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Thursday 11 april 2024 locAl
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Episode CXVI 116 - The benefits of gardening
In addition, if the practice
of gardening is related to
one’s own the garden,
more fruits and vegetables
from could be cultivat-
ed and consumed fresh.
Through the care of plants
we learn great lessons such
as caring for the environ-
ment, natural flora, the im-
portance of resources and
the preservation of, how
they are grown and where
certain foods come from,
the real need to eat fresh
and following a healthy
To get to know more over
Aruba’s and its origins, its
animals and culture, we
highly recommend you to
We are living in a society achieve the long-sought ing the same amount of most rudimentary tasks book your visit for our re-
in which people have less and awaited inner peace. calories as in 30 minutes of such as gardening stimu- nowned cultural encoun-
and less time while gar- When you take care of the aerobic exercises, which lates us since we feel and ter session has been enter-
dens can be seen as stress- garden you will notice that will make you feel much touch the earth (which is taining curious participants
or. However, on the other your plants are grow more more optimistic because like grounding, reconnect- for decades. Mail us at et-
hand a garden will provide are more beautiful every gardening, improves your ing with it). We see beauti- or
you with a more relaxed life day, you`ll feel comforted enthusiasm for life. In any ful things, we perceive the WhatsApp (+297) 592 2702
style and a connection with with the work that causes case, gardening involves smells details of the earths to confirm your participa-
nature that will lead you to your immune system to be movement which is a very and flowers. Go out on the tion. Our facilities and ac-
enjoy certain benefits. strengthened. healthy activity!. terrace or garden and take tivities take place close to
care of your plants!. Re- high rise hotels.q
Studies have shown that Gardening is directly re- Gardening dirt’s and stain’s ducing stress level by doing
gardening is good therapy lated to our system since; your hands with soil, trans- a comforting and satisfy-
to feel good and that half in general, it is practiced in planting, watering, prun- ing job, like taking care of
an hour dedicated to gar- an outdoor space, where ing, cultivating … is a per- your trees, shrubs and flow- ARUBA
dening reduces stress. A re- we receive sunlight, which fect therapy to improve ers or pick your crops and
duction in stress that trans- translates into vitamin D, your well-being, and is that fruits, you will fall asleep
lates into improving the responsible for helping the when you practice gar- easy and better. Caring for CLEAN
ability to remember and body absorb calcium, a dening your body gener- plants creates a relation-
even learning. By prac- mineral that strengthens ates serotonin and dopa- ship with the floral world
ticing gardening we are the bones and the immune mine, two chemicals that that values all the fruits and
able to distance ourselves system. When you take stimulate the immune sys- vegetables provide us in a
from our daily problems, care of your garden for 45 tem and keep us happy. different way.
which is an ideal point to minutes in addition to burn- It seems that one of the
Article by: Etnia Nativa
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your Aruban exprerience
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