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               Thursday 21 december 2023

             U.N. votes unanimously to start the withdrawal of peacekeepers

             from Congo by year’s end

            By EDITH M. LEDERER                                                                                                 “lack  of  satisfactory  results
            Associated Press                                                                                                    on the ground.”
            UNITED NATIONS (AP) — The                                                                                           MONUSCO’s  primary  mis-
            Security  Council  on  Tues-                                                                                        sion  has  been  the  protec-
            day  voted  unanimously  to                                                                                         tion  of  civilians.  But  frus-
            start the withdrawal of the                                                                                         trated  Congolese  say  that
            U.N.  peacekeeping  force                                                                                           no  one  is  protecting  them
            from Congo before the end                                                                                           from  rebel  attacks,  lead-
            of the year as the conflict-                                                                                        ing  to  protests  against  the
            ridden country prepares to                                                                                          U.N. mission and others that
            elect  its  next  president  on                                                                                     have at times turned dead-
            Wednesday.                                                                                                          ly. The Security Council said
            The  resolution  adopted  by                                                                                        in Tuesday’s resolution that
            the  U.N.’s  most  powerful                                                                                         the  withdrawal  from  South
            body  orders  “the  gradual,                                                                                        Kivu  should  be  completed
            responsible  and  sustain-                                                                                          by  the  end  of  April  2024,
            able  withdrawal”  of  the                                                                                          and  expressed  readiness
            peacekeeping       mission,                                                                                         to  consider  further  with-
            known as MONUSCO, start-                                                                                            drawals  at  the  end  of  this
            ing in South Kivu in eastern                                                                                        phase  based  on  progress
            Congo,  and  the  gradual                                                                                           in the U.N. disengagement
            handover of its responsibili-                                                                                       plan  and  the  situation  on
            ties to the Congolese gov-                                                                                          the  ground.  The  council
            ernment.  In  a  speech  to   A Jordanian UN peacekeeper stands guard outside a newly-established base camp in the town   extended the mandate for
            the U.N. General Assembly    of Bunagana, outside of which both Congolese army and rebel forces have set up positions, in   MONUSCO  until  Dec.  20,
            in  September,  Congolese    Congo, Wednesday, May 16, 2012.                                                        2024  and  decided  that  its
            President  Felix  Tshisekedi,                                                                      Associated Press   troop  ceiling  until  June  30,
            who  is  running  for  re-elec-  Christophe  Lutundula  and  been  overrun  by  dozens  resurgent M23 rebel group,   2024 should be 13,500 mili-
            tion against about 20 can-   the  U.N.’s  top  official  in  of armed groups seeking a  which Rwanda has denied.    tary  personnel,  660  military
            didates,  called  for  an  ac-  Congo, Bintou Keita, signed  share  of  the  region’s  gold  In October, the Congolese   observers and staff officers,
            celerated  withdrawal  of    agreements  on  Nov.  21  to  and other resources. Some  government  directed  an      and 2.001 international po-
            the  15,000  peacekeepers.   end  the  presence  of  U.N.  have been quietly backed  East African regional force,   lice. It ordered a reduction
            He  has  said  “the  phased   peacekeepers  after  more  by Congo’s neighbors. U.N.  deployed last year to help     from July 1, 2024 to 11,500
            withdrawal of the U.N. mis-  than  two  decades  in  the  experts  have  noted  “sub-  end  the  fighting,  to  leave   military personnel, 600 mili-
            sion  must  be  responsible   Central African nation.     stantial   evidence”   that  the country by December.     tary observers and staff offi-
            and sustainable.”            Eastern  Congo  has  long  Rwanda  is  supporting  the  The government alleged a       cers and 1,713 international
            Congo’s  Foreign  Minister                                                                                          police.q

             Suriname’s ex-dictator sentenced to 20 years in prison for the 1982

             killings of political opponents

            By GEROLD ROZENBLAD          to 20 years in prison for the  Bouterse, 78, was previously  prison, were present in the  of  requesting  a  presiden-
            Associated Press             murders  of  15  opponents  sentenced  in  the  case  in  courtroom for the sentenc-   tial pardon, but according
            PARAMARIBO,       Suriname  of  the  then-military  regime  2019  and  in  2021  but  had  ing.                     to  Essed,  the  legislation  in
            (AP)  —  Suriname’s  former  in December 1982, ending  appealed  both  decisions.  Bouterse’s       lawyer,   Irvin  Suriname is unclear on the
            dictator  Desi  Bouterse  was  a historic 16-year legal pro-  The  court  on  Wednesday  Kanhai,  said  he  disagreed  issue. “If a request for clem-
            sentenced  on  Wednesday  cess.                           upheld  his  conviction  and  with  the  verdict  and  had  ency  is  made,  it  is  not  ex-
                                                                      the  latest  sentencing  was  expected  an  acquittal,  pected  that  the  Court  will
                                                                      seen as final with no more  but would go into detail at  advise on granting it.”
                                                                      appeals allowed. The judge  a  later  date.  “I  am  going  Henk Kamperveen, the son
                                                                      handed down 20 years giv-    to my  client  now,” he told  of Andre Kamperveen, one
                                                                      en  the  ex-president’s  age  journalists.                of the 15 people killed, said
                                                                      and that it was the highest  The  former  president  re-  it took a long time, but the
                                                                      sentence  allowed  at  the  mains  chair  of  the  Nation-  legal process against Bout-
                                                                      time of the killings.        al  Democratic  Party  and  erse has finally come to an
                                                                      “We have received a gem  some  fear  unrest  in  parts  end.
                                                                      of  a  verdict,”  said  Hugo  of  Suriname.  Die-hard  sup-  “We’re  not  going  to  cele-
                                                                      Essed,  lawyer  for  the  vic-  porters call him “boss” and  brate,” he added, saying it
                                                                      tims’ relatives, adding that  have  maintained  they  will  is not a victory for the rela-
                                                                      he can now “proudly” say  not  accept  a  conviction.  tives, but for the rule of law
                                                                      there  is  an  independent  Bouterse  has  urged  calm  in Suriname.
                                                                      constitutional  state  in  Suri-  several times. Tight security  Prosecutors  had  demand-
            In this Aug. 12, 2010 file photo, Suriname’s President Desi   name.                    measures  were  in  place  in  ed the immediate imprison-
            Bouterse attends a military parade after his swearing-in   Neither  Bouterse,  nor  his  part of the capital of Para-  ment  of  Bouterse,  but  the
            ceremony in Paramaribo, Suriname.                         four co-suspects, who were  maribo.                       judge did not back the re-
                                                     Associated Press  sentenced  to  15  years  in  Bouterse still has the option  quest. q
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