Page 18 - HOH
P. 18

a32    local
                     Saturday 13 June 2020

            What happens if I show COVID-19 symptoms/test positive while in Aruba?

                                                Continued from Page 31              •       Travel  companion(s)  of  a  toms can either stay in quarantine
                                                                                    suspected case will remain in quar-  in Aruba at one of the designated
                                                Negative:                           antine  at  host  hotel  while  test  re-  quarantine locations or choose to
                                                •       If  test  results  are  negative,  sults are pending            depart the island.
                                                the patient will go back to his/her  •      Travel companion(s) of the  •       In    case     a     travel
                                                host  hotel,  reunite  with  any  travel  confirmed case will need to pack  companion(s) develops COVID-19
                                                companions  who  will  be  simulta-  their  belongings  as  they  would  related symptoms while in quaran-
                                                neously released from quarantine,  need to be relocated and placed  tine,  the  new  suspected  case  will
                                                and can resume their vacation.      in quarantine at one of the desig-  be  transferred  to  the  Diagnostic
                                                                                    nated  quarantine  locations  for  14  Center to get tested and then be
                                                Quarantine: Travel Companions       days. This period restarts each time  isolated  at  an  assigned  location
                                                •       Travel  companions  will  not  a  new  case  is  discovered  within  pending test results.
                                                accompany the guest to the Diag-    the group                           Source:
                                                nostic Center or hospital.          •       A person not showing symp-  us/traveler-health-requirements. q

            United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC):
            Full Inclusion of Indigenous Peoples important to guarantee their

