Page 4 - aruba-today-20230327
P. 4
Monday 27 March 2023
4th person found dead in chocolate factory blast; 3 missing
(AP) — A fourth person was transferred two to other
confirmed dead and three facilities, while two others
people remained unac- were admitted in good
counted for Sunday, two and fair condition respec-
days after a powerful ex- tively and the others had
plosion at a chocolate fac- been discharged.
tory shook a small town in R.M. Palmer said in a state-
Pennsylvania. ment Saturday afternoon
West Reading Borough that everyone at the com-
Chief of Police Wayne Hol- pany was “devastated”
ben confirmed the body of and it was reaching out to
a fourth victim was found employees and their fami-
under debris early Sunday lies through first respond-
at the R.M. Palmer Co. ers and disaster recovery
plant in the borough of organizations because its
West Reading, about 60 communication systems
miles (96 kilometers) north- were down.
west of Philadelphia. Kaag, a volunteer firefight-
Holben asked for continued er herself, said rescue crews
prayers from the communi- had been working 12- to
ty and vowed that rescuers 16-hour shifts and were so
and officials “will not rest dedicated to continuing
until every single person af- the search that “you have
fected by this tragedy has to pull them away at this
been accounted for” from point” to swap out and get
the blast that occurred just some rest. Gov. Josh Shap-
before 5 p.m. Friday. Emergency responders and heavy equipment are seen at the site of a deadly explosion at a iro visited the site Saturday
chocolate factory in West Reading, Pennsylvania, Saturday, March 25.
Rescue crews have been (AP Photo/Michael Rubinkam) and vowed support from
using heat imaging equip- the state.
ment and dogs to search that the chance of finding “We’re just trying to hold out Kaag said she had appar- Kaag said some residents
for possible survivors after survivors was “decreas- as much hope as we can ently been on the second have reported damage
the blast destroyed one ing rapidly” due to the to get the right answers, to floor and was found in a to windows from the blast,
building and damaged explosion’s force and the get quality answers, to get “hopeful circumstance,” and she asked people to
a neighboring building. amount of time that had information to those that calling out to rescuers de- “take a walk around your
Crews were now using passed. Mayor Samantha are affected and then let spite her injuries after a dog house” and report any
heavy equipment to me- Kaag said officials were it go over to the investiga- located her. damage.
thodically and carefully pull “still hopeful to at least tion,” Kaag said. Officials also reported no State and local fire inves-
debris from the site, Holben get some answers and get Officials said they had no updates on the conditions tigators are continuing to
said. some recoveries so that update on the condition of of those taken to hospitals. examine the scene to try to
Borough Fire Chief Chad people have that reassur- a woman pulled alive from Reading Hospital said it determine the cause of the
Moyer said Saturday night ance and that closure.” the rubble early Saturday. received 10 patients and blast.q
Veto puts Kentucky in thick of fight
over transgender rights
The veto issued Friday set and drag performers to ed legislature passed the
off competing messages measures limiting gender- bill by lopsided margins.
likely to be repeated until affirming care. Lawmakers will reconvene
the November election — Beshear framed the Re- Wednesday for the final
when Bluegrass State voters publican-backed bill in two days of this year’s ses-
will decide whether to re- Kentucky as an example sion, when they could vote
ward the Democratic gov- of government overreach to override the veto.
ernor with a second term or into parental rights. The Republicans took immedi-
hand over the governor’s sweeping bill would ban ate aim at the governor’s
office to a Republican. No gender-affirming care for veto, saying he veered too
one seems to know yet how minors — one of many pro- far for most Kentuckians.
FILE - Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear addresses reporters during a much weight voters will put visions that would affect Republican Party of Ken-
press conference in Frankfort, Ky., Nov. 15, 2022. Beshear’s veto
of a bill aimed at transgender health care has put Kentucky in on the transgender issue the lives of young transgen- tucky spokesperson Sean
the middle of a national fight. But the consequences are more with the general election der people. Southard asked: “Is Andy
immediate in Kentucky. Its election this year offers an early test more than seven months “At the end of the day, this Beshear the governor of
on the state-by-state assault on gender-affirming care for mi- away. is about my belief — and, I Kentucky or California?” He
nors. The veto issued Friday set off competing messages likely to The legislation in Kentucky think, the belief of the ma- predicted the governor will
be repeated until the November election. is part of a widespread jority of Kentuckians — that pay a political price for his
(AP Photo/Timothy D. Easley, File)
movement, with Repub- parents should get to make action.
(AP) — Kentucky Gov. diate consequences as the lican state lawmakers in important medical deci- “Once this campaign is
Andy Beshear’s veto of a state’s looming election other states approving ex- sions about their children, over, today may very well
bill aimed at transgender offers an early test on the tensive measures that re- not big government,” Bes- be remembered as the
health care puts the state state-by-state assault on strict the rights of LGBTQ+ hear told reporters soon af- day Andy Beshear lost his
in the middle of a national gender-affirming care for people this year, from bills ter his veto. bid for reelection,” South-
fight, but with more imme- minors. targeting trans athletes Kentucky’s GOP-dominat- ard said Friday.q