Page 6 - DESPA
P. 6
CLASSIFIED Friday 9 June 2017
Dr. Sneek
Tel. 587 7100
San Nicolas
Dr. Wever
Caribbean Palm Village Weeks
week 7 $6,500.00 EMERGENCIA 911
week 26 $2,000.00
all are 2 beedroom all are
garden view
Call: 609 775 3836
_________________________________207485 POLICE 100
Wk 9 Divi Little Bay NOORD 527-3200
St. Maarten SAN NICOLAS 584-5000
rm 621 1 Br /1 Ba rTu: exp. POLICE TIPLINE 11141
2042 ocean / bay view FIRE DEPT. 115
717 319 9324 +10 accelerated FIRE DEPT. 582-1108
Sleeps 4 $6,000 HOSPITAL 527-4000
e-mail: DENTAL CLINIC 587-9850
In this Thursday, June 8, 2017, photo the David and Gladys Wright House in Phoenix, Ariz., is shown AMBULANCE 582-1234
covered with balloons. Owner Zach Rawling announced that he is donating the house to the IMSAN 524-8833
School of Architecture at Taliesin, formerly known as the Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture. _________________________________207466 Women in Difficulties
The announcement came on the famed architect’s 150th birthday and the school will use the TIME SHARE FOR SALE PHARMACY
house to teach students. aruba Beach Club wk 22 unit Oranjestad:
(AP Photo/Astrid Galvan) 151 superior 6/3, $1888 and del Pueblo Tel. 582 1253
Wright Phoenix home given to architecture school Casa del Mar amb wk 21, 5/27 San Nicolas
$1,850. also one br cdm unit San Lucas Tel. 584 5119
By ASTRID GALVAN laboratory in which we will “I think we’re celebrating 1326 wk 29 6/22 school vac.
Associated Press figure out how to use what every aspect of Wright’s 7/22 $2,750 or rent $850 INFORMATION 118
PHOENIX (AP) -A Frank Lloyd Frank Lloyd Wright taught legacy and hopefully it in- e-mail: TAXI-TAS 587-5900
Wright house in Phoenix us about living in the des- forms future generations to Local 565 9394 until 6/10 PROF. TAXI 588-0035
that the famous architect ert Southwest, to make the carry on those ideas,” Raw- 508 651 0016 TAXI D.T.S. 587-2300
designed for his son and life in this desert and in this ling said in an interview with _________________________________207499 SERVICE AUA 583-3232
was saved from demolition community even better in The Associated Press. FOR SALE A1 TAXI SERVICES 587-8850
by its current owner was the future.” Craig Steblay, president of Caribbean Plam Village
donated Thursday to the the Arcadia Camelback two bedroom floading weeks CruiSe SHiP
architecture school that He had plans to restore it Mountain Neighborhood $6,000 contact
Wright founded. and turn it into a museum, Association, said he didn’t
Owner Zach Rawling an- but neighbors complained have a lot of details but or 001 419 344 5855
nounced that he is giv- doing so would generate was optimistic about the _________________________________207552
ing the David and Gladys excessive traffic in the well- latest announcement and TIME SHARE RESALE
June 14
Wright House to the School heeled residential Arcadia its impact on the neighbor- Dutch Village adventure of the Seas
of Architecture at Taliesin, area where the house is lo- hood. Steblay said this new Studio week 21 room 62 Carnival Splendor
formerly known as the cated. direction seems like a good 23 weeks remain on the contract Zenith
Frank Lloyd Wright School He said he hopes the do- move and that the associ- $500 call 011 297 630 1307
of Architecture. The an- nation will engage the ation’s prior concerns were Aruba Airport 524-2424
nouncement came on the community and continue with the commercialization American Airlines 582-2700
iconic architect’s 150th the school’s mission. of activities in the area. q ________________________________207572 Avianca 588-0059
birthday. TIME SHARE FOR SALE Aruba Airlines 583-8300
Nestled at the base of BY OWER Jet Blue 588-2244
Camelback Mountain, divi aruba Phoenix new Phase Venezolana 583-7674
the house is constructed u$ 21,500.00 Aruba Foundation
in the form of a spiral that 1Bd First Floor unit. Pool & For those Visually Incapasitated
appears to rise from the Ocean View. Tel. 582-5051
ground and offers 360 de- Sleeps 4. exp 2049. Week 52 AL-ANON group
gree views of Camelback (Platinum) new year´s eve. Sabana Liber #8, Noord
and other mountains that email: Tel. 736-2952 or 593-7081
loom over the city. Phone: +58 241 8430983 FUNDACIONS
The house completed in (Venezuela) Respetami
1952 is regarded as the _______________________________207563 Tel. 582-4433
precursor to the Guggen- FOR SALE
heim Museum in New York Divi Village Centro Diabetic Arubano
Tel. 524-8888
City, said Aaron Betsky, the week 1 one bedroom $6,500
school’s dean. The Gug- week 2 one bedroom $6,500 Narcotics Anonymous
genheim Museum is one For details contact Tel. 583-8989
of Wright’s most revered QUOTA Club
works. The architect de- _________________________________207570 Tel. 525-2672
signed over 1,000 architec-
tural works, 532 which were Women in Difficulties
built, and he is regarded Foundation
by many as one of Ameri- Tel. 583-5400
ca’s best architects. Bloodbank Aruba
Betsky said the donation Tel. 587-0002
“will allow us to use that
great legacy to be a living