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HEALTHWednesday 16 March 2016

                                Spring to the Sea

                                                         By: Dr. Carlos Viana

Spring in Aruba means           treatment has been prac-        dration or that the body         flounder, and many fruits,      therapy, individual medical
a mass migration to the         ticed since well before the     is trying to dilute a poison.    vegetables, and beans.          analysis and a program to
seaside. Not talking tour-      1800’s when the French          The fluid swelling arms and      Another “Hydro” (water)         suite each person. Mean-
ist here. I am describing       coined the word. So, soak-      legs is salty water that can     therapy and a great way         while, be part of the solu-
neighbors who stay far          ing in the ocean or if you’re   be replenished with fresh,       to detoxify your organs and     tion in keeping our waters
away from the ocean the         not lucky enough to live        healthy water.                   hydrate your body is by         clean so the healing will
whole year, but then are        near the ocean, a sea salt      I supervise my patients who      having your colon washed.       continue.q
moved to spend the week         bath, is a therapy that al-     want help to move out this       Colon Hydro-therapy is an       CARLOS VIANA, Ph. D. is
“camping” by the ocean.         lows the skin to absorb and     “dirty” water by having          extended and more com-          an Oriental Medical Doc-
Do not believe for a mo-        benefit from ocean miner-       them drink more water and        plete form of an enema.         tor (O.M.D.) having studied
ment that this is a local tra-  als. As a complimentary         sit in the ocean. Before         Colon hydrotherapy in-          in China; a US Board Cert.
dition. People have been        physician and a medical         leaving your house mea-          volves the gentle infusion of   Clinical Nutritionist (C.C.N.),
drawn to the sea for fun,       anthropologist, I realize that  sure the thickness of your       warm filtered water into the    an Addiction Professional
health and revitalization       this urge to go to the sea in   legs. Drink a liter (quart) of   rectum by a trained thera-      (C.Ad.), Chairperson of
since ancient times. Plato,     springtime, is a primal urge    water and go to the beach.       pist or Natural Physician, us-  the Latin American Com-
the Greek philosopher said,     to clean ourselves from the     Sit in the water for forty min-  ing no chemicals or drugs.      mittee of the International
“The Sea cures all ailments     past so that we can be re-      utes with the water up to        The out flowing water re-       Academy of Oral Medicine
of man.”  Plato as well as      born.                           your neck with your head         moves excess gas, mucus,        and Toxicology (IAOMT), a
Hippocrates, the father of      I recommend whenev-             out of the water, your arms      infectious material and fe-     Rejuvenating Cell Therapist
modern medicine, often          er possible, that parents       and legs underwater. If you      ces. It is the natural solu-    specializing in Age Man-
prescribed bathing in the       take their children to the      also have hypertension you       tion to conditions, which       agement, has a weekly
sea as a health treatment.      ocean to clean their si-        will leave the water, get        interfere with the normal       radio program, writes and
Most of us know that a          nuses. Ocean water is a         home and realize that you        functions of the colon. We      lectures extensively. For
trip to the sea makes us        natural antihistamine that      are ready for a sound nap.       get extra request for this      information: VIANA HEAL-
feel “new.” Why? First,         helps clear up mucus se-        Our Head Out Immersion           treatment in our clinic, es-    ING CENTER, Kibaima 7, St
the ocean air is filled with    cretions. It is a powerful      produces positive results        pecially after holiday bing-    Cruz TEL: 585-1270 Web Site:
negative ions.  Countless       antihistamine that does not     and here at Viana Healing        ing, or when beginning a
studies have been done          make you drowsy and has         Center we have seen this         weight loss or other health     “Prescriptions from Para-
on how negative ions            no negative side effects.       easy procedure work small        program or as a “spring         dise” - Dr. Viana’s Award
clean dust and therefore        Antibiotic do not help fight    miracles with swollen bod-       cleaning”. Many patients        Winning BOOK: Prescrip-
reduce symptoms of aller-       viruses. However, nearly all    ies. By the way, you know        state that they feel reborn     tions from Paradise, Intro-
gies, counteract negative       viruses will succumb to sea     that diuretic you are tak-       after this therapy.             duction to Biocompatible
effects of smoking, and in-     water and natural sunshine.     ing? It does remove some         Get the Point! If you are       Medicine – Available at
crease the flow of oxygen       I believe in the healing        body fluid and potassium,        blessed as we are to live       local Bookstores, Hotel Gift
to the brain; resulting in      power of the sea so strong-     but leaves the salt behind,      by the ocean, one of the        shops and Boticas. Signed
higher alertness, decrease      ly, that I developed a “Wa-     which means you are go-          best ‘cures for all ailments’   copies at Viana Healing
drowsiness, and more men-       ter” therapy for our patients   ing to swell up faster. The      is free. If you are lucky       Center, EBooks: Amazon
tal energy. Wow, all that       who are swollen with ede-       head out immersion also          enough to vacation by the       kindle, Nook, Itunes check
from going to the ocean?        ma. I call this treatment       removes your excess body         sea, take full advantage of     for Events at: facebook.
Do you know that sea wa-        “Head out Immersion”. The       salt. Meanwhile, the po-         it natural healing proper-      com/vianahealingcenter.
ter contains all the 104 min-   number of people in our         tassium you have lost is a       ties. When you get home,        Join the discussion: www.
erals and trace elements        community taking diuret-        very important mineral for       you can check out a spa
present in human serum,         ics, or drugs to remove ex-     the proper function of all       that offers Thalassotherapy     tionsformparadise
or plasma?   So powerful        cess body fluid or edema is     cells, tissues, and organs in    or get some organic sea
are the effects of the sea      staggering. Many people         the human body. If you are       salts to bath in as a home
water on the human body,        think if they are suffering     taking a diuretic it is impor-   therapy. Be sure to drink
mind and spirit that a reju-    from edema they have too        tant to replace the lost po-     plenty mineral water ev-
venating therapy known as       much water in the body          tassium. Many foods con-         ery day. If you would like
Thalassotherapy, from the       and do not drink fluids. Ac-    tain potassium, including all    more help with a specific
Greek words, “Thalasso”         tually, edema actually is       meats, some types of fish,       type of detox or cleans-
for sea; and “therapy” for      one of the signs of dehy-       such as salmon, cod, and         ing, we offer colon-hydro
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