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                  Monday 6 February 2023
            Pope, Anglican, Presbyterian leaders denounce anti-gay laws

            By NICOLE WINFIELD                                                                                                  glican  Communion,  which
            Associated Press                                                                                                    includes churches in Africa
            ABOARD  THE  PAPAL  PLANE                                                                                           and the Middle East where
            (AP)  —  Pope  Francis,  the                                                                                        such  anti-gay  laws  are
            head  of  the  Anglican                                                                                             most  common  and  often
            Communion and top Pres-                                                                                             enjoy support by conserva-
            byterian  minister  together                                                                                        tive bishops.
            denounced  the  criminal-                                                                                           The   broader    Lambeth
            ization of homosexuality on                                                                                         Conference has come out
            Sunday and said gay peo-                                                                                            twice opposing criminaliza-
            ple  should  be  welcomed                                                                                           tion,  “But  it  has  not  really
            by their churches.                                                                                                  changed  many  people’s
            The  three  Christian  leaders                                                                                      minds,” Welby said.
            spoke  out  on  LGBTQ  rights                                                                                       The  Rt.  Rev.  Iain  Green-
            during  an  unprecedented                                                                                           shields,  the  Presbyterian
            joint airborne news confer-                                                                                         moderator  of  the  Church
            ence  returning  home  from                                                                                         of  Scotland  who  also  par-
            South  Sudan,  where  they                                                                                          ticipated in the pilgrimage
            took  part  in  a  three-day                                                                                        and  news  conference,  of-
            ecumenical      pilgrimage                                                                                          fered an observation.
            to  try  to  nudge  the  young                                                                                      “There  is  nowhere  in  my
            country’s  peace  process                                                                                           reading of the four Gospels
            forward.                     The  Archbishop  of  Canterbury  Justin  Welby,  right,  Pope  Francis,left,  and  the  Moderator  of  the   where  I  see  Jesus  turning
            They  were  asked  about     General  Assembly  of  the  Church  of  Scotland  Iain  Greenshields  meet  the  journalists  during  an   anyone  away,”  he  said.
            Francis’  recent  comments   airborne press conference aboard the airplane directed to Rome, at the end of his pastoral visit to   “There  is  nowhere  in  the
            to  The  Associated  Press,  in   Congo and South Sudan, Sunday, Feb. 5, 2023.                                      four  Gospels  where  I  see
            which  he  declared  that                                                                          Associated Press   anything  other  than  Jesus
            laws  that  criminalize  gay  24  comments  to  the  AP  accompanies  them,”  he  said.                             expressing  love  to  whom-
            people  were  “unjust”  and  and  repeated  that  such  added.  The  Archbishop  of  Recently,  the  Church  of  ever he meets.
            that  “being  homosexual  is  laws  are  “unjust.”  He  also  Canterbury,  Justin  Welby,  England  decided  to  allow  “And  as  Christians,  that  is
            not a crime.”                repeated  previous  com-     recalled  that  LGBTQ  rights  blessings  for  same-sex  civil  the only expression that we
            South  Sudan  is  one  of  67  ments  that  parents  should  were very much on the cur-  marriages  but  said  same-  can  possibly  give  to  any
            countries   that   criminal-  never  throw  their  gay  chil-  rent agenda of the Church  sex  couples  could  not  human  being,  in  any  cir-
            izes  homosexuality,  11  of  dren out of the house.      of  England,  and  said  he  marry  in  its  churches.  The  cumstance.”
            them  with  the  death  pen-  “To condemn someone like  would  quote  the  pope’s  Vatican  forbids  both  gay  The Church of Scotland al-
            alty. LGBTQ advocates say  this is a sin,” he said. “Crimi-  own  words  when  the  issue  marriage  and  blessings  for  lows  same-sex  marriages.
            even  where  such  laws  are  nalizing people with homo-  is discussed at the church’s  same-sex unions.            Catholic  teaching  holds
            not  applied,  they  contrib-  sexual  tendencies  is  an  in-  upcoming General Synod.  Welby  told  reporters  that  that  gay  people  must  be
            ute to a climate of harass-  justice.”                    “I wish I had spoken as elo-  the  issue  of  criminalization  treated  with  dignity  and
            ment,  discrimination  and  “People  with  homosexual  quently  and  clearly  as  the  had been taken up at two  respect,  but  that  homo-
            violence.                    tendencies  are  children  of  pope. I entirely agree with  previous  Lambeth  Confer-  sexual acts are “intrinsically
            Francis  referred  his  Jan.  God. God Loves them. God  every word he said,” Welby  ences  of  the  broader  An-    disordered.”q

                                                                      Iraqis protest gender violence after

                                                                      YouTube star killed

                                                                      self in to the police. Reports  nity and kills her,” protester  domestic violence that has
                                                                      say  the  father  strangled  Israa  al-Salman  told  The  been lingering in Iraqi Par-
                                                                      Ali  at  night  while  she  was  Associated Press, who also  liament since 2019.
                                                                      asleep.                      wanted Ali’s father execut-  “Tiba  was  killed  by  her  fa-
                                                                      The so-called “honor killing”  ed.                        ther  under  tribal  justifica-
                                                                      was  met  with  condemna-    Article  41  of  the  country’s  tions  that  are  unaccept-
                                                                      tion  from  women’s  rights  penal  code  allows  hus-    able,” she told the AP.
                                                                      groups  and  residents,  who  bands  to  “discipline”  their  Amnesty International Dep-
                                                                      sounded the alarm on vio-    wives, which includes beat-  uty Director for the Middle
                                                                      lence  against  women  in  ings.                          East  and  North  Africa  Aya
            Demonstrators  hold  placards  and  a  poster  with  a  picture  of   Iraq  and  the  need  to  re-  Meanwhile,  Article  409  re-  Majzoub  said  in  a  press
            Tiba Ali, a YouTube star who was recently killed by her father, in   form  legislation  to  impose  duces  murder  sentences  statement  said  that  vio-
            Diwaniya, Iraq, Sunday, Feb. 5, 2023.
                                                     Associated Press   harsher  punishments  on  for men who kill or perma-    lence against women and
                                                                      perpetrators.                nently impair their wives or  girls in Iraq will continue un-
            By ALI ABDUL-HASSAN and  strangled  by  her  father,  The protesters held banners  female  relatives  because  til  “Iraqi  authorities  adopt
            SALAR SALIM                  adding fuel to calls for legal  condemning the killing and  of  adultery  to  up  to  three  robust legislation to protect
            Associated Press             reforms protecting women.    demanding  legislative  re-  years in prison.             women and girls from gen-
            DIWANIYAH,  Iraq  (AP)  —  Interior  Ministry  spokesman  forms. “There is no honor in  Rosa  al-Hamid,  an  activist  der-based violence.”
            Dozens  of  Iraqi  protesters  Saad  Maan  on  Friday  an-  the crime of killing women,”  with civil society group the  Diwaniyah’s   city   police
            gathered Sunday to decry  nounced  that  Tiba  Ali  was  one placard read.             Organization  for  Women’s  department  and  hospital
            the so-called “honor killing”  killed Jan. 31 in the central  “Anyone who wants to get  Freedom in Iraq urged the  administration  declined  to
            of  a  22-year-old  YouTube  city of Diwaniyah by her fa-  rid  of  a  woman  accuses  authorities  to  pass  a  long-  comment to the AP about
            star  who  was  allegedly  ther, who then turned him-     her  of  disgracing  her  dig-  stalled  draft  law  against  Ali’s death. q
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