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A28     U.S. NEWS
                         Diamars 3 mei 2022

                         Push to arm Ukraine putting strain on US weapons stockpile

            (AP)  —  The  planes  take                                                                                          nians  inflict  major  damage
            off almost daily from Do-                                                                                           on Russia’s larger and better-
            ver Air Force Base in Del-                                                                                          equipped military. As a result,
            aware  —  hulking  C-17s                                                                                            the  weapon  has  gained  al-
            loaded  up  with  Javelins,                                                                                         most mythic regard, celebrat-
            Stingers,  howitzers  and                                                                                           ed  with  a  Javelin  song  and
            other material being hus-                                                                                           images  of  Mary  Magdalene
            tled to Eastern Europe to                                                                                           carrying a Javelin becoming a
            resupply  Ukraine’s  mili-                                                                                          meme in Ukraine.
            tary  in  its  fight  against
            Russia.                                                                                                             Lockheed    Martin   CEO
                                                                                                                                James  Taiclet  said  in  a  re-
            The  game-changing  impact                                                                                          cent  CNBC  interview  that
            of those arms is exactly what                                                                                       demand  for  the  Javelin  and
            President Joe Biden hopes to                                                                                        other weapon systems would
            spotlight as he visits a Lock-                                                                                      increase  broadly  over  time
            heed  Martin  plant  in  Ala-                                                                                       because of the Russian inva-
            bama on Tuesday that builds                                                                                         sion.  He  said  the  company
            the portable Javelin anti-tank                                                                                      was working “to get our sup-
            weapons  that  have  played  a                                                                                      ply chain ramped up.”
            crucial role in Ukraine.
                                                                                                                                “We have the ability to meet
            But Biden’s visit is also draw-  has  been  limited  in  recent  quickly  approve  his  request  isn’t  just  critical  to  making  current production demands,
            ing  attention  to  a  growing  years.                    for  an  additional  $33  billion  more in America or lowering  are investing in increased ca-
            concern  as  the  war  drags                              in security and economic as-  prices, it’s also a vital compo-  pacity and are exploring ways
            on:  Can  the  U.S.  sustain  The  Russian  invasion  offers  sistance for Kyiv.       nent of our national security,”  to  further  increase  produc-
            the cadence of shipping vast  the  U.S.  and  European  de-                            Psaki said.                  tion  as  needed,”  Lockheed
            amounts of arms to Ukraine  fense  industry  a  big  oppor-  The president is expected to                           Martin said in a statement.
            while maintaining the healthy  tunity  to  bolster  profits  as  use his remarks to highlight  Cancian, the former govern-
            stockpile it may need if a new  lawmakers from Washington  the  importance  of  the  Jave-  ment  specialist  on  defense  Pentagon  officials  recently
            conflict  erupts  with  North  to Warsaw are primed to in-  lins and other U.S. weaponry  budget strategy, said the fact  sat  down  with  some  of  the
            Korea, Iran or elsewhere?    crease  defense  spending  in  in helping Ukraine’s military  that  Stingers  and  Javelins  leading  defense  contractors,
                                         response  to  Russian  aggres-  put up a vigorous fight as he  were  not  included  in  the  including  Lockheed  Martin,
            The  U.S.  already  has  pro-  sion.  Defense  contractors,  makes the case to keep secu-  most recent tranche of weap-  Raytheon,  Boeing,  General
            vided  about  7,000  Javelins,  however, face the same sup-  rity and economic assistance  ons the Biden administration  Dynamics, BAE Systems and
            including some that were de-  ply chain and labor shortage  flowing.                   announced it was sending to  Northrop  Grumman  to  dis-
            livered during the Trump ad-  challenges  that  other  manu-                           Ukraine could be a sign that  cuss efforts to ramp up pro-
            ministration, about one-third  facturers  are  facing,  along  A White House official, who  Pentagon  officials  are  mind-  duction.
            of  its  stockpile,  to  Ukraine,  with  some  others  that  are  was  not  authorized  to  com-  ful  about  inventory  as  they  The  big  defense  contractors
            according  to  an  analysis  by  specific to the industry.  ment publicly and requested  conduct  contingency  plan-  face some serious challenges.
