Page 3 - HOH
P. 3
local Saturday 11 November 2023
Project for the reintroduction of the Yellow-shouldered Amazon in
Aruba presented to Princess Beatrix
ORANJESTAD – Yesterday and charismatic birds in
was the final day of prin- Aruba’s nature.
cess Beatrix of the Nether-
lands to Aruba, as she was This project is an example
invited by DCNA, a nature of collaboration between
conservation organization Aruba and Bonaire, where
of which she is a patron. As exchange of knowledge
part of her visit, the princess and efforts between all
was invited to receive in- those involved is resulting in
formation on a successful a successful project. Work-
project for the reintroduc- ing together, we can am-
tion of the Yellow-shoul- plify our achievements to
dered Amazon (Amazona benefit our communities
barbadensis), known local- and our natural heritage.
ly as Lora, back in Aruba.
FPNA, in charge of an ed-
Yesterday morning, minister ucation and awareness
of Nature, Ursell Arends was campaign for the commu-
honored to accompany nity of Aruba regarding the
Her Royal Highness Princess Lora, is playing a vital role.
Beatrix of the Netherlands Their job is to ensure that
to the Aruba National Park every single person under-
Foundation (FPNA) Project stands the importance of
and learn more about the their role in the protection
reintroduction of the Lora in of our native bird. Each
Aruba. Lora is an endemic citizen can contribute to
bird, but since many years maintaining our natural
already it cannot be found heritage, and all the trea-
in our nature. The project sures that our nature offers.
to reintroduce the Lora will
ensure that once again we Congratulations to the
can enjoy these beautiful team of the Arikok National
Park Foundation for their their commitment to our
distinguished efforts and flora and fauna. Soon, Aru-
dedication to make this ba will be able to celebrate
project a reality. Their work this immense achievement
represents an important for our country!q
step in recovering our nat-
ural heritage and it shows