Page 11 - aruba-today-20240801
P. 11

                                                                                                           local Thursday 1 augusT 2024
            Meet our Aruban trailblazers:

            Padu Lampe

            (Oranjestad)—This week we                                                              Printing  Press  with  sponsor-
            remember one of our most                                                               ship provided by the Prince
            beloved Aruban giant, Juan                                                             Bernhard Funds Netherlands
            Chabaya     Lampe—better                                                               Antilles.
            known  as  Padu  Lampe  or                                                             Besides  that,  Padu  passed
            Padu del Caribe. As one of                                                             his exam on “Society to Ad-
            the most important and re-                                                             vanced  Ethical  Hypnosis”
            nowned artists in the Aruban                                                           in  1964  in  New  Jersey.  He
            cultural sphere, Padu’s long                                                           received  a  certificate  as
            career  led  him  to  be  hon-                                                         a  hypnotechnician,  which
            ored today as “the father of                                                           gave  him  the  authority  to
            culture.”                                                                              practice  hypnosis  in  some
            On  April  26th,  1920,  Juan                                                          Over the course of his career,
            Chabaya  Lampe  “Padu                                                                  he  received  many  acco-
            Lampe/Padu  del  Caribe”                                                               lades and awards in Aruba,
            was  born  in  Nassaustraat,                                                           Curacao,  Venezuela  and
            Oranjestad. He grew up in  tions  in  his  compositions.  cal View of Aruba.”          the Netherlands.
            a  happy  musical  environ-  Lastly, Padu was a promoter  Padu  remained  a  popular  Padu  del  Caribe  passed
            ment, and it is because of  of Creole music around the  artist within the Dutch Antil-  away  on  November  29th,
            this that he developed a love  world.                     les and the Caribbean as a  2019, at the age of 99 years
            for music. Starting from the  One of the most important  pianist,  singer,  author  and  old. Padu brought the Aru-
            age of 12, he was agile in  moments in Aruban history, in  painter.  Padu  Lampe  was  ban  culture  around  the
            the clarinet, mandolin and  which he was able to witness  a local artist who became  world. His legacy will remain
            cuatro. Henry Lampe, his fa-  first-hand, was the first radio  renowned  in  Venezuela,  ingrained in the Aruban cul-
            ther, was also a well-known  broadcast on the island on  Colombia, The U.S. and The  tural history, and he will be  “Aruba  Dushi  Tera”,  along
            pianist and musician.        March 20th, 1954. Here, he  Netherlands too. In the 1950s,  known forever as one of the  with  Mr.  Rufo  Wever.  This
            In a publication of the infor-  was  accompanied  by  An-  he sold no less than 50 thou-  most influential trailblazers of  song was approved by the
            mative seminar, “Observer”,  tillean guitarist Julian Coco  sand copies of his long-play-  our community.           government of Aruba and
            from august 1st, 1962, Padu’s  and Hubert “Loi” Booi.     ing albums (LPs).            Padu will always be in Aruba’s  was named the official an-
            many merits and friendly per-  In the art world, Padu was  Padu Lampe was a multifac-  heart, because he had com-   them of the island in 1976.
            sonality stood out. It was said  also a known painter. During  eted artist, inspired by his in-  posed various special songs  Other songs that have been
            that he was an excellent pia-  his youth, he made several  terest in parapsychology and  dedicated to the mothers of  considered as being almost a
            nist with a personal style and  painting  using  his  unique  supernatural phenomenon.  the island; his song “Sonrisa di  second anthem for Arubans
            full  of  surprises.  Secondly,  style. In 1939, he participat-  He wrote three books in Pa-  un baby” (“A baby’s Smile”)  is the special composition he
            though  the  composer  was  ed in an art exhibit in New  piamento on the subject in  has been written in three dif-  wrote for his wife Daisy Croes
            not too familiar with music  York, where he won a bronze  1986, which was published  ferent languages. Padu also  called “Abo so”. Daisy later
            theory, he showed innova-    medal for his painting “Typi-  by  the  Aruban  National  wrote our national anthem  passed away in 1994. q

            Aruba’s neighborhoods; the meaning behind their names

            Just  like  any  other  coun-   Anabui/Tierra Del Sol                                                               by both locals and tourists.
            try,  Aruba  has  unique  and  This  neighborhood  can  be
            beautifully named neighbor-  seen  on  Van  Raders  map                                                                      Angochi
            hoods that all form a part of  and Werbata as Anna Boei.                                                            This name can be seen on
            its culture and development.  Anna Boei is a name of which                                                          the Werbata map with little
            Many of these names have  there isn’t much information                                                              and cursive letters. It is the
            a historical background and  about its origin.                                                                      unofficial name for the area
            meaning  that  teaches  us  The best historians were able                                                           given by a tenant to the land
            about the island and its rich  to deduce is that this name                                                          that was rented to him.
            culture every day.           came to be because of a                                                                The biggest probability that
                                         miscommunication between                                                               historians  believe  is  that  it
            With this series, we want to  Van  Spengler  and  the  na-                                                          comes from native descent,
            take you on a journey of dis-  tives who were living on the  juice  of  a  cassava,  which  ing  of  shooting  by  militia  during the time in the 19th
            covery,  where  you’ll  learn  island. In the Arawak/Taino  together would mean “the  and  latero  n  Korps  Marin-  century where Mestizos still
            not only the beautiful names  language one can find the  best juice of a cassava”.     iers (the marines of Aruba).  lived  on  Aruba.  The  name
            but the history behind it that  word Anaiboa, which con-  If one assumes that the actu-  By the end of the previous  can’t really be explain and
            gives it life and meaning.   sists of Ana meaning flower  al word heard was Anaboio  century a large part of Ana-   according to books on its his-
                                         or  the  best  and  Iboa;  the  instead,  consisting  of  Ana  bui was developed to have  tory seems to be more of a
                                                                      meaning the best and Boio  luxurious  villas  and  a  golf  sign of corruption.
                                                                      (bohio); house, the iteration  course, which lead to it get-
                                                                      of Anabui would mean “the  ting the name Tierra Del Sol,  However, it seems to come
                                                                      best house.” This is the origin  Spanish for Land of the Sun.  from combining A(n), which
                                                                      that has been more or less  The name is not an official  is a generalizing prefix and
                                                                      speculated  and  assumed  name, but the name of the  Goeiza,  which  means  ‘the
                                                                      for the word Anabui and it’s  development proyect that  spirit of a living man’. Ango-
                                                                      meaning.                     took place. It is hoped that  chi remains more of a guess.
                                                                      During  the  second  world  the original and ‘old’ name
                                                                      war and later, this area was  of Anabui is never lost and  This neighborhood’s abbre-
                                                                      used  as  a  terrain  for  train-  now it will be remembered  viation is; An.q
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