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U.S. NEWS Monday 27 March 2023
GOP states press voter photo ID rules, with unclear effects
COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — As separately later)," she said.
Ohio's primary approach- "I'm the only full-time person
es, a strict new photo ID in the office right now, and
requirement is stirring con- we can't do everything."
cerns for military veterans Holmes County Commis-
and out-of-state college sioner Joe Miller fears the
students, in Amish commu- new process could deter
nities and among older vot- some voters.
ers. "I want honest voting, I un-
Other Republican-led derstand that, but a lot of
states are moving in the the Amish don't have the
same direction as they re- photo ID and won't do a
spond to conservative vot- photo ID," he said. "So what
ers unsettled by unfounded the Amish do usually —
claims of widespread fraud they're pacifists, they don't
and persistent conspiracy fight anybody — they just
theories over the accura- walk away."
cy of U.S. elections. Critics Ohio State University has
characterize such require- advised its roughly 16,000
ments as an overreaction out-of-state students
that could end up disen- against voting in person on
franchising eligible voters. Election Day — for fear that
Ruth Kohake is among obtaining the necessary
those caught up in the Ruth Kohake poses for a portrait outside of the Price Hill Public Library, Thursday, March 23, 2023, state ID card could invali-
confusion over Ohio's law, in Cincinnati. Kohake is among those caught up in the confusion over Ohio's strict new photo ID date their driver's license
requirement. The retired nurse from Cincinnati gave up her driver’s license and her car in 2019.
which is going into effect Now 82, she thought she might never have to step foot in another state license agency. in their home state and
this year. The retired nurse (AP Photo/Jeff Dean) disrupt their financial aid
from Cincinnati gave up The number of states where approaching state primary less and are valid longer — and residency status. The
her driver's license and her voters face strict photo ID on May 2. 10 years — than a driver's schools suggests such stu-
car in 2019. Now 82, she requirements is poised to Republican Secretary of license. dents casting Ohio ballots
thought she might never rise in the coming months. State Frank LaRose ordered "People find reasons to fix do so by mail.
have to step foot in anoth- Nebraska lawmakers are in counties to begin imple- something that doesn't Backers of the photo ID
er state license agency. the process of establishing menting the fast-tracked need to be fixed," said Lar- requirements have widely
But Ohio now requires an a new photo ID program law so it would be in effect ry Anderson, 85, a veteran moved away from the ar-
unexpired photo ID in order after voters approved a for the primary, though its from Columbus who has gument that such laws
for someone to vote, and requirement in November. start date falls within the found the veteran ID card prevent voter fraud, which
she'll have to get that at the In North Carolina, a photo early voting period. Wait- a convenience. happens only rarely. The
Bureau of Motor Vehicles. ID requirement declared ing until fall, LaRose said, "Veterans could come conservative Heritage
The law adds passports unconstitutional just three "would result in a clear vio- back from the wars and not Foundation's database lists
as valid ID, but eliminates months ago could be re- lation of Ohio law." have a driver's license and only 26 convictions for voter
nonphoto documentation vived by the state Supreme That decision is not with- not drive a car, and it just impersonation fraud — the
such as a bank statement, Court that has a new Re- out complications. The free creates more problems for type deterred by photo ID
government check or util- publican majority. Mean- state photo IDs the law them." requirements — anywhere
ity bill for registration and while, a new Idaho law, provides won't be avail- AMVETS Executive Director in the U.S. between 2004
in-person voting. Military which prohibits students able until April 7, the law's Don McCauley said the is- and 2022. In presidential
IDs also are no longer ac- from using college IDs at effective date, despite mili- sue has been brought to elections alone, Americans
ceptable when registering the polls, drew a recent le- tary and overseas voting lawmakers' attention and cast more than 645 million
to vote. gal challenge. already having begun and he hopes to see it resolved votes during that period.
"I'm very, very, very con- Wendy Weiser, vice presi- early, in-person voting set before the next election. Jason Snead, executive
cerned that people are dent for democracy at the to start April 4. Access issues also have director of the conserva-
not going to know. They're Brennan Center for Justice, At the same time, a legal arisen among the roughly tive group Honest Elections
going to come to vote and said the new Ohio law un- challenge to the law by 37,000 Amish in Ohio's Hol- Project Action, told report-
they're not going to be dercuts the Republican a Democratic law firm re- mes County, where the ers in a recent policy brief-
able to, or they're going to narrative about the state mains unresolved. The law- largely conservative voters ing that robust voter turnout
have to vote provisional," having a record of clean suit alleges the law creates reject being photographed and Democrats' unexpect-
she said. "It's just a very up- and well-run elections. "needless discriminatory and often lack other forms edly strong performance
setting time. Us old people, "Ohio election officials burdens," including by re- of government ID. in the 2022 midterm elec-
we have other things to have long been adamant quiring photo IDs, making Lawmakers allowed for re- tions disprove the idea that
worry about." that this wasn't needed, it harder to correct minor ligious exceptions through election security enhance-
Of 35 states that request or that Ohio had a good sys- mistakes on ballots and re- an affidavit that the law's ments suppress voters.
require a photo ID to vote, tem for vetting and root- stricting mail balloting. supporters say will be easy "I would submit that, ac-
Ohio is now the ninth Re- ing out any fraud and the Veterans' organizations to use, but Holmes Coun- tually when you look at
publican-controlled state proof was in the pudding," and county recorders, par- ty Elections Director Lisa the sort of election integ-
to move to a strict law al- she said. ticularly in the populous, Welch is worried that con- rity laws that are advanc-
lowing few to no alterna- Republican state Sen. Democratic-leaning coun- fusion and extra paperwork ing through state legisla-
tives, according to the Na- Theresa Gavarone, a sup- ties that include Columbus, could add to the workloads tures and actually getting
tional Conference of State porter of the law, said the Cleveland and Cincinnati, of already stressed boards passed, what is happen-
Legislatures. Fifteen states change will make it harder have been vocal about of elections. ing in conservative states is
allow other ways voters can to cheat. the law excluding county- "My biggest concern is the far more mainstream than
verify their identify, such as It already has led to frus- issued veteran photo IDs, first time through, we get a what we're seeing hap-
an electric bill, bank state- tration and confusion, in though it does allow mili- whole bunch of provision- pen in liberal states," Snead
ment or signature match. part because of the fast- tary IDs, to vote. They cost als (that must be processed said.q