Page 23 - IVA
P. 23
CLASSIFIED Monday 20 noveMber 2017
NYC subway to use gender-neutral terms Dr. G. Croes
Tel. 588 9660
phased out, he said. San Nicolas
In a segment on delays, TIME SHARE FOR RENT Dr. Giel
the bulletin tells conductors Divi Phoenix Tel. 584 5155
to give “as much informa- one bedroom 2 full bath room # EMERGENCIA 911
tion as is appropriate and 633 price $4500 for 2 weeks
in very plain language,” call or text 215 9067397
which includes giving rea- e-mail
sons for the delay and es- ________________________________208196
timates for how long it will TIME SHARE FOR SALE POLICE 100
last, if the conductor knows. Divi Phoenix ORANJESTAD 527-3140
“It all goes to this funda- one bedroom unit # 633 sleeps NOORD 527-3200
mental need to make sure up to 6 people week 1 and 2 SAN NICOLAS 584-5000
we’re getting people the have 37 weeks left price $37000 POLICE TIPLINE 11141
information they need,” FIRE DEPT. 115
The No. 1 subway train pulls into the South Ferry Station in New Weinstein said. for 2 weeks FIRE DEPT. 582-1108
York. When it comes to the New York City subways, there’s no HOSPITAL 527-4000
such thing as ladies and gentlemen. Guidance issued by the “What it ultimately should or call 215 9067397 Mrs Lydia DENTAL CLINIC 587-9850
Metropolitan Transportation Authority this Nov. 2017, tells sub- come down to is a clearer, ________________________________208196 AMBULANCE 582-1234
way train conductors to use gender-neutral “riders” or “passen- crisper, more informative IMSAN 524-8833
gers” instead. way of speaking to our cus- Renaissance Timeshares RED CROSS 582-2219
(AP Photo/Bebeto Matthews) tomers.” SPECIAL DEALS FOR SALE
By DEEPTI HAJELA Knowing if a delay was The conductors can also Family designed rooms with: Women in Difficulties
Associated Press likely to last could help rid- play tour guide, and can -Kitchen -Private beach -Casino PHARMACY
NEW YORK (AP) — When it ers make alternative plans, now give announcements -Top restaurants -Cinema Oranjestad:
comes to the New York City she said. about certain places like Wk.27 Unit#2445 $3,000.00 Del Pueblo Tel. 582 1253
subways, there’s no such The new scripts were de- the Bronx Zoo, the Brooklyn 1bedr Pool view San Nicolas
thing as ladies and gentle- tailed in a bulletin sent out Museum and the Apollo Wks.30&31 Unit#2531 Aloe Tel. 584 4606
men. to all train service personnel Theater when trains stop $3,500.00,each
Conductors on subway earlier this month and are at stations near those loca- 1bedr Pool view INFORMATION 118
trains have been told to the first substantial change tions. Wk.32 Unit#2519 $3,500.00 TAXI-TAS 587-5900
stop addressing passengers to the “blue book,” which “We have noticed that 1bedr Pool view PROF. TAXI 588-0035
as “ladies and gentlemen” governs how to communi- when our conductors give Wk.34 Unit#2515 $3,500.00 TAXI D.T.S. 587-2300
when making announce- cate with riders, in almost our customers a little infor- 1bedr Pool view SERVICE AUA 583-3232
ments about delays, de- 30 years, said Jon Wein- mation about the various Wks.41&42 Unit#2132 A1 TAXI SERVICES 587-8850
tours or other things, and stein, MTA spokesman. sites of interest across the $4,000.00,each 280-2828
instead use the gender- The first part covered the city, it makes their com- 1bedr Harbor view CrUISe SHIP
neutral terms “passengers,” greetings used for passen- mute brighter,” the bulletin Wk.42 Unit#2445 $3,000.00
‘’riders,” and “everyone.” gers, replacing “ladies and said. 1bedr Pool view
The new train announce- gentlemen” with the other Some conductors in a pilot Call:7373006
ment scripts are part of an neutral phrases, which fol- program will also get smart- sharine@
effort by the Metropolitan lows a similar step taken by phones enabling them to November 20
Transportation Authority the London Underground get information they can oosterdam
to improve communica- over the summer. transmit to riders as need- ________________________________208398 norwegian Sun
tion with passengers frus- Inclusiveness was a factor ed, Weinstein said. The MTA For Sale Timeshare Aruba Airport 524-2424
trated with having to deal in the change, as was a also plans to hold training Casa del Mar American Airlines 582-2700
with a system troubled desire to try out some other sessions for conductors on Week 1 + deed 2 bedroom and Avianca 588-0059
with delays, mechanical greetings, Weinstein said. how to make announce- 2 bath #1313 Presidential Aruba Airlines 583-8300
failures and even derail- The usage will still be heard ments easier to understand ocean view $ 19.500 Jet Blue 588-2244
ments. Conductors have in recorded announce- by speaking clearly and Surinam 582-7896
also been instructed to ments until they are all slowly. q ________________________________208200 Aruba Foundation
give subway riders more For those Visually Incapasitated
information about delays, Tel. 582-5051
departing from a longtime AL-ANON group
practice of making sparse Sabana Liber #8, Noord
announcements that Tel. 736-2952 or 593-7081
sometimes obscure the real
reason a train isn’t moving. FUNDACIONS
A lack of straightforward Tel. 582-4433
info, officials say, can leave
passengers wondering Centro Diabetic Arubano
if they should ride it out, Tel. 524-8888
transfer trains or get out Narcotics Anonymous
and hail a cab. Tel. 583-8989
“I have been in situations QUOTA Club
where they said it’ll be mov- Tel. 525-2672
ing shortly or momentarily,”
subway passenger Judith Women in Difficulties
Mosh said as she waited for Foundation
a train in a Manhattan sta- Tel. 583-5400
tion. “Sometimes momen- Bloodbank Aruba
tarily means two minutes, Tel. 587-0002
sometimes it means 20 min-