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Tuesday 10 OcTOber 2023 locAl
Our succulent Island
good and started to bring in some extra
income. This plant was also imported from
another island called Socotra, which is lo-
cated between the Guardafui Channel
and the Arabian Sea in the Indian Ocean.
Well, the Aloe did really bring wealth for
those who had invested in this wonder
The Aruba Aloe did become an important
ingredient of many pharmaceutical skin
products used as protection against the
sun and chemotherapeutic burns. It can
also be found in Laxatives, consumed to
treat constipation and detoxification.
The cacti have a very important eco-
logical role: their fruits and flowers, which
some bloom only at night, provide critical
food resources for a variety of the islands’
bats, birds and reptiles.
There are three types of candelabra or
organ pipe cacti species that dominate
the landscape of the island. Stenocereus
griseus, Cereus repandus and Pilosocereus
Stenocereus griseus grows straight up and
Succulent are plants that are mainly thick- branches out close to the ground; its thorns
ened, fleshy, and engorged, usually to make up neat rows of rosettes.
retain water in arid climates or soil con-
ditions. The word succulent comes from Stenocereus griseus is a treelike cactus (3-)
the Latin word sucus, meaning ‘juice’, or 6-9 (-10) meters high, sometimes branch-
‘sap’. Like for example our island cac- ing at the base, sometimes with a definite
tuses or any other plant that stores water trunk. This species shows latitudinal varia-
on its stems or leaves. In developing spe- tion in growth form, from a multi-stemmed
cial talents, these plants have developed shrub sending up from the base 5 to 20
a special type of survival skills, filled with branches 3 to 6 meters high in dry north-
unique and wonderful shapes, colors, and ern habitats to a ten meter columnar ar-
textures such we can find in the Aruban borescent cactus in Caribbean deciduous
landscape. forest. The flowers, which appear in spring,
are followed by the large delicious fruit
A typical Aruban landscape made out much prized by the native.
of granite boulders tuna and candelabra
cacti. Cereus repandus, known locally as Breba,
is the largest of the three cacti species and
Our island vegetation shapes local cul- looks more like a tree as it branches out fur-
ture and national identity, and so in or- ther from the ground; its thorns form dense
der to protect it we hope to allow future rows that stick on the Cereus repandus,
generations to enjoy their unique environ- The Cereus repandus is an unsearched,
ment. The thorny brushes, trees cacti and under-utilized cactus, grown mostly as
agave varieties are abundant, though not an ornamental plant.with branches that
in large numbers of species. The cactus grows in all directions.
grows in the wild. Their seeds are dispersed
by the wind and fauna, specially birds and Pilosocereus lanuginosus is a beautiful
bats that feast on their delicious fruits. golden spinned columnar cactus that
can eventually grow up to 30′ feet tall. Pi-
The best known or most famous succulent losocereus lanuginosus branches from the
of the island is not really a local plant. This sides of the main stems producing a can-
plant was introduced to the island in or- delabra effect. Stems average 4″ to 6″+ in
der to foment cultivation and create new diameter and have a glaucous or blueish
sources of income for the islanders, and green skin. Like the other species of Piloso-
yes you guessed it, it is the Aloe. This su- cereus, this species, from warm temperate
per plant has been actually imported from climate is very easy Cacti to grow how-
the island of Barbados where it was doing ever cannot survive any periods of frost.q
Article by: Etnia Nativa
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