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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Monday 6 February 2023

            It wasn’t me: Ex-UK PM Truss blames ‘system’ for her failure

            By JILL LAWLESS                                                                        Cambridge        University
            Associated Press                                                                       economist  Charles  Read
            LONDON  (AP)  —  Former                                                                said  he  warned  the  Trea-
            British  Prime  Minister  Liz                                                          sury  in  early  September
            Truss says her failure wasn’t                                                          that  a  sudden  economic
            her  fault.  Truss  on  Sunday                                                         stimulus  package  “risked
            blamed  a  “powerful  eco-                                                             financial  instability  and  a
            nomic  establishment”  and                                                             financial crisis.
            internal Conservative Party                                                            “The  mini-budget  crisis  last
            opposition  for  the  rapid                                                            autumn  was  predictable,
            collapse  of  her  govern-                                                             preventable & avoidable,”
            ment, and said she still be-                                                           he wrote on Twitter.
            lieves  her  tax-cutting  poli-                                                        Truss’ article could put more
            cies were the right ones.                                                              pressure  on  Prime  Minister
            Britain’s   shortest-serving                                                           Rishi  Sunak,  a  former  Trea-
            prime  minister  resigned  in   Outgoing British Prime Minister Liz Truss speaks outside Downing   sury  chief  installed  by  the
            October,  six  weeks  into   Street in London, on Oct. 25, 2022.                       Conservatives  to  calm  the
            the job, after her inaugural                                          Associated Press   markets  and  steady  the
            budget plan sparked mar-     ($54  billion)  in  unfunded  her   low-tax,   small-state  government  after  her  de-
            ket mayhem.                  tax cuts — including an in-  agenda  “was  the  right  parture.
            Breaking  her  post-premier-  come tax reduction for the  thing to do, but the forces  Sunak says tackling double-
            ship  silence  in  the  Sunday  highest earners — spooked  against it were too great.”  digit inflation is more impor-
            Telegraph newspaper, Truss  the financial markets.        She claimed “large parts of  tant  than  immediate  tax
            said  she  underestimated  The prospect of more debt  the  media  and  the  wider  cuts. But with the economy
            the  resistance  her  free-  and higher inflation sent the  public  sphere”  had  a  left-  still struggling — the Interna-
            market policies would face  pound  plunging  to  its  low-  wing  slant,  and  criticized  tional  Monetary  Fund  says
            from “the system.”           est-ever  level  against  the  U.S. President Joe Biden for  Britain will be the only major
            “I  am  not  claiming  to  be  U.S. dollar. The cost of gov-  calling her plan a mistake.  economy  to  contract  this
            blameless  in  what  hap-    ernment borrowing soared  Critics accused the former  year — and the party lag-
            pened,  but  fundamentally  and  the  Bank  of  England  prime  minister  of  rewriting  ging well behind Labour in
            I  was  not  given  a  realistic  had  to  step  in  to  prop  up  history and using the popu-  opinion polls, some Conser-
            chance  to  enact  my  poli-  the bond market and pre-    list  playbook  by  blaming  vative  lawmakers  are  get-
            cies  by  a  very  powerful  vent  a  wider  economic  the system for her own fail-    ting restless.
            economic  establishment,  meltdown that threatened  ures. Gavin Barwell, a Con-        A faction inside the party is
            coupled with a lack of po-   people’s pensions.           servative who was chief of  still  pushing  immediate  tax
            litical support,” she wrote.  Truss  first  fired  her  Treasury  staff  to  ex-Prime  Minister  cuts,  despite  the  damage
            Truss took office in Septem-  chief, Kwasi Kwarteng, then  Theresa  May,  tweeted  at  done by “Trussonomics.”
            ber  after  winning  a  Con-  quit herself.               Truss:  “You  were  brought  Lawmaker Jake Berry, a for-
            servative  Party  leadership  In  the  article,  she  claimed  down because in a matter  mer  party  chair,  said  that
            contest  to  replace  scan-  her government was made  of weeks you lost the confi-     while Truss’ agenda “wasn’t
            dal-tarnished Prime Minister  a  “scapegoat”  for  long-  dence of the financial mar-  delivered in the right way,”
            Boris  Johnson.  Her  promise  brewing  instability  with  li-  kets,  the  electorate  and  she had the right instincts.
            to  spur  economic  growth  ability  driven  investments,  your  own  MPs.  During  a  “Her  point  of,  we  need  to
            with  tax  cuts  and  deregu-  a form of bond market de-  profound  cost  of  living  cri-  lower  taxes,  we  need  to
            lation enthused Tory mem-    rivatives  in  which  pension  sis, you thought it was a pri-  create  a  growing  econ-
            bers,  but  a  budget  con-  funds are heavily invested,  ority to cut tax for the rich-  omy,  that’s  what  people
            taining  45  billion  pounds  Truss  said  she  still  believed  est people in the country.”  want,” Berry told the BBC.q

            Chile wildfires spread amid heat wave as death toll rises

            SANTIAGO,  Chile  (AP)  —  At  least  22  people  have
            Chile  extended  an  emer-   died  in  connection  to  the
            gency  declaration  to  yet  fires  and  554  have  been
            another  region  on  Satur-  injured,  including  16  in  se-
            day as firefighters struggled  rious  condition,  according
            to control dozens of raging  to Interior Minister Carolina
            wildfires that have claimed  Tohá. The death toll is likely
            at  least  22  lives  amid  a  to  rise  as  Tohá  said  there
            scorching  heat  wave  that  are unconfirmed reports of
            has broken records.          at least 10 people missing.
            The  government  declared  Sixteen of the deaths took
            a  state  of  catastrophe  in  place  in  Biobío,  five  in  La
            the  La  Araucanía  region,  Araucanía and one in Ñu-
            which  is  south  of  Ñuble  ble.
            and  Biobío,  two  central-  The deaths included a Bo-    Charred trees stand in an area destroyed by wildfires in Santa
            southern regions where the  livian pilot who died when    Juana, Chile, Saturday, Feb. 4, 2023.
            emergency      declaration  a helicopter that was help-                                            Associated Press
            had  already  been  issued.  ing  combat  the  flames
            The  measure  allows  for  crashed  in  La  Araucanía.  Over  the  past  week,  fires  usually burned in an entire
            greater  cooperation  with  A  Chilean  mechanic  also  have  burned  through  an  year,  Tohá  said  in  a  news
            the military.                died in the crash.           area equivalent to what is  conference.q
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