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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diabierna 22 OctOber 2021

                         Trump plan for new media venture gets investors’ thumbs up

            (AP)  —  Some  investors  launch a blog on his existing  at  Trump’s  previous  favor-
            aren’t  waiting  to  see  if  website was abandoned after  ite social network. Slides ac-
            former  President  Donald  the page drew dismal views.    companying the Truth Social
            Trump’s plans for a media                                 preorders  listing  in  Apple’s
            company to challenge the   “We live in a world where the  app store depict a social net-
            likes  of  Facebook,  Twit-  Taliban  has  a  huge  presence  work that strongly resembles
            ter  and  even  Disney  can  on Twitter, yet your favorite  Twitter, right  down to  short
            actually become reality —  American President has been  messages  and  user  handles
            they’re all in.              silenced,” he said in a state-  preceded by “@” signs.
                                         ment. “This is unacceptable.”
            Trump  said  Wednesday  that                              The  same  graphics  also  fea-
            he’s launching Trump Media  Conservative  voices  actually  ture  a  user  named  Jack’s
            & Technology Group as a ri-  do  well  on  traditional  social  Beard,  who  in  one  image
            val to the Big Tech companies  media.  On  Wednesday,  half  fumes  when  an  employee
            that  have  shut  him  out  and  of  Facebook’s  10  top  per-  pushes  back  on  an  order  to
            denied  him  the  megaphone  forming link posts were from  delete  a  user  and  its  posts,
            that  was  paramount  to  his  conservative  media,  com-  calling  it  “kinda  an  over-
            national rise. The announce-  mentators  or  politicians,  ac-  reach.” The Jack’s Beard ac-
            ment came nine months after  cording  to  a  daily  list  com-  count  uses  the  handle  @
            Trump  was  expelled  from  piled  by  a  New  York  Times  jack,  which  is  Jack  Dorsey’s
            social  media  for  his  role  in  technology columnist and an  handle  on  the  real  Twitter;
            inciting the Jan. 6 Capitol in-  internet studies professor us-  Dorsey’s long scraggly beard
            surrection.                  ing Facebook’s own data.     has also drawn attention dur-  same  that  left  Facebook  for  tial  public  offering.  In  prac-
                                                                      ing the his congressional ap-  ‘alternative’  social  networks  tice,  that  means  the  SPAC
            The new venture said it had  TMTG has not set its sights  pearances over Zoom.         like  Gab  or  Parler,”  said  Al-  acquires  a  private  firm  and
            been created through a merg-  low. In addition to the Truth                            exandra  Cirone,  assistant  then  changes  its  name  and
            er with Digital World Acqui-  Social app, which is expected  Truth  Social’s  terms  of  ser-  professor  in  government  at  other  details  to  those  of  the
            sition Corp., and seeks to be-  to  soft-launch  next  month  vice,  meanwhile,  bar  users  Cornell University.    acquired firm.
            come  a  publicly  listed  com-  with  a  nationwide  rollout  from  annoying  any  of  the
            pany. Shares of Digital World  early next year, the company  site’s  employees  and  from  Trump’s  new  media  bid  SPACs pay for their acquisi-
            Acquisition  quadrupled  in  says  it  is  planning  a  video-  statements  that  “disparage,  could also compete for view-  tions with cash from its own
            value  in  afternoon  trad-  on-demand  service  dubbed  tarnish,  or  otherwise  harm,  ers on conservative networks  initial public offering. DWA’s
            ing  Thursday,  even  though  TMTG+  that  will  feature  in our opinion, us and/or the  such  as  OANN,  Newsmax  Sept.  8  IPO  raised  $287.5
            there’s a long way to go be-  entertainment programming,  Site.” It was not immediately  and Fox News, she said.    million, according to a filing
            fore  the  deal  gets  finalized  news and podcasts.      clear  who  the  “us”  in  that                           with  the  Securities  and  Ex-
            and  the  venture  becomes  a                             statement refers to.         With  Apple  and  Google  change Commission.
            bona fide media outlet.      One slide in a TMTG presen-                               cracking  down  on  apps  that
                                         tation on its website includes  A Trump-branded social me-  violate  the  companies’  con-  DWA said it has raised rough-
            “It’s  been  many,  many  a graphic of TMTG’s poten-      dia  portal  would  arrive  into  tent  guidelines,  Trump’s  so-  ly $293 million in cash, which
            months  since  there’s  been  a  tial competitors, which range  a  crowded  space  dominated  cial  media  app  also  “could  it will use to grow TMTG’s
            SPAC  merger  greeted  with  from  Facebook  and  Twitter  by Big Tech-run portals like  provide  a  new  venue  for  ventures.  Among  the  com-
            this amount of enthusiasm,”  to  Netflix  and  Disney+  to  Facebook  and  Twitter.  Still,  fake  news  and  extremism,”  pany’s  biggest  sharehold-
            said  Jay  Ritter,  a  professor  CNN.  The  same  slide  sug-  everyday  social  media  users  Cirone said.        ers  are  several  institutional
            at  the  University  of  Florida  gests that over the long term  tend to be on multiple plat-                       investors,  including  Light-
            who  specializes  in  initial  TMTG  will  also  become  a  forms  at  once,  so  TMTG’s  Digital  World  Acquisition  house  Investment  Partners,
            public offerings.            power  in  cloud  computing  offering doesn’t have to nec-  Corp.,  based  in  Miami,  is  a  D. E. Shaw & Co., and Rad-
                                         and  payments  and  suggests  essarily peel users from other  special-purpose  acquisition  cliffe  Capital  Management,
            Trump  has  spoken  about  it will go head-to-head with  portals to thrive.            company,  or  SPAC.  Such  according  to  an  SEC  filing.
            launching  his  own  social  Amazon,  Microsoft,  Google                               publicly  traded  companies  DWA said more details about
            media site ever since he was  and Stripe.                 “This  network  will  most  are designed to list the shares  the deal will be disclosed in
            barred  from  Twitter  and                                likely  be  most  successful  in  of  a  private  company  more  upcoming filings.
            Facebook. An earlier effort to  TMTG also takes some jabs  targeting  far-right  users,  the  quickly than a traditional ini-