            Mark  Cancian,  a  senior  ad-                            anonymity,  said  the  Penta-  ning for other possible con-
            viser  with  the  Center  for  Military  spending  by  the  gon is working with defense  flicts.                    Raytheon, for example, can’t
            Strategic  and  International  U.S.  and  around  the  world  contractors  “to  evaluate  the                       simply  crank  out  Stingers
            Studies  international  secu-  was  rising  even  before  Rus-  health  of  weapons  systems’  “There’s  no  question  that  to replace the 1,400 that the
            rity program. The Biden ad-  sia’s Feb. 24 invasion. Biden’s  production  lines  and  ex-  whatever  war  plan  they’re  U.S. sent to Ukraine. Hayes,
            ministration says it has given  proposed 2023 budget sought  amine  bottlenecks  in  every  looking at there is risk associ-  the Raytheon CEO, said in a
            about 5,500 to Ukraine since  $773  billion  for  the  Penta-  component  and  step  of  the  ated with the depleting levels  recent  conference  call  with
            the  Russian  invasion  more  gon,  an  annual  increase  of  manufacturing process.” The  of Stingers and Javelins, and  analysts that the company has
            than two months ago.         about 4%.                    administration  is  also  con-  I’m  sure  that  they’re  having  only limited supplies of com-
                                                                      sidering a range of options, if  that discussion at the Penta-  ponents to make the missile.
            Analysts  also  estimate  that  Globally, total military spend-  needed, to boost production  gon,” he said.        Only one undisclosed coun-
            the  United  States  has  sent  ing  rose  0.7%  to  more  than  of both Javelin and Stingers,                      try has been buying them in
            about  one-quarter  of  its  $2  trillion  for  the  first  time  the official said.   The  U.S.  military  effort  to  recent  years,  and  the  Penta-
            stockpile  of  shoulder-fired  in 2021, according to an April                          move  weaponry  to  Eastern  gon  hasn’t  bought  any  new
            Stinger  missiles  to  Ukraine.  report  from  the  Stockholm  White House press secretary  Europe  for  Ukraine’s  fight  ones in nearly 20 years.
            Raytheon Technologies CEO  International Peace Research  Jen  Psaki  said  Monday  that  has  been  Herculean.  From
            Greg  Hayes  told  investors  Institute. Russia ranked fifth,  defense  officials  have  de-  Dover  Air  Base  in  Dela-  Sanctions further complicate
            last  week  during  a  quarterly  as  its  spending  on  weapons  termined  that  the  weapons  ware, U.S. airmen have car-  the picture. Companies must
            call that his company, which  increased  ahead  of  its  inva-  transfers  have  not  impacted  ried  out  nearly  70  missions  find  new  sources  of  impor-
            makes  the  weapons  system,  sion of Ukraine.            military  readiness.  Still,  the  to  deliver  some  7  million  tant raw materials such as ti-
            wouldn’t be able to ramp up                               administration  has  included  pounds of Javelins, Stingers,  tanium, a crucial component
            production  until  next  year  The war will mean increased  funding in the Ukraine sup-  155mm  howitzers,  helmets  in  aerospace  manufacturing
            due to parts shortages.      sales  for  some  defense  con-  plemental  bill  Biden  intro-  and  other  essentials  to  East-  that is produced in Russia.
                                         tractors, including Raytheon,  duced last week to replenish  ern  Europe  since  February.
            “Could  this  be  a  problem?  which  makes  the  Stinger  U.S.  inventories  of  depleted  Col. Matt Husemann, com-  Concerns  about  the  Stinger
            The  short  answer  is,  ‘Prob-  missiles  Ukrainian  troops  weapon stockpiles.       mander  of  the  436th  Airlift  stockpile  have  been  raised
            ably,  yes,’”  said  Cancian,  a  have used to knock out Rus-                          Wing, described the mission  by  House  Armed  Services
            retired  Marine  colonel  and  sian  aircraft.  The  company  Psaki added that Biden would  as  a  “whole  of  government  Committee  chairman  Rep.
            former government specialist  is also part of a joint venture  also use the visit to the Jav-  approach  that’s  delivering  Adam  Smith,  D-Wash.,  and
            on Pentagon budget strategy,  with  Lockheed  Martin  that  elin  plant  to  press  Congress  hope.”                the  top  Republican  on  the
            war  funding  and  procure-  makes the Javelins.          to  pass  an  innovation  and                             committee,  Rep.  Mike  Rog-
            ment.                                                     competition bill to boost the  “It  is  awesome,”  said  Huse-  ers  of  Alabama.  The  two  in
                                         Biden  will  visit  Lockheed  semiconductor industry.     mann,  after  providing  AP  March  wrote  to  Defense
            He said that Stingers and Jav-  Martin’s facility in Troy, Ala.,                       with a recent tour of the air-  Secretary  Lloyd  Austin  and
            elins were where “we’re see-  which  has  the  capacity  to  “Each Javelin missile requires  lift operation.        Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
            ing  the  most  significant  in-  manufacture about 2,100 Jav-  more than 200 semiconduc-                           of Staff Mark Milley, describ-
            ventory issues,” and produc-  elins per year. The trip comes  tors  to  make,  and  boosting  The  lightweight  but  lethal  ing the stockpile issue as one
            tion of both weapons systems  as  he  presses  Congress  to  domestic chip manufacturing  Javelin has helped the Ukrai-  of “urgency.”
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