Page 13 - AHATA
P. 13
Thursday 12 april 2018
Josephine and Michael are back in Aruba
eight years ago, Michael
and Josephine flew to Aru-
ba on their honeymoon.
The couple from Long Is-
land, NY, is now back
again. In the meantime,
the business representative
and registered nurse have
been to their favorite island
8 times, often bringing their
children, who are now 24
and 20 years old.
Friends recommended
Moomba Beach to Michael
and Josephine (both 58)
and they loved the vibes,
the ocean view and the
drinks there. MooMba is lo-
cated between Hadicurari
Restaurant and the Holiday
Inn Resort. We hope you
have had a wonderful time
on the island.
And come back soon.q
Fruit Loose & Veggie Boost
Continued on Page 16 selves with a wet season
and a dry season. Still we
Besides stir-fry, soups and do indulge heavily in the
salads, the long bean is a pleasures of pumpkin and
good choice for stewing, enjoy Caribbean pump-
braising (to remain chewy kin recipes year round.
and firm), sautéing, shal- A popular dish in Aruban
low frying, and deep fry- restaurants is Sopa Di Pom-
ing. With cooking, the long puna, don’t miss it. This dish
bean’s bean flavor intensi- is made of pumpkin soup,
fies. Long beans are low in and parsley. Pumpkins are
calories, about 45 calories rich in flavonoid polyphe-
per cup, and rich in vitamin nolic antioxidants such as
A and also contain vitamin xanthin, lutein and caro-
C and potassium. Season: tenes and also contain vi-
year-round. tamins. Pumpkin seeds are
a good source of omega-3
Pompuna fatty acids, vitamins, miner-
In the endless summer of als and proteins. Pumpkins
Caribbean living we only are used to make desserts,
have to concern our- breads and soups.q