                            Neurologist pleads not guilty to sexually abusing patients

                                                                      (AP)  —  A  neurologist  immediately reply to a mes-      sexual demands.
                                                                      pleaded not guilty Thurs-    sage seeking comment.
                                                                      day to federal charges al-                                If  certain  victims  refused  to
                                                                      leging he was a serial sex-  Cruciani,  63,  who  lives  in  engage in sex acts, he retali-
                                                                      ual abuser of women who  Wynnewood,          Pennsylva-   ated by referring them to an-
                                                                      had gone to him for help  nia, was arrested Wednesday  other  medical  provider  that
                                                                      with  debilitating,  chronic  morning  in  Pocono  Pines,  would not prescribe the same
                                                                      pain.                        Pennsylvania,  on  charges  combinations  or  quantities
                                                                                                   he  abused  patients  over  15  of  narcotics,  the  indictment
                                                                      Dr. Ricardo Cruciani entered  years  at  his  offices  in  New  said.
                                                                      the  plea  in  federal  court  in  York  City,  Philadelphia  and
                                                                      Manhattan, prosecutors said.  Hopewell, New Jersey.       The  federal  charges  follow
                                                                      He  was  expected  to  be  re-  An indictment described the  years  of  public  complaints
                                                                      leased  into  home  detention  doctor,  who  specialized  in  by  Cruciani’s  accusers  that
                                                                      with  electronic  monitoring  rare pain syndromes, groom-  authorities  in  some  places
                                                                      once  he  posts  a  $3  million  ing  patients  who  were  de-  weren’t taking his crimes se-
                                                                      bond secured by three prop-  pendent on him for care and  riously, particularly in Phila-
                                                                      erties  and  signed  by  three  prescriptions  to  addictive  delphia,  where  he  pleaded
                                                                      other people.                opioids,  turning  back  rubs  guilty  to  relatively  minor
                                                                                                   and hugs into gradually more  misdemeanor groping counts
                                                                      A lawyer for Cruciani didn’t  invasive  physical  attacks  and  involving seven patients.
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