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U.S. NEWS Saturday 16 May 2020
Most states still fall short of recommended testing levels
Continued from Front testing supplies to conduct
about 400,000 tests per day
Most governors are moving in May and June. But that’s
ahead with unlocking their still less than half the total
states, even in cases where recommended by the Har-
they are not meeting broad vard team.
guidelines recommended Only nine states met the
by the White House. daily rate recommended
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott by Jha and his colleagues,
has set a goal of 30,000 according to the AP ana-
tests per day as his state lysis. Most of those states
launched one of the na- are large and rural, such
tion’s most aggressive re- as Montana, Alaska, North
openings on May 1. He ne- Dakota and Wyoming. Me-
ver set a firm date on when anwhile, states with some
the state would hit the of the biggest testing short-
30,000 mark, but for most falls, including New York
of May, the daily testing and New Jersey, have sig-
numbers have fallen well naled they will keep stay-
short of that. Local leaders at-home orders in place.
say tests are still in short sup- In New York, Gov. Andrew
ply. El Paso officials have Cuomo will allow many
pleaded with the governor An employee from Quest Diagnostics looks inside the COVID-19 virus test collection box at a smaller cities and rural re-
to postpone easing up any drive thru for the CVS Pharmacy in Danvers, Mass., Friday, May 15, 2020. CVS has expanded their gions of upstate New York
more business restrictions in testing sites. Associated Press to gradually reopen first, in-
light of the COVID-19 cases dustry by industry, in areas
there surging 60% over the last seven days supposedly days away, that has made it hard for that have been spared the
past two weeks. Maryland Gov. Larry Ho- along with the tubes and us to have a great national brunt of the coronavirus
The first stage of reopening gan made headlines last the stuff that goes with response to this pandemic outbreak. The first wave of
in Maryland was schedu- month when the state ac- them. So it’s not enough, is a tragedy,” said Dr. Ashish businesses includes retail
led to take effect Friday quired 500,000 test kits from but it helps us.” Jha, director of Harvard’s — though only for curbside
evening, when some re- a South Korean company Researchers at Harvard Global Health Institute. “I’d or in-store pickup — along
tail stores will be allowed in a confidential deal, but University have calculated like us to have a massive with construction and ma-
to reopen and a stay-at- Maryland has not had all that the U.S. needs to test a amount of ubiquitous tes- nufacturing. Cuomo also
home order lifted. But some the components needed minimum of 900,000 people ting so that, of all the things announced that beaches
of the hardest-hit parts of for testing — like swabs — per day to safely reopen we need to worry about, would be allowed to open
the state, including the sub- to meet demand. Hogan the economy, based on testing isn’t one of them.” in time for the Memorial
urbs of Washington, D.C., said Maryland just received the 10% positivity rate and President Donald Trump in- Day weekend.
extended restrictions for re- swabs this week from the several other key metrics. sisted again this week that In Virginia, some nones-
sidents and businesses. Federal Emergency Ma- That goal is nearly three his administration had “met sential businesses including
Maryland averaged 4,265 nagement Agency. times the country’s current the moment” and “pre- hair salons reopened Friday
tests per day this week, “We requested 350,000,” daily testing tally of about vailed” on testing, even as under modified restrictions
compared with about Hogan said Wednesday. 360,000, according to figu- he continued to shift res- set in place by Gov. Ral-
4,900 the previous week. “They’ve committed to res compiled by the COVID ponsibility for the effort to ph Northam. Retail stores
Nearly 22 percent of peop- 225,000, and I think we Tracking Project website. the governors. Administra- could expand their capa-
le tested positive in Mary- got 75,000 yesterday with “The fact that testing has tion officials said they will city, but beaches were still
land on average over the another 125,000 that are become the Achilles’ heel provide states with enough off limits to sunbathers. q
CDC alerts doctors to COVID-19 linked condition in children
By LINDSEY TANNER blood tests, and evidence Reported cases have all
AP Medical Writer of problems affecting at involved children but the
The federal Centers for least two organs that could CDC said it is unknown if
Disease Control and Pre- include the heart, kidneys, the condition can occur in
vention is warning doctors lungs, skin or other nervous adults.
about a serious rare inflam- system. The name and defi- Doctors should be on the
matory condition in chil- nition are similar to those lookout for the condition
dren linked with the coro- used in Europe, where the and report suspected cas-
navirus. condition was first reported es to local or state health
In an alert issued Thursday, several weeks ago. departments. It should be
the CDC called the condi- The condition has been re- suspected in all deaths
tion multisystem inflamma- ported in at least 110 New in children who had evi-
tory syndrome in children. York children and in several dence of COVID-19 infec-
The agency's case defini- kids in other states. A few tion, the CDC said.
tion includes current or re- children have died. Children are less likely than
cent COVID-19 infection Some children may have adults to develop CO-
or exposure to the virus, a symptoms resembling Ka- VID-19 and their illnesses
fever of at least 100.4 for at wasaki disease, a rare con- usually are less severe al- This undated electron microscope image made available by
least 24 hours, severe illness dition in children that can though they can spread the U.S. National Institutes of Health in February 2020 shows the
requiring hospitalization, cause swelling and heart the disease without show- Novel Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, yellow, emerging from the
surface of cells, blue/pink, cultured in the lab.
inflammatory markers in problems. ing symptoms. q Associated Press