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Monday 20 noveMber 2017
APNewsBreak: Neurologist faces sex allegations in 3 states
By MICHAEL RUBINKAM tunity for him to victimize so for Capital Health Medical
Associated Press many patients,” said Hillary Center from 2014 to 2016.
A prominent neurologist, Tullin, who saw Cruciani for Hopewell police and the
already charged with years and said she was vic- Mercer County prosecu-
groping patients at a Phila- timized repeatedly. “The tor’s office confirmed Cru-
delphia clinic, is facing a system failed.” ciani is under investigation
growing number of accu- A Philadelphia police affi- there but declined to offer
sations that he preyed on davit said Cruciani, the for- details.
especially vulnerable pain mer chairman of the neu- Dennis Dooley, vice presi-
patients at medical facili- rology department at Phila- dent at Capital Health,
ties in three states, using his delphia’s Drexel University, said Capital received no
impressive reputation as a assaulted seven patients in complaints of sexual mis-
healer to trap women in 2016. The women, ages 31 conduct by Cruciani while
long-term doctor-patient to 55, described unwanted he worked there.
relationships marked by touching and kissing. One Patients in excruciating
abuse. patient said Cruciani tried pain often found their way
At least 17 women in Penn- to force her to touch his to the neurologist, who
sylvania, New York and genitals and then mastur- boasted an impressive re-
New Jersey have stepped bated in front of her. sume: fellow at the National
forward to accuse Dr. Ri- Drexel fired him in March Institutes of Health, doctor-
cardo Cruciani of sexual after an internal investiga- ate degree in pharmacol-
misconduct that goes back tion. Cruciani is scheduled ogy, respected academic
at least a dozen years, ei- to appear in court Tuesday and researcher published
ther reporting him to police for a preliminary hearing on more than 150 times and
or retaining an attorney to misdemeanor charges that featured at more than 130
pursue civil claims, accord- include indecent assault. medical conferences.
ing to an Associated Press “Given that these are on- The pain specialist accept-
review of documents and going matters, we cannot ed patients with hard-to-
interviews with the lawyer comment because it could treat disorders when other
and three of the accusers. This photo shows Dr. Ricardo Cruciani, a neurologist charged with prejudice the proceed- doctors would not. Patients
Women who say they were groping patients at a Philadelphia clinic. Cruciani is scheduled ings,” said his lawyer, Linda said he continually re-
sexually abused by Cru- to appear in court Tuesday, Nov. 21, 2017, on misdemeanor Dale Hoffa. “We will do our searched new, innovative
ciani tell the AP they felt charges that include indecent assault. talking in court.” treatments and therapies
they had no alternative but (Philadelphia PD via AP) Cruciani’s legal troubles for them. Tullin, a former
to continue seeing the Ivy Cruciani as their only hope their lawyer want to know might just be starting. network news producer for
League-trained neurolo- of getting better — and he how closely the 63-year- A 55-year-old former pa- ABC and CBS, began see-
gist, who specializes in rare, knew it, taking advantage old pain doctor was su- tient who says Cruciani sex- ing Cruciani in 2002 at Beth
complicated syndromes of their desperation. pervised and whether he ually abused her for years Israel Medical Center in
that produce debilitat- Now, as police and pros- could have been stopped told the AP that police in- Manhattan.q
ing pain. Trapped in bod- ecutors open a second in- sooner. terviewed her in Hopewell
ies that didn’t work, the vestigation into Cruciani, “These hospitals created Township, New Jersey,
women said, they viewed some of the accusers and this perfect storm of oppor- where the doctor worked
Neurologist faces sex allegations in 3 states
NEW KENSINGTON, Pa. (AP) Kensington Officer Brian dead. investigation.
— Authorities are seeking a Shaw during a traffic stop Holt faces charges of Shaw had served as a part-
suspect in the fatal shooting Friday night. murder and murder of a time officer in three other
of a rookie police officer. Authorities say the 25-year- police officer. towns before joining the
Pennsylvania state police old Shaw was shot in the Investigators say they New Kensington force full
have issued an arrest chest while chasing Holt on know why the traffic time in June.
warrant for 29-year-old foot. stop occurred. But they New Kensington is about
Rahmael Sal Holt. He’s He was taken to a hospital, won’t provide further 18 miles (29 kilometers)
accused of killing New where he was pronounced details, citing the ongoing northeast of Pittsburgh.q