Page 29 - bon-dia-aruba-20210410
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world news Diasabra 10 aPriL 2021
N Ireland leaders call for calm after violence escalates
(AP) — Authorities in have accused outlawed para-
Northern Ireland sought military groups — which re-
to restore calm Thurs- main a force in working class
day after Protestant and communities — of inciting
Catholic youths in Belfast young people to cause may-
hurled bricks, fireworks hem. They expressed outrage
and gasoline bombs at that a new generation was
police and each other. It being exposed to, and pulled
was the worst mayhem in into, violence.
a week of street violence Northern Ireland Justice
in the region, where Brit- Minister Naomi Long,
ain’s exit from the Euro- from the centrist Alliance
pean Union has unsettled Party, said she was horri-
an uneasy political bal- fied to watch footage of
ance. adults “standing by cheering
and goading and encourag-
Crowds including children ing young people on as they
as young as 12 or 13 clashed wreaked havoc in their own
across a concrete “peace wall” community.”
in west Belfast that separates “This is nothing short of
a British loyalist Protestant child abuse,” she said.
neighborhood from an Irish Both Britain and the EU have
nationalist Catholic area. Po- expressed concerns about
lice fired rubber bullets at the how the Brexit agreement is
crowd, and nearby a city bus violence since the 1998 Good shed over the status of the deep political challenges working, and the Democratic
was hijacked and set on fire. Friday peace accord ended region in which more than ahead.” Unionist Party wants it to be
Northern Ireland has seen “the Troubles” — decades of 3,000 people died. “We should all know that scrapped. But any long-term
sporadic outbreaks of street Catholic-Protestant blood- But Police Service of North- when politics are perceived solution will require political
ern Ireland Assistant Chief to fail, those who fill the vac- commitment that appears in
Constable Jonathan Roberts uum cause despair,” said Fos- short supply. Britain and the
Monkey business: 2 said Wednesday’s mayhem ter, who heads the Northern EU are squabbling over the
“was at a scale we have not Ireland government.
new trade arrangements and
dozen Barbary macaques seen in recent years.” He said Deputy First Minister Mi- show little of the goodwill
a total of 55 police officers chelle O’Neill, of Irish na-
needed to make their new
escape German zoo had been injured over several tionalist party Sinn Fein, relationship work. Sinn Fein
nights of disorder and it was called the violence “utterly and the DUP have blamed
lucky no one had been seri- deplorable.” one another for the deterio-
ously hurt or killed. Despite the united message, rating situation.
Northern Ireland’s politi- Katy Hayward, a politics pro-
Britain’s split from the EU cians are deeply divided, fessor at Queen’s University
has highlighted the contested and events on the street are Belfast and senior fellow of
status of Northern Ireland, in many cases beyond their the U.K. in a Changing Eu-
where some people identify control. rope think tank, said union-
as British and want to stay As many predicted it would, ists felt that “Northern Ire-
part of the U.K., while others the situation has been desta- land’s place is under threat
see themselves as Irish and bilized by Britain’s departure in the union, and they feel
seek unity with the neigh- from the EU — after almost betrayed by London.”
boring Republic of Ireland, 50 years of membership — Unionists are also angry at a
an EU member. that became final on Dec. 31. police decision not to pros-
Unrest has erupted over the A post-Brexit U.K.-EU trade ecute Sinn Fein politicians
past week — largely in loyal- deal has imposed customs and who attended the funeral of
ist, Protestant areas — amid border checks on some goods a former Irish Republican
rising tensions over post- moving between Northern Army commander in June.
Brexit trade rules and wors- Ireland and the rest of the The funeral of Bobby Storey
ening relations between the U.K. The arrangement was drew a large crowd, despite
(AP) — About two dozen monkeys have broken parties in the Protestant- designed to avoid checks be- coronavirus rules barring
out of a southwestern German zoo and are Catholic power-sharing Bel- tween Northern Ireland and mass gatherings.
fast government.
Ireland because an open Irish The main unionist parties
roaming the area despite efforts to recapture
them, authorities said Thursday. U.K. Prime Minister Boris border has helped underpin have demanded the resigna-
Johnson condemned the un- the peace process built. tion of Northern Ireland’s
rest, saying “the way to re- But unionists says the new police chief over the contro-
The Barbary macaques, commonly known as Barbary solve differences is through checks amount to the cre-
apes, escaped from the zoo in Loeffingen, southwest versy, claiming he has lost the
of Stuttgart and not far from the Swiss border, the dpa dialogue, not violence or ation of a border between confidence of their commu-
criminality.” He sent North-
Northern Ireland and the nity.
news agency reported.
It was not entirely clear how they got away, but ern Ireland Secretary Bran- rest of the U.K. — something “You have a very fizzy po-
don Lewis to Belfast for talks they fear undermines the re-
constriction work at the zoo might have been a factor, litical atmosphere in which
police said. with the region’s political gion’s place in the United those who are trying to urge
The primates were spotted roaming the area in a pack, for calm and restraint are sort
but zoo employees were unable to recapture them and Meanwhile, Northern Ire- The latest disturbances fol- of undermined,” Hayward
eventually lost track of them. land’s Belfast-based assembly lowed unrest over the Easter said.
Police say the animals tend to be harmless and shy, and government held emer- long weekend in pro-British “It’s really easy to see how it
but that people should not attempt to capture them or gency meetings Thursday unionist areas in and around could get worse,” she added.
approach them otherwise, lest they provoke them. and called for an end to the Belfast and Londonderry, “There’s many factors, in-
The Barbary macaque is native to the Atlas Mountains violence. also known as Derry, that saw cluding, obviously, criminal
of North Africa and has a small but famous presence First Minister Arlene Foster, cars set on fire and projectiles gangs at work who benefit
across the water in Europe in the British territory of of the pro-British Demo- and gasoline bombs hurled at from chaos like this. ... So
Gibraltar. cratic Unionist Party, warned police officers. that you could see how things
that “Northern Ireland faces Some politicians and police can definitely escalate.”