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A12 technology
Monday 27 March 2023
Gap grows between TikTok users,
lawmakers on potential ban
(AP) — On the one side
are dozens of lawmakers
on Capitol Hill issuing dire
warnings about security
breaches and possible Chi-
nese surveillance.
On the other are some 150
million TikTok users in the
U.S. who just want to be
able to keep making and
watching short, fun videos
offering makeup tutori-
als and cooking lessons,
among other things.
The disconnect illustrates
the uphill battle that law- Supporters of TikTok hold signs during a rally to defend the app,
makers from both sides of Wednesday, March 22, 2023, at the Capitol in Washington.
the aisle face in trying to The House holds a hearing Thursday, with TikTok CEO Shou Zi
convince the public that Chew about the platform's consumer privacy and data security
practices and impact on kids.
China could use TikTok as a (AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana)
weapon against the Ameri-
can people. But many users hearing. "You may not care can't do that," said Khan-
on the platform are more that your data is being ac- na, the top Democrat on
concerned about the pos- cessed now, but you will be the cyber subcommittee
sibility of the government one day." on House Armed Service.
taking away their favorite Many TikTok users reacted "America has the most in-
app. TikTok CEO Shou Zi to the hearing by posting novative technology com-
Chew said during a near- videos critical of lawmak- panies in the world."
ly six-hour congressional ers who grilled Chew and He added that Congress
hearing Thursday that the frequently cut him off from should move forward with
platform has never turned speaking. Some called a a proposal that would
over user data to the Chi- potential TikTok ban, as force platform's sale to an
nese government, and some lawmakers and the American company for
wouldn't do so if asked. Biden administration has continued access for its
Nevertheless, lawmak- reportedly threatened, millions of users while "en-
ers, the FBI and officials at the "biggest scam" of the suring that the platform
other agencies continue to year. And others blamed isn't subject to Chinese pro-
raise alarms that Chinese the surge of scrutiny on the paganda or compromises
law compels Chinese com- platform on another tech people's privacy."
panies like TikTok's parent rival, Facebook founder TikTok itself has been try-
company ByteDance to Mark Zuckerberg. ing to leverage its popular-
fork over data to the gov- But few expressed fear of ity. On Wednesday, it sent
ernment for whatever pur- possible Chinese surveil- dozens of influencers to
poses it deems to involve lance or security breaches Congress to lobby against
national security. There's that lawmakers continue to a ban. It has also ramped
also concern Beijing might amplify as they look to rein up a broader public rela-
try to push pro-China nar- in TikTok. tions campaign, plastering
ratives or misinformation Rep. Ro Khanna, D-Calif., ads all over Washington
through the platform. whose district is in the heart that tout its promises of se-
"I want to say this to all of Silicon Valley, said he is curing users' data and pri-
the teenagers out there, mindful of the value that vacy and creating a safe
and TikTok influencers who platforms like TikTok provide platform for its young users.
think we're just old and out to young people as an out- Some popular TikTokers
of touch and don't know let for creative expression who speak out against a
what we're talking about, and building community. ban are concerned — and
trying to take your favorite "But there's absolutely no angered — about how it
app," said Republican Rep. reason that an American might impact their person-
Dan Crenshaw during the technology company al lives. Many earn income
from their videos and have
inked brand partnerships
to market products to
their audiences — anoth-
er stream of revenue that
could be wiped away if
the platform disappears.
They would also lose the
social capital that comes
from having a large fol-
lowing on the trend-setting