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a8    local
                   Monday 15 January 2024

            Rhythms Circus Company Aruba: putting Aruba’s name on the world stage

                                                              RCCA  also  offers  the  possibility  for  you  and   a shocking acrobatics ending, one that was
                                                              your family to enjoy dinner before the show!    seen  my  thousands  of  people  around  the
                                                              Starting from 6pm, you and your family can      world  when  the  group  travelled  to  Los  An-
                                                              delight from the wide-ranged menu that in-      geles  in  the  United  States  to  represent  Aru-
                                                              cludes  a  variation  of  delicious  main  course   ba in America’s Got Talent. Hernandez said
                                                              meals complete with a delectable flan des-      that  the  show  was  very  important  for  them
                                                              sert as a sweet treat. Enjoy your dinner even   to meet the public present because people
                                                              more at a VIP table complete with comfort       could experience this performance live and
                                                              seating!                                        right before their eyes.

                                                              The group, under the leadership of directors    Their  presentation  in  America’s  Got  Talent
                                                              and  creators  Diego  Jaramillo  and  Yamila    “was incredible” and they were able to meet
                                                              Hernandez are opening the doors to the ball-    the jury and many other artists staying there
                                                              room to our local audience as well as our visi-  for  three  months.  But  the  exhaustion  and
                                                              tors so that everyone can have the privilege    physical toll was so great that Diego suffered
                                                              of experiencing this wonderful show.            an accident, and because of this, they had
                                                                                                              to cancel all future commitments.
                                                              Hernandez  explained  that  the  idea  for  this
              Rhythms Circus Company Aruba is a talented      project  started  in  2010  when  she  came  to           Reservations and tickets
              group of young people working daily to pres-    work in Aruba. After being on the island for a   To make a reservation to see this incredible
              ent their art in the form of acrobatics, danc-  while she decided to stay and live here, and    display of creativity and acrobatics, scan the
              ing,  acting  and  singing.  After  an  impactful   she met Diego Jaramillo, who is currently her   QR code which will take you directly to their
              participation in one of America’s biggest tal-  partner.  Together  they  came  with  the  idea   website for a booking. To find more informa-
              ent shows, they are now bringing their amaz-    to establish a company together with other      tion about RCCA, please visit their Instagram
              ing talent to Aruba!
                                                              professional artists, with the goal of living from   page @rccaruba.q
                                                              their art.
              In a show full of light, music, and with perfor-
              mances  to  famous  musical  figures  like  Elvis   Hernandez says that the work is hard – all of
              Presley, Michael Jackson and Tina Turner, the   the  performers  are  professional  artists,  and
              group  consisting  of  15  people  from  various   while  the  production  of  the  show  is  not  a
              countries delights the audience with their ar-  challenge for them, selling the idea proved
              tistic prowess at the Paseo Herencia Mall, ev-  difficult since at the time, there weren’t any
              ery Wednesday and Friday starting at 7pm.       shows of its kind on the island.
              Each day has a different show, so you can
              attend both nights for the complete experi-                America’s Got Talent
              ence!                                           Currently they are offering a show with mu-
                                                              sic, choreography and at the end, they have

            Visit the historic museum at Fort Zoutman!

            (Oranjestad)—Located in the middle of down-     The fort itself was originally constructed to pro-
            town Oranjestad, situated right next to the gov-  tect the commerce bay of Paardenbaai from
            ernment building “Cocolishi”, is one of the old-  pirates  and  other  disreputable  characters
            est buildings of Aruba: Fort Zoutman. First con-  roaming the Caribbean Sea. Unlike the Willem
            structed in 1796, this site has been used (or left  III Toren, Fort Zoutman had a more tumultuous
            unused) in many ways and have survived eras  past, including the on-and-off reception of un-
            of war and attempted dismantling.               wanted members of the English military several
                                                            times  (The  Netherlands  was  at  constant  war
            When  anyone  refers  to  Fort  Zoutman,  they  with England back in the colonial era).
            are  actually  referring  to  two  separate  build-  Over  the  years,  both  the  fort  and  the  tower
            ings that, over the years, have been merged:  had functioned as different government center  military and social history of Oranjestad, offer-
            the fort and the tower. That’s right, the iconic  points,  including  a  tax  and  stamps  office.  For  ing a glance into how the social culture of the
            5-story, squared tower was not part of the origi-  some  time  these  two  buildings  also  housed  a  town came to be. If you are interested in history
            nal structure of the fort, and is actually called  police precinct and jail, and even experienced  and want to learn more about Aruba, then Fort
            “Willem III Toren”. Constructed in 1867, this tow-  abandonment until the Cultural Center Aruba  Zoutman should definitely be included into your
            er  was  named  after  the  then-reigning  king  of  Foundation (CCA) petitioned for its renovation  itinerary.
            The Netherlands, Willem III. Willem III Toren was  in 1964, turning the site into the Historic Museum  The  museum  is  open  Monday  to  Friday  from
            originally a light tower, but after a request from  it currently is.                             9am-6pm, and Saturday from 10am-2pm.q
            Lieutenant Governor Jan Helenus in 1866, it also  Despite  its  small  size,  The  Historic  Museum
            became a bell tower.                            guards  a  rich  depository  of  the  commercial,       Source: The Old Fort of Aruba by Jan Hartog.
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