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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Monday 27 March 2023

            Venezuela: 21 officials, businessmen arrested in oil scheme

            (AP)  —  Venezuela’s  attor-                                                           crimes  investigated  by  the
            ney  general  said  Saturday                                                           National   Anti-Corruption
            that  21  people,  including                                                           Police.  Among  the  10  offi-
            senior  officials  in  the  gov-                                                       cials arrested, according to
            ernment of President Nico-                                                             the  attorney  general,  are
            lás  Maduro  and  business                                                             Col.  Antonio  Pérez  Suárez,
            leaders,  have  been  ar-                                                              the vice president of trade
            rested in connection with a                                                            and quality supply at PDV-
            corruption  scheme  involv-                                                            SA; Hugbel Roa, the former
            ing international oil sales.                                                           minister of food; and Joselit
            Prosecutor  Tarek  William                                                             Ramírez,  the  national  su-
            Saab  said  the  alleged                                                               perintendent  of  cryptocur-
            scheme  involved  selling                                                              rencies. Also arrested were
            Venezuelan oil through the                                                             11  businessmen,  who  will
            country’s   cryptocurrency                                                             be  charged  with  appro-
            oversight  agency  in  paral-  Venezuelan Attorney General Tarek William Saab speaks during   priation or diversion of pub-
            lel to the state-run Petróleos   a news conference about corruption cases with the state run oil   lic  assets,  influence  ped-
            de Venezuela SA.             company, PDVSA, in Caracas, Venezuela, Saturday, March 25,   dling,  money  laundering
            The  oversight  agency  al-  2023. Saab said Saturday that 21 people, including senior of-  and  criminal  association,
            legedly  signed  contracts   ficials in the government of President Nicolás Maduro and busi-  Saab said, adding that the
                                         ness leaders, have been arrested in connection with a corrup-
            for  the  loading  of  crude   tion scheme involving international oil sales.          crime  of  treason  against
            on ships “without any type                                  (AP Photo/Matias Delacroix)  the  country  will  be  added
            of administrative control or                                                           to public officials’ charges.
            guarantees,”  violating  le-  powerful oil minister, Tareck  charges.  The  U.S.  govern-  Corruption  has  long  been
            gal  regulations,  Saab  said,  El  Aissami,  resigned  amid  ment designated El Aissami  rampant   in   Venezuela,
            without  mentioning  the  allegations  of  corruption  a narcotics kingpin in 2017  which sits atop the world’s
            amounts  involved.  Once  against some of his closest  in  connection  with  activi-   largest petroleum reserves.
            the oil was marketed, “the  associates.                   ties in his previous positions  But officials are rarely held
            corresponding    payments  El Aissami said he resigned  as interior minister and gov-  accountable — a major ir-
            were  not  made”  to  the  to  “accompany  and  fully  ernor.  El  Aissami’s  resigna-  ritant to citizens, the major-
            state oil company.           support” the investigations.  tion  was  announced  two  ity  of  whom  live  on  $1.90
            The    attorney   general’s  For  now,  El  Aissami,  who  days after the Public Minis-  a  day,  the  international
            statement comes five days  was one of Maduro’s trust-     try appointed five prosecu-  benchmark     of   extreme
            after  Venezuela’s  once-    ed  ministers,  is  not  facing  tors  to  probe  the  alleged  poverty.q

            Mexico sanctioned for not protecting endangered porpoise

                                                                      vaquita  have  failed,”  said  been taken.”
                                                                      Sarah  Uhlemann,  interna-   Mexico  recently  submitted
                                                                      tional  program  director  at  a  revised  protection  plan
                                                                      the  Center  for  Biological  to CITES, after the body re-
                                                                      Diversity.                   jected an earlier version.
                                                                      “We  hope  these  strong  Mexico’s  plan  lists  estab-
                                                                      measures  wake  up  the  lishing  “alternative  fishing
                                                                      Mexican government.”         techniques”  to  gillnet  fish-
                                                                      Mexico’s  Foreign  Relations  ing as one its top priorities.
                                                                      Department said in a state-  But  in  reality,  the  govern-
                                                                      ment  that  CITES  had  ruled  ment’s  protection  efforts
            FILE  -  This  undated  file  photo  provided  by  The  National  Oce-  that  Mexico’s  protection  have  been  uneven,  at
            anic  and  Atmospheric  Administration  shows  a  vaquita  por-
            poise. Mexico announced in the first week of March 2023, that   plan for the vaquita was in-  best,  and  face  often  vio-
            it is seeking to avoid potential trade sanctions for failing to stop   sufficient.     lent  opposition  from  local
            the near-extinction of the vaquita, the world’s smallest porpoise   Studies estimate there may  fishermen.
            and most endangered marine mammal. Studies estimate there   be  as  few  as  eight  vaqui-  The administration of Presi-
            may be as few as eight vaquitas remaining in the Gulf of Cali-  tas remaining in the Gulf of  dent Andrés Manuel López
            fornia, the only place they exist and where they often become   California,  the  only  place  has largely refused to spend
            entangled in illegal gill nets and drown.
                                        (Paula Olson/NOAA via AP File)  they  exist  and  where  they  money to compensate fish-
                                                                      often  become  entangled  ermen  for  staying  out  of
            MEXICO CITY (AP) — Mex-      regulated    animal    and   in illegal gill nets and drown.  the vaquita refuge and to
            ico  acknowledged  Satur-    plant  products  like  croco-  The  Foreign  Relations  De-  stop using gill nets. The nets
            day it faces sanctions from  dile  or  snake  skins,  orchids   partment  said  CITES  had  are  set  illegally  to  catch
            the  international  wildlife  and cactuses. Commercial    ruled  the  protection  plan  totoaba, a fish whose swim
            body  known  as  CITES  for  seafood species like shrimp   “inadequate” and said the  bladders are a delicacy in
            not  doing  enough  to  pro-  would  not  be  affected,   full  ruling  —  and  possible  China  worth  thousands  of
            tect the vaquita marina, a  but the ruling sets a prece-  sanctions — “will be official-  dollars per pound.
            small  porpoise  that  is  the  dent and some groups are   ly announced next week.”    The  government  has  also
            world’s  most  endangered  pushing for seafood import     The Department called the  sunk  concrete  blocks  with
            marine mammal.               bans.                        ruling  an  “unequal  treat-  hooks  to  snare  illegal  nets
            The  sanctions  have  not  “While  no  one  relishes  ec-  ment  of  our  country,  be-  in the last bit of the Gulf —
            yet  been  announced,  but  onomically  painful  sanc-    cause  its  did  not  take  into  also  known  as  the  Sea  of
            they could make it difficult  tions,  all  other  efforts  to   account the many and ex-  Cortes — where the vaqui-
            for Mexico to export some  prompt Mexico to save the      haustive actions that have  tas have been seen.q
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