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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diabierna 29 Januari 2021

                            Teen charged in fatal shootings of 5 at Indianapolis home

            (AP) — A 17-year-old In-
            dianapolis  boy  has  been
            charged  with  murder  for
            allegedly  fatally  shooting
            his  father,  stepmother,
            two teenage relatives and
            a  19-year-old  pregnant
            woman  in  the  family's
            home,  a  prosecutor  an-
            nounced Thursday.

            Raymond Ronald Lee Childs
            III,  who  was  arrested  Mon-
            day, was charged as an adult
            with  six  counts  of  murder,
            including  one  count  for  the
            death of the woman’s unborn
            child, Marion County Prose-
            cutor Ryan Mears announced
            at  a  news  conference.  The
            baby had been due to be born
            in one week, he said.
            Childs also faces an attempt-  shootings,  Raymond  Childs  and  two  other  relatives  —  child died despite life-saving  ten results in killings.
            ed  murder  charge  in  the  III had a dispute with his fa-  Elijah  Childs,  18,  and  Rita  efforts, authorities said.
            wounding  of  another  rela-  ther,  42-year-old  Raymond  Childs,  13  —  were  pro-                               Although  Raymond  Childs
            tive, a male juvenile who was  Childs.  “It  certainly  appears  nounced  dead  along  with  Indianapolis  police  Chief  III is a juvenile, because he is
            the sole survivor of Sunday's  there  was  an  argument  be-  Kiara Hawkins, 19, after be-  Randal  Taylor  has  said  that  17 he was charged as an adult
            shooting at the family’s home  tween  father  and  son  in  the  ing  found  in  the  home,  the  the deadly shootings were the  because  state  law  specifies
            on Indianapolis’ near north-  residence,”  Mears  said,  add-  Marion  County  Coroner’s  largest mass casualty shooting  that any individual at least 16
            east side, authorities said. He  ing  that  police  are  still  in-  office  said.  Hawkins,  who  in the city in more than a de-  years of age will be charged as
            was  also  charged  with  one  vestigating the nature of that  Mears said was in a relation-  cade and represented “a dif-  an adult if they are accused of
            count of carrying a handgun  dispute.                     ship with someone who lived  ferent kind of evil” than the  committing  certain  felonies,
            without a license.                                        at  the  home,  was  first  taken  violent,  drug-related  crimes  including  murder  and  at-
                                         The elder Raymond Childs,  to an area hospital, but both  and “violence driven by pov-  tempted murder.
            Mears  said  that  before  the  his  wife,  Kezzie  Childs,  42,  she  and  her  unborn  male  erty or desperation” that of-

                            Pelosi wants security money to face 'enemy' within House

            (AP)  —  More  money  is  threat that members are con-    ing threats.                                              installation  of  more  screen-
            needed  to  protect  law-    cerned about.”                                            Earlier this month, the Huff-  ing devices.
            makers  from  threats  of                                 The  apprehension  has  taken  Post  website  reported  that
            violence  coming  from  an  Asked  to  clarify  what  she  on clear partisan undertones.  Rep.  Andy  Harris,  R-Md.,  The  public  is  barred  from
            “enemy” within Congress,  meant, Pelosi said, “It means  Some     Republicans   have  set off a newly installed metal  carrying  firearms  on  Capi-
            House Speaker Nancy Pe-      that  we  have  members  of  loudly objected to having to  detector while trying to enter  tol grounds, but members of
            losi said Thursday, a star-  Congress who want to bring  pass through newly installed  the House chamber and was  Congress  can  keep  guns  in
            tling  acknowledgment  of  guns  on  the  floor  and  have  metal  detectors  before  they  found  to  be  carrying  a  con-  their offices or transport them
            how  tensions  over  safety  threatened violence on other  enter  the  House  chamber,  cealed  gun.  Other  Republi-  on the campus if they’re un-
            have  escalated  since  this  members of Congress.”       while  Pelosi  has  proposed  cans  have  also  talked  about  loaded and securely wrapped.
            month's  Capitol  attack                                  fining lawmakers who bypass  carrying firearms, which law-
            by  supporters  of  former  Pelosi's remarks underscored  the devices.                 makers  are  permitted  to  do,  On  Wednesday,  the  Depart-
            President Donald Trump.      how  anxiety  about  security                             though not on the House or  ment  of  Homeland  Security
                                         has  remained  high  in  Con-  Pelosi did not say whom she  Senate floors.             issued  a  national  terrorism
            The  California  Democrat  gress  since  Trump  support-  meant by her reference to an                              bulletin warning of the possi-
            told  reporters  she  thinks  ers’ Jan. 6 assault on the Cap-  “enemy"  within  the  House,  Pelosi  said  she  was  meeting  bility of more violence from
            Congress  will  need  to  pro-  itol, which led to five deaths.  and a spokesperson provided  Thursday  with  retired  Lt.  people  motivated  by  anti-
            vide more money “for more  Lawmakers,  including  some  no examples when asked.        Gen. Russel Honoré, who is  government  sentiment  after
            security  for  members,  when  who  voted  for  this  month’s                          leading  a  security  review  of  President  Joe  Biden’s  elec-
            the  enemy  is  within  the  House    impeachment     of  But first-term Rep. Marjorie  the Capitol.                tion. The department did not
            House  of  Representatives,  a  Trump, have reported receiv-  Taylor  Greene,  R-Ga.,  has                          cite any specific plots.
                                                                      liked Facebook posts that ad-  She  said  he  was  examining
                                                                      vocated  for  violence  against  ways  to  protect  lawmak-  A Senate trial on whether to
                                                                      Democrats and the FBI. One  ers “in terms of their service  punish Trump is set to begin
                                                                      post  suggested  shooting  Pe-  here,  their  service  home,  next  month,  following  his
                                                                      losi in the head.            their  transportation  in  be-  House  impeachment  on  a
                                                                                                   tween.”  Lawmakers  have  al-  charge of inciting the insur-
                                                                      Asked  to  comment,  Greene  ready been told they can tap  rection at the Capitol.
                                                                      sent  a  written  statement  ac-  accounts  they  use  for  office
                                                                      cusing  Democrats  and  jour-  expenses  for  some  security  Trump  made  incendiary  re-
                                                                      nalists  of  attacking  her  be-  steps.                  marks to a throng of support-
                                                                      cause she is “a threat to their                           ers  that  day,  urging  them  to
                                                                      goal  of  Socialism"  and  sup-  The  campus  has  been  sur-  march to the building. Law-
                                                                      ports  Trump  and  conserva-  rounded  by  barrier  fences  makers at the time were for-
                                                                      tive  values.  “They  want  to  and  patrolled  by  National  mally certifying Biden’s elec-
                                                                      take me out because I repre-  Guard troops, and new inter-  tion  victory,  which  Trump
                                                                      sent the people. And they ab-  nal security procedures have  has repeatedly and falsely at-
                                                                      solutely hate it,“ she said.  been put in place, such as the  tributed to fraud.
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