Page 29 - MIN TTC 8 APRIL 2016
P. 29


WORLD NEWSFriday 8 April 2016

Britain’s Prime Minister David Cameron speaks in Birmingham, England. Cameron was under pres-                                   Putin says Panama Papers part
sure this week to crack down on offshore tax havens, after a leak of millions of documents dis-                                 of a US plot to weaken Russia 
closed details of the asset-hiding arrangements of wealthy people including his late father.
                                                                                                                                I. TITOVA
                                                                                               (Christopher Furlong/PA via AP)  V. ISACHENKOV
                                                                                                                                Associated Press
UK’s Cameron says he did profit from                                                                                            ST.PETERSBURG, Russia (AP) — President Vladimir Putin
                                                                                                                                on Thursday denied having any links to offshore ac-
late father’s offshore holdings                                                                                                 counts and described the Panama Papers document
                                                                                                                                leaks scandal as part of a U.S.-led plot to weaken Rus-
JILL LAWLESS                      Fonseca. Millions of docu-     benefit from any offshore                                      sia.
Associated Press                  ments detailing the firm’s     funds” — without specify-                                      Putin also defended a cellist friend named as the al-
LONDON (AP) — After days          work shielding wealthy in-     ing whether they had done                                      leged owner of an offshore company, describing him
of headlines about his fam-       dividuals’ money from tax      so in the past.                                                as a philanthropist who spent his own funds to buy
ily’s financial affairs, British  have been leaked to the        On Thursday, Cameron                                           rare musical instruments for Russian state collections.
Prime Minister David Cam-         international media.           said his father’s name was                                     Speaking at a media forum in St. Petersburg, Putin
eron acknowledged Thurs-          Ian Cameron, an affluent       being “dragged through                                         said Western media pushed the claims of his involve-
day that he profited from         stockbroker, put money         the mud,” and insisted Ian                                     ment in offshore businesses even though his name
shares in an offshore firm        into Blairmore Holdings,       Cameron’s offshore fund                                        didn’t feature in any of the documents leaked from a
set up by his father.             which did not pay British      had not been set up to                                         Panamanian law firm.
Cameron told ITV news that        tax.                           avoid tax.                                                     Putin described the allegations as part of the U.S.-
he and his wife, Samantha,        There is no suggestion         “I want to be as clear as I                                    led disinformation campaign waged against Russia
sold shares worth 31,500          the arrangement was il-        can about the past, about                                      in order to weaken its government. “They are trying
pounds (currently $44,300)        legal, but the revelation      the present, about the                                         to destabilize us from within in order to make us more
in an offshore fund named         has brought calls for David    future, because frankly,                                       compliant,” he said.
Blairmore Holdings in Janu-       Cameron to come clean          I don’t have anything to                                       State Department spokesman Mark Toner rejected
ary 2010 — five months            about his financial affairs.   hide,” he said.                                                the notion that the U.S. is behind the allegations. “I
before Cameron became             It has also given the prime    Cameron has championed                                         would reject the premise or the assertion that we’re
prime minister. They had          minister’s opponents a         greater financial transpar-                                    in any way involved in the actual leak of these docu-
paid 12,497 pounds for the        chance to depict him as        ency in Britain and abroad,                                    ments,” he told reporters in Washington.
shares in 1997. Cameron           a scion of wealth, out of      and is due to host an in-                                      The Washington-based International Consortium of In-
said the money was sub-           touch with the financial       ternational anti-corruption                                    vestigative Journalists said the documents it obtained
ject to British tax “in the nor-  worries of ordinary people.    summit in London next                                          indicated that Russian cellist Sergei Roldugin acted as
mal ways.”                        Cameron has been fend-         month.                                                         a front man for a network of Putin loyalists, and, per-
He said he sold his shares        ing off questions about his    But opposition politicians                                     haps, the president himself.
because he did not want           finances for days. Earlier     accuse him of failing to                                       The ICIJ said the documents show how complex off-
anyone to accuse him of           this week, the British lead-   implement promises to re-                                      shore financial deals channeled as much as $2 billion
having “vested interests.”        er’s office said the family’s  form British overseas territo-                                 to a network of people linked to the Russian president.
The prime minister’s father,      financial affairs were a pri-  ries that act as tax havens,                                   Putin said Roldugin, a longtime friend, did nothing
Ian Cameron, who died in          vate matter. Later Down-       including the British Virgin                                   wrong. He said he was proud of Roldugin, adding that
2010, was a client of Pana-       ing St. said the prime min-    Islands and the Cayman                                         the musician spent his personal money to advance
manian law firm Mossack           ister and his family “do not   Islands.q                                                      cultural projects.
                                                                                                                                Roldugin used the money he earned as a minority
                                                                                                                                shareholder of a Russian company to buy rare musi-
                                                                                                                                cal instruments abroad and hand them over to the
                                                                                                                                Russian state, Putin said.
                                                                                                                                “Without publicizing himself, he also has worked to
                                                                                                                                organize concerts, promote Russian culture abroad
                                                                                                                                and effectively paid his own money for that,” Putin
                                                                                                                                added. “The more people like him we have, the bet-
                                                                                                                                ter. And I’m proud to have friends like him.”
                                                                                                                                Putin contended that Washington has fanned allega-
                                                                                                                                tions of Russian official corruption in order to weaken
                                                                                                                                Moscow as the U.S. has become concerned about
                                                                                                                                Russia’s growing economic and military might.
                                                                                                                                “The events in Syria have demonstrated Russia’s ca-
                                                                                                                                pability to solve problems far away from its borders,”
                                                                                                                                he said, adding that Moscow has achieved its goal
                                                                                                                                “to strengthen the Syrian statehood, its legitimate
                                                                                                                                government bodies.”q
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