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U.S. NEWS Thursday 21 december 2023
Immigration fuels uptick in U.S. population growth
By MIKE SCHNEIDER increased in 42 states, up
Associated Press from last year’s 31 states.
ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) — The The vast majority of growth,
number of immigrants to 87%, came from the South,
the U.S. jumped to the high- a region the Census Bureau
est level in two decades this defines as stretching from
year, driving the nation’s Texas to Maryland and Del-
overall population growth, aware. But the concentra-
according to estimates re- tion of growth seen during
leased Tuesday by the U.S. the height of the pandem-
Census Bureau. ic in Texas, Florida, North
The United States added Carolina and Georgia di-
1.6 million people, more minished in 2023.
than two-thirds of which “We peaked in the move-
came from international ment of people to those
migration, bringing the na- Sun Belt hotshots,” Frey said.
tion’s population total to “It’s tapering off a little bit.”
334.9 million. It marks the South Carolina’s 1.7%
second year in a row that growth rate topped all oth-
immigration powered pop- er states, and its population
ulation gains. This Sept. 26, 2005 photo shows a view of downtown Savannah, Ga., from Drayton Tower’s rose by more than 90,000
A decline in the number of northwest corner. Associated Press residents. More than 90% of
deaths since the depths of the growth came from do-
the COVID-19 pandemic people. source of growth in the fu- growth rate was a slight up- mestic migration, or people
also contributed to the U.S. The last time immigration ture,” Frey said. tick from the 0.4% rate last moving from another U.S.
growth rate. surpassed 1.1 million peo- The census determines year and the less than 0.2% state to South Carolina.
Population gains stem from ple was in 2001, according how many U.S. congressio- increase in 2021. Without domestic and in-
immigration and births out- to Census Bureau figures nal seats each state gets. There were about 300,000 ternational migration, the
pacing deaths. compiled by William Frey, a If trends continue through fewer deaths this year Palmetto State would have
After immigration declined demographer at The Brook- the 2030 count, California compared with a year ear- lost population in 2023 with
in the latter half of last de- ings Institution. could lose four U.S. House lier. That helped double almost 1,300 more deaths
cade and dropped even It is a sign of things to come. seats and New York three. the natural increase to than births.
lower amid pandemic- Without immigration, the Texas could gain four seats more than 500,000 people Florida had the next-high-
era restrictions, the num- U.S. population is projected and Florida could add in 2023, contributing to the est growth rate at 1.6%,
ber of immigrants last year to decline as deaths are three, according to an largest U.S. population gain adding more than 365,000
bounced back to almost forecast to outpace births analysis by the Brennan since 2018, according to residents.
1 million people. The trend by the late 2030s. Center for Justice. estimates that measure That was also the second-
continued this year as the “The immigration piece While low by historical stan- change from mid-2022 to highest growth in terms of
nation added 1.1 million is going to be the main dards, 2023’s half-percent mid-2023. The population raw numbers. q
FTC proposes strengthening children’s online privacy rules to
address tracking, push notifications
By BARBARA ORTUTAY and learn online without of policy at the nonprofit ers, unless the disclosure apps just because parents
AP Technology Writer being endlessly tracked Center for Digital Democ- is “integral” to the nature don’t agree to having their
The Federal Trade Commis- by companies looking to racy. “These rules will also of the online service. And children’s information dis-
sion is proposing sweeping hoard and monetize their protect young people from they won’t be able to deny closed which is possible
changes to a decades-old personal data,” said FTC being targeted through the access to the games and today.q
law that regulates how on- Chair Lina Khan in a state- increasing use of AI, which
line companies can track ment. “The proposed now further fuels data col-
and advertise to children, changes to COPPA are lection efforts. Young peo-
including turning off tar- much-needed, especially ple 12 and under deserve
geted ads to kids under 13 in an era where online tools a digital environment that
by default and limiting push are essential for navigating is designed to be safer for
notifications. daily life and where firms them and that fosters their
The federal Children’s On- are deploying increasingly health and well-being.”
line Privacy Protection Act, sophisticated digital tools Here are some of the
or COPPA, requires kid-ori- to surveil children.” changes the FTC is propos-
ented apps and websites Children’s online safety ad- ing:
to get parents’ consent be- vocates applauded the OPT-IN FOR TARGETED ADS
fore collecting personal in- announcement. Apps, games and websites
formation of children under “The commission’s plan will used by children would be
13. COPPA was enacted limit data uses involving required to obtain “sepa-
in 1998, went into effect in children and help prevent rate, verifiable parental
2000 and was last updated companies from exploit- consent” to disclose infor- A sign stands outside the Federal Trade Commission building,
a decade ago. ing their information,” said mation about kids under Jan. 28, 2015, in Washington.
“Kids must be able to play Katharina Kopp, director 13 to third-party advertis- Associated Press