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                                                                                                       SPORTS Diamars 3 mei 2022

                          Mets cut slumping Canó with almost $45 million left on deal

            (AP)  —  Robinson  Canó                                                                                             of guys. It’s difficult for J.D.
            was  cut  Monday  by  the                                                                                           Davis,  Dom  Smith,  (Luis)
            New York Mets with near-                                                                                            Guillorme.”
            ly  $45  million  remaining
            on  his  contract,  ending                                                                                          An  eight-time  All-Star  and
            an  ill-fated  marriage  and                                                                                        two-time  Gold  Glove  win-
            perhaps signaling the end                                                                                           ner, Canó spent his first nine
            of  his  decorated  major                                                                                           big  league  seasons  across
            league career.                                                                                                      town  with  the  New  York
                                                                                                                                Yankees  and  helped  them
            The slumping Canó was des-                                                                                          win  the  2009  World  Series.
            ignated  for  assignment  in  a                                                                                     He has won five Silver Slug-
            move  announced  about  an                                                                                          ger awards and was MVP of
            hour  before  teams  were  re-                                                                                      the 2017 All-Star Game.
            quired  to  trim  their  active
            rosters  from  28  players  to                                                                                      Canó has a .302 career batting
            26.  Relegated  to  a  part-time                                                                                    average with 335 home runs,
            role  this  season,  Canó  was                                                                                      1,305 RBIs and an .842 OPS
            a  casualty  of  the  crunch  as                                                                                    in  17  seasons.  He  has  2,632
            the first-place Mets chose to                                                                                       hits, including 571 doubles.
            keep younger, more versatile
            bench players instead.                                                                                              Canó is owed $44,703,297 by
                                                                                                                                the Mets from the remainder
            The  39-year-old  Canó,  who                                                                                        of the $240 million, 10-year
            sat out last season while serv-                                                                                     contract  he  signed  with  Se-
            ing  his  second  suspension  designated hitter.          Canó and several teammates  lenging  for  a  veteran  player  attle. He has lost $36,258,065
            for  performance-enhancing                                have said they were confident  such  as  Canó,  accustomed  because of the two drug sus-
            drugs,  is  batting  .195  (8  for  Despite his early struggles in  he would eventually produce  to being in the lineup every  pensions.
            41) with one home run, three  a  reduced  role,  the  decision  at  the  plate  if  given  the  op-  day, to adjust and flourish as a
            RBIs  and  a  paltry  .501  OPS  to  jettison  Canó  was  still  a  portunity. And with the writ-  part-time player.  New York has seven days to
            in  43  plate  appearances.  He  complicated one for the Mets  ing perhaps on the wall, star                        trade or release Canó, or send
            homered to the opposite field  — and not only because of all  shortstop  Francisco  Lindor  “I  don’t  care  how  experi-  him outright to the minors —
            with  a  vintage  swing  in  the  the money he’s owed.    said  Sunday  he  wouldn’t  be  enced you are, it’s tough. And  an assignment he would have
            home opener April 15 against                              happy if Canó was cut.       I’m very empathetic to that,”  the right to refuse because he
            Arizona, but has appeared in  He  remained  a  popular  vet-                           Showalter  said  Sunday.  “It’s  has at least three years of ma-
            just 12 of 23 games, starting  eran in the clubhouse happy  Mets  manager  Buck  Show-  difficult  for  him.  I’m  aware  jor league service.
            six at second base and five at  to share his baseball wisdom.  alter acknowledged it’s chal-  of that. It’s difficult for a lot

                         What it takes for NHL playoff contenders to win Stanley Cup

            (AP)  -  The  path  to  the  whatever it takes to win.”   Players and coaches who have  other  team  an  opportunity  were in the top five in goals
            Stanley  Cup  is  rarely  a                               won the Cup or reached the  to  take  advantage  of  it,  it’s  against.
            straight  line.  Sometimes  The NHL is full of title con-  final described that climb as  another  big  area,”  said  Ruff,
            it’s  the  direction  a  puck  tenders  that  turn  out  to  be  a  combination  of  consisten-  who  coached  Buffalo  to  the  Rod Brind’Amour, who cap-
            takes when it banks off the  pretenders and plenty of suc-  cy,  confidence  and  the  right  final in 1999. “A lot of times  tained the Hurricanes to the
            post and in — or out.        cess stories about teams that  combination  of  goaltending  power plays can struggle. As a  Cup  in  2006  and  coaches
                                         figure it out and get the job  and timely scoring.        team that’s looking to win, if  them now, said getting strong
            Four years ago, Artemi Pan-  done.  As  the  playoffs  begin                           you can keep the other team’s  goaltending and keeping guys
            arin  clanked  a  shot  off  the  Monday  night,  Burakovsky  The  Tampa  Bay  Lightning  power  play  off  the  board,  it  in the lineup are among the
            post  late  in  regulation  that  and the Avalanche, the Caro-  certainly  had  all  that  when  gives you a better chance to  keys.
            could  have  put  Columbus  lina  Hurricanes  and  Presi-  they  won  back  to  back  the  win.”
            up  three  games  to  none  in  dents’ Trophy-winning Flor-  past two years. In 2021, they                          “What  does  it  take?  You’ve
            the first round against Wash-  ida  Panthers  are  among  the  eliminated Florida in the first  Five  of  the  past  six  champi-  got  to  be  healthy  when  you
            ington. Lars Eller scored, the  teams  looking  to  make  the  round,  Carolina  in  the  sec-  ons have finished top five on  hit  playoffs,”  Brind’Amour
            Capitals  won  the  series  and  leap — a challenge that is part  ond round and Trotz’s New  the power play or penalty kill  said.  “If  your  top  guys  are
            went  on  to  lift  the  Stanley  good  health  and  great  luck  York Islanders in the Eastern  in the playoffs. Five of six also  out, it’s going to be hard.”
            Cup.                         but more about figuring out  Conference final.
                                         how to ride the roller coaster
            Andre  Burakovsky  looks  of  wins  and  losses  through  Ken Daneyko, who won the
            back now and acknowledges  four rounds.                   Cup  with  New  Jersey  three
            he and the Capitals got some                              times,  pointed  to  a  penalty
            lucky bounces on the way to  “Once you commit to some-    by Sam Bennett that cost the
            their  first  championship  in  thing, be it the defensive part  Panthers last year. Hurricanes
            franchise  history.  Now  with  of the game or whatever was  defenseman  Jaccob  Slavin
            the  Colorado  Avalanche,  holding  you  back  and  you  said  special  teams  were  the
            he’s  well-aware  that’s  just  commit  to  it  and  you  break  difference against Tampa Bay
            one part of what it takes for  through, then it becomes eas-  and in their previous playoff
            a playoff team to get over the  ier because you know what’s  exits to the Boston Bruins.
            hump and win it all.         there,” said Barry Trotz, who
                                         coached  the  Captials  to  the  Current  Devils  coach  Lindy
            “It’s so hard to win the Stan-  Cup. “It’s almost like climb-  Ruff is on board with that be-
            ley  Cup,”  Burakovsky  said.  ing Mount Everest. You want  ing a crucial part of winning
            “You’re going to need a little  to do it, you think you can do  in the playoffs.
            bit of luck and you’re going  it and then you actually have
            to  need  everyone  in  your  to do it and you get to a cer-  “If  your  penalty  killing’s
            team  to  be  extremely  dialed  tain place.”             strong,  if  you’ve  taken  pen-
            in  and  sacrificing  and  doing                          alties and you don’t give the
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