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                                                                                                           LOCAL Tuesday 8 OcTOber 2024

            Aruba Tourism Authority honored loyal visitors at Marriott`s Aruba

            Surf Club!

            The  Aruba  Tourism  Author-                                                           Goodwill Ambassadors         The  top  reasons  for  return-
            ity  recently  had  the  great                                                         Mr.  Thomas  &  Mrs.  Susan  ing  to  Aruba  provided  by
            pleasure  of  recognizing                                                              McCaffrey from North Myr-    the honorees were:
            Goodwill  Ambassadors  of                                                              tle  Beach  South  Carolina,  •     Aruba’s people.
            Aruba.  The  honorees  were                                                            United States.               •      Aruba’s weather.
            respectively  honored  with                                                                                         •      Aruba’s restaurants.
            a certificate for their years                                                          Mr.  Jorgino  Willems  repre-  •    Aruba is very safe.
            of  visits,  loyalty,  and  love                                                       senting  the  Aruba  Tourism  •     “Entertainment  op-
            for the island of Aruba.                                                               Authority,  and  staff  mem-  portunities”
                                                                                                   bers of Marriott`s Aruba Surf
            The  honorary  certification                                                           Club  Resort  bestowed  the  On  behalf  of  the  Aruba
            is  presented  on  behalf  of                                                          certificate  upon  the  hon-  Tourism   Authority,   we
            the  Minister  of  Tourism  as                            (20>years    consecutively   orees, presented them with  would  like  to  express  our
            a  token  of  appreciation   The  three  levels  of  honor  visiting Aruba)            gifts, and thanked them for  sincere  gratitude  and  ap-
            and to say “Masha Danki”     are as follows:              Emerald       Ambassador     choosing Aruba as their fa-  preciation to the honorees
            to guests who have visited   Distinguished        Visitor  (35>years   consecutively   vorite vacation destination,  for  their  continued  visits  to
            Aruba 10, 20, or 35 years or   (10>years   consecutively  visiting Aruba)              as  their  home  away  from  the “One Happy Island”.
            more consecutively.          visiting Aruba)                                           home.
                                         Goodwill      Ambassador  The honorees were:
             Playa Linda promotes “Pack for a Purpose” ideals

             Big impact can be made during the holiday season

            Playa  Linda  Beach  Resort,  between  Playa  Linda  and
            whose  commitment  to  the  Pack  for  a  Purpose  gets
            larger  Aruban  community  needed  supplies  to  the
            has resulted in the support  Animal  Relief  Foundation
            of  various,  invaluable  is-  (ARF),  Casa  Cuna  (Chil-
            land  non-profits  over  the  dren’s  Home),  the  Foun-
            years, continues to partner  dation  for  Our  Community
            with  and  promote  the  in-  (FPNC)  and  others.  At  this
            ternational “Pack for a Pur-  time  of  year,  FPNC  does   destinations/caribbean/
            pose” (PfaP) cause. Acts of  particularly important work,
            kindness  through  small  in-  providing basic needs and   aruba/playa-linda-beach-
                                                                      resort/  where  they  can
            dividual donations can add  helping  to  feed  struggling
            up and have a tremendous  families.  As  well  as  run-   choose  an  item  or  items
                                                                      from  the  different  founda-
            impact, simply by using ex-  ning the island’s  only  food   tions’  specific  needs  list.  “For the five years we have
            tra luggage space to bring  pantry,  FPNC  also  holds  a   Once in Aruba, those items  partnered  with  PfaP,  we  travels meaningful” by pair-
            in  needed  supplies  that  Christmas  event  for  those   can be dropped off at the  have experienced remark-      ing travelers with the needs
            benefit the most vulnerable  who  otherwise  would  be    front desk at the Playa Lin-  able  kindness  and  gener-  of   community   projects
            members of the community  unable  to  enjoy  a  holiday   da Beach Resort, which will  osity  from  guests,  and  we  around  the  world.  Since
            in  a  vacation  destination.  gathering.  Donations  of   ensure it gets to the desig-  hope to keep that momen-   2010,  it  has  helped  hun-
            As  we  approach  the  holi-  children’s toys are also be-                             tum  going.  By  working  to-  dreds of projects in places
            day season, Playa Linda is  ing  accepted  at  this  time   nated recipient.           gether, we have been able  in Africa, Asia, and the Ca-
            making  another  appeal  to  of year.                                                  to  express  gratitude  and  ribbean,  by  focusing  in  on
            Aruba’s many devoted visi-                                “We  listened  to  our  mem-
                                                                      bers and guests, and chose  give  back  to  the  Aruban  five general areas: educa-
            tors,  encouraging  them  to  Visitors  to  Aruba  are  en-                      we  community  in  meaningful  tion,  health,  child  welfare,
            bring joy to others through  couraged to participate by   foundations    which                                      animal welfare, and socio-
                                                                      thought  could  make  the  ways.”
            thoughtful donations.        visiting  the  Pack  for  a  Pur-                                                      economic development.
                                         pose website: https://www.   biggest  difference,”  ex-
                                                                      plains  Playa  Linda Director  Pack  for  a  Purpose  carries
            In  Aruba,  the  partnership
                                                                      of Operations Sulaika Kelly.  the message of “make your
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