            collective rights

            PORT-OF-SPAIN,  TRINIDAD  gion.The  study  by  ECLAC  institutionally  pluricultural,
            AND  TOBAGO  —  ECLAC’s  and FILAC raises the visibil-    diverse, inclusive, equitable
            Executive Secretary, Alicia  ity of the situation of indige-  and   non-discriminatory,
            Bárcena, and the President  nous peoples and presents  where  the  rights  of  indige-
            of  the  Fund  for  the  Devel-  an  updated  overview  of  nous peoples are effective-
            opment  of  the  Indigenous  the state of territorial rights  ly recognized and guaran-
            Peoples  of  Latin  America  and of forests, and the de-  teed. “The 2030 Agenda for
            and the Caribbean, Myrna  mography and right to well-     Sustainable  Development,
            Cunningham,  presented  a  being  of  the  indigenous  adopted  by  the  nations
            study today that addresses  peoples  of  Latin  America,  of  the  world  in  2015,  can
            the  reality  of  indigenous  with  the  aim  of  contribut-  constitute a great opportu-  izing  indigenous  peoples’  have to defeat the culture
            peoples in the region.       ing to follow-up on the 2030  nity in this sense, if due and  territorial  demands  are  a  of  privilege  and  move  to-
                                         Agenda’s  implementation  proper  attention  can  be  widespread  phenomenon  wards a culture of equality
            The  more  than  800  indig-  and  to  the  urgent  actions  paid in the next ten years to  in  the  region,  which  unfor-  that shows special respect
            enous  peoples  present  in  needed     to   accelerate  harmonizing  its  Goals  and  tunately  are  on  the  rise.  for  the  great  wealth  of  in-
            Latin  America  should  take  compliance with the com-    their corresponding targets  She  specified  that  in  Latin  digenous  peoples.  Abya
            a  leading  role  in  decision-  mitments  that  the  region’s  with  indigenous  peoples’  America,  there  are  1,223  Yala is a fully mature land,
            making  spaces,  not  only  countries have taken on.      collective rights,” the docu-  land  conflicts  that  have  with  lifeblood,  and  where
            to  safeguard  their  right                               ment emphasizes. With that  prompted  mobilizations  by  guaranteeing  indigenous
            to  self-determination  but  According  to  the  docu-    aim, it calls for creating the  indigenous peoples, which  peoples’ rights is an urgent
            also  because  of  the  sig-  ment, the indigenous pop-   legislative,   institutional,  have been met with repres-  matter,” she affirmed.
            nificant  contributions  they  ulation  in  Latin  America  –  political  and  economic  sion and criminalization. As
            can make to reformulating  Abya Yala is estimated at 60  conditions  that  would  re-  a  result,  232  defenders  of  Meanwhile,  Myrna  Cun-
            development  models,  the  million  people,  which  rep-  flect  existing  diversity  and  indigenous life and territory  ningham,  President  of  FI-
            Economic  Commission  for  resents 10% of the region’s  give  concrete  shape  to  were  murdered  between  LAC, noted that the docu-
            Latin America and the Ca-    total,  belonging  to  more  the  commitment  assumed  2015  and  the  first  half  of  ment reflects a reality that
            ribbean  (ECLAC)  and  the  than  800  different  indige-  by  the  world’s  countries  in  2019, which means that, on  the  COVID-19  pandemic
            Fund  for  the  Development  nous peoples. It adds that,  2014 – in the framework of  average,  four  indigenous  has  revealed:  the  intensi-
            of  the  Indigenous  Peoples  30  years  since  the  adop-  the  World  Conference  on  defenders are murdered in  fication  of  racism,  expo-
            of  Latin  America  and  the  tion of the Indigenous and  Indigenous  Peoples  –  to  the region each month.        sure of the inequality exist-
            Caribbean  (FILAC)  under-   Tribal  Peoples  Convention  recognize,  respect,  pro-                                ing  between  indigenous
            scored today in a joint pub-  1989 (No. 169) by the Inter-  mote, advance and not di-  The  senior  United  Nations  peoples  and  other  sectors
            lication.                    national  Labor  Organiza-   minish in any way the rights  official  warned  that  the  of society, and the crisis of
                                         tion (ILO), and even though  of  aboriginal  communities  indigenous      population  the  economic  model  that
            The  study  entitled  The  In-  Latin American States have  and  to  defend  the  princi-  continues  to  experience  prevails in our region. “The
            digenous  Peoples  of  Latin  fully  recognized  the  rights  ples  of  the  United  Nations  a  higher  level  of  poverty  document  contributes  el-
            America  –  Abya  Yala  and  of indigenous peoples, this  Declaration  on  the  Rights  than  non-indigenous  peo-  ements  that  can  help  us
            the  2030  Agenda  for  Sus-  collective  continues  to  be  of Indigenous Peoples.    ple  and  that  the  wage  in-  to  respond  to  the  current
            tainable     Development:  among the groups that lag                                   equalities  between  indig-  emergency  situation,  but
            Tensions  and  Challenges  the furthest behind in eco-    During  the  launch  of  the  enous  workers  and  non-in-  also  to  earnestly  begin  to
            from  a  Territorial  Perspec-  nomic  and  social  terms,  study,   Alicia   Bárcena,  digenous ones intensify ac-  recognize, as a region, the
            tive  was  presented  by  even when the region has  ECLAC’s  Executive  Secre-         cording to education level  contributions of indigenous
            Alicia  Bárcena,  ECLAC’s  achieved major progress in  tary, called for guarantee-     and gender.                  peoples that are based on
            Executive  Secretary,  and  this area.                    ing  the  collective  rights  of                          their abilities, on their tradi-
            Myrna  Cunningham,  Presi-                                the  indigenous  peoples  of  “We must put an end to the  tional  knowledge,  on  their
            dent  of  FILAC,  in  a  virtual  The study specifies that one  Latin  America  and  ensur-  culture of privilege that nat-  capacity  for  governance
            launch  event  moderated  of the most important chal-     ing they are not left behind  uralizes inequalities and dif-  and  articulation  between
            by Javier Ciurlizza, Director  lenges  that  the  region’s  on the path to sustainable  ferent  types  of  discrimina-  the  national,  local  and  in-
            of  the  Ford  Foundation’s  countries  face  is  the  forg-  development. She warned  tion, which we have inherit-  ternational  spheres,”  she
            Office  for  the  Andean  Re-  ing  of  societies  that  are  that processes for criminal-  ed from colonial times. We  expressed.q
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