Page 7 - aruba-today-20230327
P. 7
local Monday 27 March 2023
Analysis on the work by Aruban customs has scored very high at UNCTAD
(Oranjestad)—Recently, much profit the Depart-
the minister of Finance, Mrs. ment of Customs generates
Xiomara Maduro, has been for Aruba, and the other to
given a presentation of the evaluate the pilot program
analysis conducted by Mr. “Trade Facilitation” that is
Terence Leonard, customs currently being applied by
expert at the UNCTAD, for the Aruban customs.
the Department of Customs
(Aduana) of Aruba. The re- In terms of the profits gener-
sults of the analysis show ated by customs from 2014
that the work done by the to 2022, figures have shown
Aruban customs has scored that the department’s ef-
very high at UNCTAS, which ficiency has generated
is a unit within the United more profit for the island.
Nations that help develop- Results from the analysis on
ing countries in facilitating the Trade Faciliation pro- help other island countries
trade, for example. gram have also proven to in the region.
be superb, seeing as the
The Aruban customs has work system based on risks Minister Maduro thanks
been working with the have also proven to be Mr. Leonard for the coop-
Asycuda system for quite very efficient. In turn, this eration and collaboration
some time already, and Mr. has allowed businesses to with the UNCTAD, and she
Leonard has come to help received their shipments congratulates the Depart-
the department with the sooner without affecting ment of Customs for their
implementation and the the country’s profits. Mr. impressive results. It seems
transfer of knowledge in re- Leonard indicated that that the investments made
lation to this system. Besides UNCTAD is impressed by in the Asycuda system and
this, Mr. Leonard has con- these results, and would the work system based on
ducted 2 analyses: One like to use Aruba as an ex- risks have provided major
to have an insight on how ample of “best practice” to benefits.q
Deaci warns consumers to not buy products
that are not in their original packaging
(Oranjestad)— This past island—especially those in actually getting less prod-
Thursday, The Depart- the San Nicolas area—that uct. Additionally, one may
ment of Economic Rela- are selling rice in small and never know if the process
tions (Deaci) has made a unmarked packages. This of changing packaging is
public service announce- is also true for several other done safely and hygienic.
ment on their official Face- types of packaged foods
book page, in which they as well. We ask all shoppers The department has in-
warn shoppers to be more to not buy products that formed that their investi-
conscious about where are unmarked and that gators will be extra atten-
they buy their groceries have no nutrient informa- tive to this type of practice ing for quite some time. ing rice, flour, cornflakes,
and what exactly they are tion on them,” the deaci among sellers, and have What’s more is that this is baking powder, dog food,
buying, especially when remarked in their post. called on all shoppers to not only happening in su- candy and more. It must
it comes to packaged They have indicated that please keep an eye out for permarkets, but in pharma- be emphasized again that
goods. these types of products these types of products. cies as well. this can be dangerous for
are risky, and can bring the buyer, seeing as they
“The Department of Eco- problems along with them. Comments from users un- The comments have fur- have no clue if this product
nomic Relations has dis- A shopper may be buy- der the Facebook post ther pointed out that this is past its due date or not.
covered that there are a ing a package weighing 1 have stated that this phe- practice happens with all There is also no telling what
few supermarkets on the kilo, but in reality, they are nomenon has been ongo- types of products, includ- is in these products. q