballed  in  re-
            some  Americans,  including  mon.                         It’s  as  if  Americans  need  that  he  faces  a  critical  and  cent  months  into  a  defining
            prominent ones, are exalting                              group  therapy  more  than  a  pessimistic public. Only 29%  challenge  of  his  presidency,
            Russian  President  Vladimir  Even  now,  a  large  segment  set-piece speech to Congress.  of  Americans  think  the  na-  alongside, now, the threat of
            Putin  in  his  attack  on  a  de-  of the country still clings to  Yet  in  the  immediate  after-  tion is on the right track, ac-  geopolitical  instability  from
            mocracy.                     the  lie  that  the  last  election  math  of  Russia’s  attack  last  cording to the February poll  Russia’s  attack  on  its  neigh-
                                         was  stolen.  Four  decades  week,  a  long-absent  reflex  from  The  Associated  Press-  bor.
            Measures  of  happiness  have  ago, President Jimmy Carter  kicked back in as members of  NORC  Center  for  Public
            hit  a  bottom,  with  fewer  confronted  a  national  “crisis  Congress projected unity be-  Affairs Research.     Consumer  prices  over  the
            Americans  saying  they  are  of  confidence”  in  a  speech  hind the president, at least for                      past  12  months  jumped
            very happy in the 2021 Gen-  describing a national malaise  the moment, in the confron-  In  December’s  AP-NORC  7.5%, the highest since 1982,
            eral  Social  Survey  than  ever  without using that word. But  tation  with  Moscow.  “We’re  poll,  most  said  economic  as many pay raises were swal-
            before in five decades of ask-  Vice President Kamala Harris  all  together  at  this  point,”  conditions  are  poor  and  in-  lowed  up  and  dreams  of
            ing them.                    did  when  she  told  an  inter-  Senate   Minority   Leader  flation has hit them on food  home  ownership  or  even  a
                                         viewer last month “there is a  Mitch  McConnell,  R-Ky.,  and  gas.  After  two  years  of  used car became prohibitive-
            This  is  what  a  grand  funk  level of malaise” in this coun-  said, “and we need to be to-  a  pandemic  that  has  killed  ly expensive.

                          New York to lift statewide school mask mandate by March 2

            (AP)  —  New  York’s  statewide  masking  re-   downward trend.                                 in place, and parents could still choose to send their
            quirement in schools will be lifted by March                                                    kids to school in masks. The new rules also apply
            2,  Gov.  Kathy  Hochul  said  Sunday,  citing  a  A mask mandate on the city’s approximately 1 mil-  to children 2 years and older in childcare facilities.
            dramatic  drop  in  COVID-19  infections  and  lion schoolchildren could also be lifted, Adams said  Hochul said Adams was consulted before her an-
            new federal guidelines.                         in a statement. The decision won’t come until Fri-  nouncement, including a conversation earlier Sun-
                                                            day, following a full week of classes after students  day.
            Hours  later,  New  York  City  Mayor  Eric  Adams  in the country’s largest school system return from
            said he’s considering lifting vaccine mandates on  a weeklong vacation, he said.                Despite criticism over the state’s pandemic mea-
            restaurants,  bars  and  theaters  by  early  next  week                                        sures, Hochul said she remained resolute in stick-
            if  infections  and  hospitalizations  continue  their  The pair of announcements signaled an important  ing with experts and health data as her guide and
                                                            turning point for the city and state, once an epicen-  “not  let  criticism  and  politics  intervene  in  this
                                                            ter of the global pandemic. New guidance from the  decision-making.” Earlier this month, Hochul let
                                                            U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention  a  broad  mask  mandate  for  most  indoor  settings
                                                            says most Americans can now safely take a break  expire,  but  said  the  schools  requirement  would
                                                            from wearing masks, including students in schools.  remain in place. She had promised to revisit the
                                                            As of Saturday, state officials said the 7-day aver-  schools question by the first week of March.
                                                            age for new cases was fewer than 1,671 for the first
                                                            time since late July. Other metrics have also fallen  The broad mask mandate was implemented dur-
                                                            rapidly, including hospitalizations and deaths. The  ing a COVID-19 surge fueled by the omicron vari-
                                                            CDC  guidelines  for  other  indoor  spaces  aren’t  ant in December. Masks are still required in some
                                                            binding, meaning cities and institutions even in ar-  places, including public transit, homeless shelters,
                                                            eas of low risk may set their own rules. Hochul said  jails and prisons, adult care facilities and healthcare
                                                            counties and cities could keep their own mandates  settings.
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