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A28 u.s. news
Diabierna 27 Mei 2022
U.S. education chief seeks action to prevent school shootings
By CAROLE FELDMAN tic terrorism bill that would
Associated Press have opened debate on gun
WASHINGTON (AP) — safety.
Education Secretary Miguel Rather than regulate guns,
Cardona said Thursday he is some Republicans have pro-
ashamed the United States posed arming teachers to de-
is "becoming desensitized to ter school shootings.
the murder of children" and Cardona rejected that.
that action is needed now to "And the solution of arming
prevent more lives from be- teachers, in my opinion, is
ing lost in school shootings further disrespect to a pro-
like the one in Uvalde, Texas. fession that's already belea-
Cardona spoke at a House guered and not feeling the
Education and Labor Com- support of so many folks," he
mittee hearing two days after said.
a gunman armed with an AR- Scott, in his opening remarks,
15-style rifle stormed into an called school shootings "too
elementary school and killed common of an occurrence"
19 children and two teach- in America.
ers. The massacre, which fol- "We could have prevented a
lowed the fatal of shootings lot of these if elected leaders
of 10 people this month at a valued children and families
Buffalo, New York, grocery more than guns," he said.
store, has revived the debate "Instead, time and time again,
over gun control. that we'll do everything to said. "Let's use every ounce go as far as his boss, President Congress has failed to enact
On Thursday, the committee protect their babies," Car- of influence that we have to Joe Biden, who in an emo- any sensible or widely sup-
chairman, Rep. Bobby Scott, dona said, referencing school get something done to help tional address said Tuesday, ported proposals to respond
D-Va., opened the hearing by shootings in Colorado, Con- prevent this from happening "When in God's name are we to these tragedies and pre-
holding a moment of silence necticut and Florida. again." going to stand up to the gun vent another one from hap-
in memory of those who had But he said all the actions Cardona told lawmakers that lobby?" pening."
died in Texas. taken in response to those he would be "failing you as Biden previously had called But Rep. Virginia Foxx of
While the hearing was on earlier school shootings — secretary of education if I for a ban on assault-style North Carolina, the top Re-
the Education Department's including active shooter didn't tell you I was ashamed, weapons, tougher federal publican on the committee,
budget and priorities, Car- drills, online early detection I am, that we as a country background check require- cautioned against a quick
dona started his testimony by tools and more secure build- are becoming desensitized to ments and laws aimed at rush to action.
addressing the shooting. ing entrances and perimeters the murder of children. I'd keeping guns out of the "We must be thoughtful
"After Columbine, after — "are no match for what be failing you as secretary of hands of people with mental about how we discuss and
Sandy Hook, after Parkland, we're up against." education if I didn't use this health problems. handle school safety and
after each of these and other Providing no specifics, he platform to say that students The fight over guns has mental health issues," Foxx
massacres, we as educators said, "we need action now" and teachers and school lead- been split largely on party said. "Federal changes should
did our best to look parents to protect America's children. ers are scared." lines. Senate Republicans on not be made in haste."
in their eyes and assure them "Let's not normalize this," he The Cabinet member did not Thursday blocked a domes-
Planned Parenthood workers in 5 Midwest states seek union
By DAVID PITT hood North Central States in Iowa, an affiliate of the Ser- They provide services such personal lives and respects
Associated Press Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, vice Employees International as reproductive care, cancer that same right for workers.
DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) North Dakota and South Union that has about 1 mil- screening and abortions. "We support our employees,
— About 400 workers at Dakota said they have signed lion members in 29 states, On a call with reporters and it's up to them to decide
Planned Parenthood offices cards showing majority sup- including doctors, nurses and Thursday, employees dis- if and how they want to be
in five states said Thursday port for unionization, and on laboratory technicians. SEIU cussed concerns about un- represented by a union. We
they plan to unionize as their Thursday they formally filed locals represent Planned Par- equal pay for similar posi- look forward to continuing
employer deals with the po- for a union election with the enthood workers in other re- tions in different locations, the conversation with staff
tential loss of business in National Labor Relations gions, including those serv- lower pay than other health about how we can best serve
states where abortions may Board, said Ashley Schmidt, ing Oregon and Washington, care providers, high turnover patients throughout this piv-
become illegal if the U.S. Su- a training and development New York, and Washington, due to exhaustion and burn- otal moment for abortion
preme Court overturns the specialist for Nebraska and D.C. out, and a feeling that man- access," Gage said in a state-
landmark 1973 Roe v. Wade western Iowa. Union organizing in a variety agement doesn't always listen ment.
ruling. They plan to join SEIU of fields has gained momen- to worker concerns. Workers began discussing
Workers for Planned Parent- Healthcare Minnesota & tum recently after a decades "Unfortunately, I have seen unionizing last year, before a
of decline in union member- many of these people move leaked Supreme Court draft
ship in the U.S. The Biden on after their ideas and con- opinion surfaced indicating
administration has been sup- cerns went unheard by the the court may allow states to
portive of efforts to expand executive team for far too ban or strictly limit abortion
unions, and organizers have long. Across our affiliate both availability, said April Clark, a
worked to establish unions clinical and administrative registered nurse and a senior
at companies including Ama- staff are overworked, under- training specialist at an east-
zon, Starbucks, outdoors re- paid and undervalued," said ern Iowa clinic.
tailer REI and Google parent Sadie Brewer, a registered Clark said the potential for
company Alphabet. nurse who provides abortion changes in abortion law
The Planned Parenthood services at a St. Paul, Minne- makes joining the union
workers seeking to join the sota, clinic. more important for workers.
union in the Midwest in- Molly Gage, a human re- "We know it means we're go-
clude nurses, education out- sources vice president for ing to be faced with stress not
reach workers, community Planned Parenthood North only for patients but for staff
organizers and other non- Central States, said the or- in the upcoming months if
management employees at ganization prioritizes auton- Roe does get overturned,"
28 clinics in the five states. omy and choice in people's she said.