Page 17 - HOH
P. 17
locAl Saturday 13 June 2020
What happens if I show COVID-19 symptoms/test positive while in Aruba?
day informed in yester-
day’s newspaper about the
boarding and island entry
requirements applicable to
Aruba but what happens if
you get sick? Now that visi-
tors from Bonaire and Cu-
racao can enter from June
15th, Europeans, Canadi-
ans and Caribbean people
(except Dominicans and
Haitians) from July 1st and
USA guests from July 10th
it is important to know the
protocol in case of CO-
VID-19 symptoms/positive
All visitors will be required
to comply with the Govern-
ment of Aruba procedures
and protocols if showing
symptoms and/or testing
positive for COVID-19 while
in Aruba.
The mandatory require-
ments will include: center, for testing at the di-
Initial Step agnostic center.
• In the case of a • Following all proce-
guest contacting the hotel dures as stipulated by the
in light of symptoms linked host hotel, the guest will
to COVID-19 (fever, cough, be transported by a desig-
shortness of breath and nated transportation com-
breathing difficulties), the pany for testing.
hotel staff will direct the • The guest is to fol-
guest immediately to their low all health and safety
room and the respective regulations during this pro-
hotel representative will cess, and must pack and
contact the Call Center at take all belongings with
280-0101 or one of the pri- him/her.
vate clinics and connect • The guest will be
the call to their room. taken to a designated iso-
• Over the phone, a lation location pending
triage questionnaire will be test result
conducted by a medical As the guest is being test-
practitioner. ed, all travel companions
will be advised to stay in
quarantine at the host ho-
For guests that do NOT
MEET criteria for testing: tel pending test results.
• The medical prac- Test Results
titioner will advise on next
steps. Positive:
• The hotel will follow • The test results will
up by calling the room and be revealed by the Depart-
confirming the status. ment of Public Health in 24-
48 hours.
For guests that MEET criteria • If the test is positive,
for testing: the confirmed case will re-
• Call Center main in isolation at one of
o If Call Center has the designated properties,
been called, the medical until recovered.
practitioner will inform the • Throughout the iso-
guest and the host hotel of lation process, medical fol-
suspected case. low up will be conducted.
o If one of the private • Once the patient
clinics has been called, the recovers and tests nega-
doctor will inform the guest, tive, he/she can resume
the host hotel and the Call vacation or depart the
Center. destination.
• A date and time will
be appointed, by the call Continued on Page 32