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                                                                                                       sports Diamars 1 maart 2022

                      After scathing report, NCAA makes changes for March Madness

            (AP) - Nearly a year ago,  major effort to make the two
            Oregon  forward  Sedona  tournaments more equitable,
            Prince  took  to  Twitter  to  on  and  off  the  court.  While
            expose  some  of  the  more  the  organization  wouldn’t
            glaring inequities between  give an exact dollar amount,
            the  men’s  and  women’s  it did say it has spent millions
            NCAA Tournaments — an  more  on  the  women’s  tour-
            unwelcome viral moment  nament this year, with the Fi-
            for  the  organization  and  nal Four set for Minneapolis.
            one that it is still respond-  The  men’s  Final  Four  is  in
            ing to.                      New Orleans.
            The NCAA has made major  “The  zero-based  budget-
            changes to its women’s bas-  ing  exercise  mentioned  in
            ketball  tournament.  Many  the gender-equity report has
            of  the  changes  have  been  been very detailed and time-
            relatively easy to do, such as  consuming  in  a  good  way,”
            expanding  the  tournament  said  Dan  Gavitt,  the  NCAA
            to  68  teams  and  using  the  senior vice president of bas-
            phrase “March Madness” —  ketball.  “We’ve  taken  every
            once  limited  to  the  men’s  budget  line  for  men’s  and
            tourney — in branding.       women’s  basketball  cham-
            “This year there will be nu-  pionships  and  compared
            merous  and  notable  en-    and contrasted them. Where
            hancements  to  the  champi-  there  have  been  discrepan-
            onship,” said Lynn Holzman,  cies,  we’ve  had  significant  at both tournaments.      Still, the NCAA said it would  ning in 2025.
            the NCAA vice president of  discussions  about  the  equity                            ensure  both  tournaments  Currently,    the   women’s
            women’s  basketball.  “What  stand  point.  In  many  cases,  The  NCAA  has  plans  for  will have equitable hotels and  tournament  is  bundled  with
            those have translated to is an  they’ve been adjusted to the  changes next year. They hope  food this year.         other championships when it
            enhanced  women’s  basket-   tune of millions of dollars.”  to  move  the  selection  show                          comes to TV rights, and many
            ball  student-athlete  experi-                            back to its Monday night slot  Earlier  this  year,  the  NCAA  wonder how much money it
            ence and fan experience.”    Starting  in  the  regional  after shifting it to Sunday this  announced  it  would  not  could  fetch  if  it  stood  alone
                                         rounds,  which  are  played  year,  where  there  is  the  po-  combine the two Final Fours,  in negotiations. The current
            “Making  those  changes  is  at  neutral  sites  after  earlier  tential for it to get dwarfed by  a recommendation from the  contract with ESPN is not up
            incredible and I hope it con-  rounds are hosted by higher  the men’s show. The NCAA  Kaplan  Hecker  &  Fink  LLP  until 2024.
            tinues to be that way, and not  seeds,  there  will  be  “March  also  hopes  to  have  a  neutral  report. There are other possi-
            just  from  a  massive  scandal,  Madness” logos on the courts  site  for  its  opening  round  bilities, including potentially  Giving women’s teams reve-
            and  a  player  exposing  them  instead of “Women’s Basket-  play-in games, similar to the  moving  one  of  the  two  to  a  nue for winning games in the
            on  a  national  stage,”  she  ball.”  The  Final  Four  logos  men’s event in Dayton, Ohio.  different weekend.    tournament — which would
            told  The  Associated  Press.  will be gender specific, too.                                                        be similar to the men’s tour-
            “Things  shouldn’t  be  fixed                             Three  things  that  were  Looming  for  the  women’s  ney — is a topic that has not
            that way. ”                  Other    changes   include;  brought to light last year by  tourney is a full discussion —  been explored.
                                         Gifts  for  each  team  will  be  Prince’s video and other so-  or new deal — for TV rights,
            There  is  still  a  lot  of  work  the  same.  In  previous  years,  cial media posts were dispari-  the lifeblood for hundreds of  “If you get more money when
            to do, such as TV rights and  while  they  were  comparable  ties in the lodging, food and  schools.  On  the  men’s  side,  your  men  win  than  when
            revenue  disbursement,  just  in value, they were packaged  weight rooms.              CBS  and  Turner’s  original  your  women  are  winning,
            two of the issues outlined in  and presented differently, fan                          contract with the NCAA was  then  you  have  to  care  more
            a  blistering  report  released  events at the Women’s Final  Organizers said most of those  for  14  years  at  $10.8  billion  about  the  men  winning,”
            last summer that looked into  Four have been expanded to  discrepancies occurred most-  ($770 million per year). They  said  North  Carolina  coach
            the inequities. The differenc-  be more similar to the men,  ly because of the set-up of the  signed  an  eight-year  exten-  Courtney Banghart, the vice
            es  between  the  two  tourna-  including  having  an  open  tournaments, with both host-  sion in 2016 that gives them  president  of  the  Women’s
            ments were stark.            practice  the  day  before  the  ing every team in single cities  the rights through 2032, and  Basketball Coaching Associa-
                                         championship  game  and  of-  amid  the  pandemic  instead  the  per-year  average  will  tion. “It’s just financial optics
            The NCAA said it has made a  ficials are being paid the same  of  at  sites  across  the  nation.  jump  to  $1.1  billion  begin-  things. Right?”

                         Augusta on his mind: Straka rallies to win the Honda Classic

            (AP) — Sepp Straka is go-    pulling  off  a  huge  come-  Straka, down by five shots en-  lowed by a 64 on Friday, 69  holes left in the tournament
            ing  back  to  Georgia  in  a  back  to  win  the  Honda  tering the final round, tapped  on Saturday and then then 66  —  simply  fell  apart  Sunday,
            few  weeks.  He’s  headed  Classic.                       in for birdie in the rain on the  on Sunday. He was 4 under  his round of 74 leaving him 7
            to  his  first  Masters,  after                           final hole and ended up beat-  in his final 10 holes, 3 under  under for the week and three
                                                                      ing Shane Lowry by one shot  over  the  final  five,  finishing  shots behind Straka.
                                                                      to become the first Austrian  with  a  flourish  while  most
                                                                      winner  in  PGA  Tour  histo-  others sputtered.          “Just  a  poor  round,”  Berger
                                                                      ry. He shot a 4-under 66 on                               said.  “It  can  happen  at  any
                                                                      Sunday to finish at 10 under  “It’s  hard  to  win  out  here,”  time. I’m not going to dwell
                                                                      and earn $1.44 million.      Lowry  said.  “It’s  just  hard.  on  it  too  much.  Just  didn’t
                                                                                                   End  of  story.  There  is  no  hit quality shots at the right
                                                                      “The  words  aren’t  really  point saying any different.”  time. Probably would’ve had
                                                                      coming  to  me  right  now,”                              a  chance  to  win  if  I  made  a
                                                                      Straka  said.  “It’s  just  crazy.  Lowry  shot  his  third  con-  few more putts. I don’t think
                                                                      I  really  don’t  know  what  to  secutive round of 67, finish-  I made a single putt today.”
                                                                      think.”                      ing the week 9 under. First-
                                                                                                   round  leader  Kurt  Kitayama  He didn’t. Berger made two
                                                                      He sure knew how to play.    (68)  was  alone  in  third  at  8  birdies Sunday — both chip-
                                                                                                   under, and Daniel Berger —  ins,  one  from  the  sand,  one
                                                                      A  first-round  71  was  fol-  who led by six shots with 19  from a grassy slope.
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