Page 29 - bon-dia-aruba-20211022
P. 29
world news Diabierna 22 OctOber 2021
UK police charge 25-year-old man with lawmaker’s murder
(AP) — British police constituents.
charged a 25-year-old Ali was not asked to enter a
London man on Thursday plea at the preliminary hear- The slaying came five years
with murder and prepar- ing, which lasted less than 15 after Labour Party lawmaker
ing acts of terrorism in minutes. Jo Cox was shot and stabbed
the stabbing of a Conser- to death by a far-right ex-
vative lawmaker who was Nick Price of the Crown tremist. Cox was the first
killed as he met constitu- Prosecution Service said the British lawmaker to be killed
ents at a church hall. murder “has a terrorist con- since a peace accord ended
nection, namely that it had large-scale Northern Ireland
Prosecutors said Ali Harbi both religious and ideological violence almost 30 years ear-
Ali, a British man with So- motivations.” lier.
mali heritage, had “religious
and ideological motivations” Matt Jukes, the Metropolitan British politicians are pro-
when he attacked David Police Assistant Commis- tected by armed police when
Amess last week in the town sioner for Specialist Opera- they are in Parliament but
of Leigh-on-Sea. tions, said “no other arrests generally are not given such
have been made and at this protection in their home dis-
The slaying shook a nation time we are not seeking any- tricts.
accustomed to having face- body else in relation to this
to-face contact with its poli- incident.” Home Secretary Priti Patel
ticians, heightened concerns told the House of Commons
about extremism and rattled Jukes said detectives had ana- on Wednesday that intelli- Prime Minister Boris John-
British politicians, who say lyzed computers, searched gence officers had upgraded Amess, 69, was a social con- son said he hoped Amess’
they face increasing levels of several London addresses and the threat level for politi- servative who opposed abor- loved ones would “get the
vitriol and abuse as they per- reviewed CCTV footage as cians from “moderate” to tion, campaigned for animal justice they deserve as fast as
form their jobs. part of the investigation. “substantial,” though she said rights and strongly supported possible.”
there was no “specific or im- Britain’s exit from the Eu-
Ali made a brief appearance at The death of 69-year-old minent threat.” ropean Union. He was well “What we must not do is be
London’s Westminster Mag- Amess, who had served in liked even by his political op- intimidated by this appalling
istrates’ Court on Thursday, Parliament for almost 40 A special session of the House ponents for his civility, good murder into changing the
and was ordered detained years and was knighted by of Commons on Monday re- humor and commitment to way we conduct our parlia-
until his next hearing. He Queen Elizabeth II in 2015, sounded with appeals to force his constituents in the seaside mentary business or the way
smiled to his legal team as he escalated concerns about se- social media giants to do constituency of Southend we work in our constituen-
entered the court and spoke curity among Britain’s politi- more to prevent the spread of West, 40 miles (60 kilome- cies,” he said. “Which I think
only to confirm his name, cians, who pride themselves online hate that has poisoned ters) east of London. is the last thing that David
age, and address. on being accessible to their political discourse. Amess would’ve wanted.”
Haiti gang leader threatens to kill kidnapped missionaries
(AP) — The leader of the I will put a bullet in the heads ties said that the gang was join them in prayer for the they also realize the power of
400 Mawozo gang that po- of these Americans,” he said demanding $1 million per kidnappers as well as those prayer and the power of our
lice say is holding 17 mem- in the video. person, although it wasn’t kidnapped and expressed historic theology,” he said,
bers of a kidnapped mis- immediately clear that in- gratitude for help from “peo- including the Anabaptist be-
sionary group is seen in a He also threatened Prime cluded the five children in ple that are knowledgeable lief in nonresistance to vio-
video released Thursday Minister Ariel Henry and the group, among them an and experienced in dealing lence.
saying he will kill them if the chief of Haiti’s National 8-month-old. Sixteen Amer- with” such situations.
he doesn’t get what he’s Police, Léon Charles, as he icans and one Canadian were The same day that the mis-
demanding. spoke in front of the open abducted, along with their “Pray for these families,” sionaries were kidnapped, a
coffins that apparently held Haitian driver. Showalter said. “They are in gang also abducted a Haiti
The video posted on social several members of his gang a difficult spot.” university professor, accord-
media shows Wilson Joseph who were recently killed. The missionaries are with ing to a statement that Haiti’s
dressed in a blue suit, carry- Ohio-based Christian Aid The gang leader’s death threat ombudsman-like Office of
ing a blue hat and wearing a “You guys make me cry. I cry Ministries, which held a news added to the already intense Citizen Protection issued on
large cross around his neck. water. But I’m going to make conference before someone concern in and around Hol- Tuesday. It also noted that a
you guys cry blood,” he said. posted the video of the gang mes County, Ohio, where Haitian pastor abducted ear-
“I swear by thunder that if I leader. Christian Aid Ministries is lier this month has not been
don’t get what I’m asking for, Earlier this week, authori- based and has one of the na- released despite a ransom be-
Weston Showalter, spokes- tion’s largest concentrations ing paid.
man for the religious group, of Amish, conservative Men-
said that the families of those nonite and related groups. “The criminals ... operate
who’d been kidnapped are Many members of those with complete impunity, at-
from Amish, Mennonite and groups have supported the tacking all members of soci-
other conservative Anabaptist organization through dona- ety,” the organization said.
communities in Ohio, Mich- tions or by volunteering at its
igan, Wisconsin, Tennessee, warehouse. Meanwhile, hundreds of
Pennsylvania, Oregon and demonstrators blocked roads
Ontario, Canada. He read a “These kinds of things erase and burned tires in Haiti’s
letter from the families, who some of the boundaries that capital to decry a severe fuel
weren’t identified by name, exist within our circles,” shortage and a spike in inse-
in which they said, “God added Marcus Yoder, execu- curity and to demand that the
has given our loved ones the tive director of the Amish & prime minister step down.
unique opportunity to live Mennonite Heritage Center
out our Lord’s command to in Millersburg. The scattered protest took
love your enemies.” place across the Delmas
“Many people in the com- neighborhood of Port-au-
The group invited people to munity feel helpless, but Prince.