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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Friday 10 January 2025
            U.S. orange juice and steel will be on Canada’s list for retaliation if

            Trump imposes tariffs

            By ROB GILLIES                                                                                                      products. Almost a quarter
            Associated Press                                                                                                    of the oil the U.S. consumes
            TORONTO  (AP)  —  Canada                                                                                            every day is from Canada,
            is  looking  at  putting  re-                                                                                       with  Alberta  exporting  4.3
            taliatory  tariffs  on  Ameri-                                                                                      million barrels a day to the
            can  orange  juice,  toilets                                                                                        U.S.  According  to  the  U.S.
            and  some  steel  products                                                                                          Energy  Information  Admin-
            if  U.S.  President-elect  Don-                                                                                     istration, the U.S. consumes
            ald  Trump  follows  through                                                                                        about  20  million  barrels  a
            with  his  threat  to  impose                                                                                       day,  while  domestically
            25% tariffs on all Canadian                                                                                         producing  about  13.2  mil-
            products,  a  senior  official                                                                                      lion barrels a day.
            familiar with the matter said                                                                                       Ford warned that Canada
            Thursday.                                                                                                           will retaliate if Trump impos-
            The  official  said  the  wide-                                                                                     es tariffs.
            ranging  list  hasn’t  been                                                                                         He  said  a  wide  range  of
            completed yet. The official                                                                                         U.S.  products  shipped  to
            spoke on condition of ano-                                                                                          Canada  will  be  targeted,
            nymity as they were not au-                                                                                         but he declined to specify
            thorized  to  speak  publicly                                                                                       which ones.
            on the matter.                                                                                                      Top Canadian government
            Trump  said  this  week  he   In this Oct. 12, 2007 file photo, a for sale sign sits among an acreage of orange trees in Bartow, Fla.  officials  say  Trump’s  com-
            will  use  economic  coer-                                                                        Associated Press   ments that Canada should
            cion to pressure Canada to                                                                                          become the 51st state are
            become  the  nation’s  51st  Canada,  for  instance,  an-  A  lot  of  citrus  production  troit and then sold back to  no  longer  a  joke  and  are
            state. And he continues to  nounced  billions  of  new  happens  in  Florida,  now  Canada.                         meant to undermine Amer-
            erroneously  cast  the  U.S.  duties  in  2018  against  the  Trump’s home state.      Ontario Premier Doug Ford  ica’s closest ally.

            trade  deficit  with  Canada  U.S. in a tit-for-tat response  Trump  said  this  week  the  has noted that in the auto  “The  joke  is  over,”  Domi-
            a natural resource-rich na-  to new taxes on Canadian  U.S doesn’t need anything  sector  alone  parts  can  go  nic  LeBlanc,  the  country’s
            tion  that  provides  the  U.S.  steel and aluminum.      from  Canada,  including  back  and  forth  across  the  finance  minister  and  point
            with commodities like oil  as  Yogurt  imports  from  Wis-  automobiles,  lumber  and  Canada-U.S.  border  sev-    person for U.S.-Canada re-
            a subsidy.                   consin  and  whiskey  from  dairy    products.   Supply  eral times.                   lations,  said  Wednesday.
            When     Trump    imposed  Kentucky, the home states  chains  for  the  auto  indus-   Ford,  the  leader  of  Cana-  “It’s a way for him, I think, to
            higher  tariffs  during  his  first  of  top  Republicans  Paul  try are deeply connected,  da’s  most  populous  prov-  sow  confusion,  to  agitate
            term  in  office,  other  coun-  Ryan and Mitch McConnell  with parts manufactured in  ince, said Trump has been  people,  to  create  chaos
            tries  responded  with  retal-  respectively,  were  hit  with  Ontario being used in cars  misinformed about the U.S.  knowing  this  will  never
            iatory  tariffs  of  their  own.  10% duties in 2018.     that  are  assembled  in  De-  not   needing   Canadian  happen.”q

            Guyana to seek help from U.N.’s top court as Venezuela vies for

            control of disputed territory

            By BERT WILKINSON            anese  nationals  who  live  thority  of  the  court  as  the  gust to reply to arguments  oil  and  gas  were  discov-
            Associated Press             in  Guyana’s  sovereign  ter-  principal  judicial  organ  of  made by Guyana.        ered  off  Guyana’s  coast
            GEORGETOWN,        Guyana  ritory,” the ministry said. “It  the United Nations.”       Venezuela’s  interest  in  the  in 2015, with oil production
            (AP) — Guyana said Thurs-    would  be  a  flagrant  viola-  Venezuela has always con-  Essequibo  region  peaked  currently at 650,000 barrels
            day  that  it  will  seek  help  tion of the most fundamen-  sidered  Essequibo  as  its  after  massive  quantities  of  a day.q
            from  the  United  Nations’  tal  principles  of  interna-  own  because  the  region
            top court to deter plans by  tional law, enshrined in the  was  within  its  boundaries
            neighboring  Venezuela  to  U.N. Charter, for Venezuela  during  the  Spanish  colo-
            elect a governor to rule its  to  attempt  to  conduct  an  nial period. It has long dis-
            western  Essequibo  region,  election  in  Guyanese  terri-  missed  the  border  drawn
            an  area  rich  in  resources  tory involving the participa-  by  international  arbitrators
            long  claimed  by  Venezu-   tion  of  Guyanese  nation-  in 1899, when Guyana was
            ela as its own.              als.”                        still a British colony.
            Guyana’s  foreign  ministry  The ministry said it would ask  After years of fruitless medi-
            said  in  a  statement  that  the  International  Court  of  ation, Guyana went to the
            Venezuela’s  plan  violates  Justice  in  The  Netherlands  world court in 2018, asking
            a  December  2022  agree-    for provisional measures to  judges to rule that the 1899
            ment  between  the  two  stop Venezuela in its tracks  border decision is valid and
            countries  to  not  trigger  if it goes ahead with plans  binding. Venezuela argues
            conflict  or  escalate  ten-  to elect a governor of Esse-  that  a  1966  agreement  to
            sions over the mineral- and  quibo. It said plans by Ven-  resolve  the  dispute  effec-  Chairman of the Special Commission for the Defense of Guyana
            oil-rich  region  comprising  ezuela  to  administratively  tively  nullified  the  original   Essequibo  Hermann  Escarra,  stands  next  to  Venezuela’s  new
            two-thirds   of   Guyana’s  incorporate  Essequibo  into  arbitration.                 map  that  includes  the  Essequibo  territory,  a  swath  of  land
            land mass.                   Venezuela  “not  only  jeop-  A  ruling  is  not  expected   that  is  administered  and  controlled  by  Guyana  but  claimed
            “The  people  of  Guyana’s  ardize  the  judicial  process  this year because Venezu-  by  Venezuela,  during  an  unveiling  ceremony  in  Caracas,
            Essequibo  region  are  Guy-  but also undermine the au-  ela was given until late Au-  Venezuela, Dec. 8, 2023.
                                                                                                                                           Associated Press
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