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                                                                      obituario/u.s. news Diabierna 8 aPriL 2022

                                                                 Jackson confirmed as first Black female high

                                                                                                court justice

                                                              (AP)  —  The  Senate  con-
                                                              firmed  Ketanji  Brown  Jack-
                                                              son to the Supreme Court on
              Señor ta mi wardador pues mi no tin falta di nada. Den   Thursday,  shattering  a  his-
              cunucu di yerbe berde e ta pone mi sosega pa mi por   toric barrier by securing her
              bolbe haya forsa.
                                                              place  as  the  first  Black  fe-
              Cu inmenso tristeza na nos curazon, pero conforme cu   male justice and giving Pres-
              dios su boluntad, nos ta anuncia fayecimento di:  ident Joe Biden a bipartisan
                                                              endorsement for his effort to
                                                              diversify the high court.

                                                              Cheers  rang  out  in  the  Senate
                                                              chamber  as  Jackson,  a  51  year-
                                                              old appeals court judge with nine
                                                              years  experience  on  the  federal
                                                              bench,  was  confirmed  53-47,
                                                              mostly along party lines but with
                                                              three  Republican  votes.  Presid-
                                                              ing and emotionally announcing
                                                              the vote was Vice President Ka-                                the job. Collins and Murkowski
                    Walter Simon de Cuba                      mala Harris, also the first Black  Jackson  will  be  just  the  third  both  decried  increasingly  parti-
                      *19 december 1951- †31 maart 2022       woman to reach her high office.  Black  justice,  after  Thurgood  san  confirmation  fights,  which
                                                                                             Marshall and Clarence Thomas,  only worsened during the battles
                            Na nomber di su:                  “This is a wonderful day, a joy-  and  the  sixth  woman.  She  will  over  Trump’s  three  picks.  Col-
              Esposa:                                         ous day, an inspiring day — for  join  three  other  women,  Sonia  lins  said  the  process  was  “bro-
              Rita de Cuba-Rodriguez                          the  Senate,  for  the  Supreme  Sotomayor,  Elena  Kagan  Amy  ken”  and  Murkowski  called  it
              Yiunan:                                         Court and for the United States  Coney  Barrett  –  meaning  that  “corrosive” and “more detached
              Raywalt de Cuba y Marjolyn Maduro
              Daury Rodriguez y Celine Geerman                of America,” exulted Senate Ma-  four of the nine justices will be  from reality by the year.”
              Jeskhar de Cuba y Lindsey Giel                  jority  Leader  Chuck  Schumer.  women for the first time in his-
              Davian de Cuba y Nakeisha Jacobs                The  Senate’s  upper  galleries  tory.                         Biden,  a  veteran  of  a  more  bi-
              Mayornan:                                       were  almost  full  for  the  first                            partisan  Senate,  said  from  the
              Maximo y Candida de Cuba quepd                  time since the beginning of the  Her  eventual  elevation  to  the  day  of  Breyer’s  retirement  an-
              Nietonan:                                       pandemic  two  years  ago,  and  court will be a respite for Demo-  nouncement in January that he
              Delilah Marie
              Kalani Logan                                    about a dozen House members,  crats who fought three bruising  wanted support from both par-
              Ariella Alana                                   part  of  the  the  Congressional  battles  over  former  President  ties for his history-making nom-
              Daynah                                          Black caucus, stood at the back  Donald  Trump’s  nominees  and  inee, and he invited Republicans
              Massimo                                         of the chamber.                watched  Republicans  cement  a  to the White House as he made
              Rumannan:                                                                      conservative  majority  in  the  fi-  his decision. It was an attempted
              Olivia Faro- de Cuba                            “We’re  making  history,”  de-  nal  days  of  Trump’s  term  with  reset  from  Trump’s  presidency,
              Sheila y Walter Arendsz y yiunan                clared  Rep.  Marilyn  Strickland  Barrett’s  confirmation.  While  when  Democrats  vociferously
              Joy y Ismay de Cuba y yiunan
              Karel de Cuba y yiunan                          of Washington state.           Jackson  won’t  change  the  bal-  opposed  the  three  nominees,
              Greta y Winston Maduro quepd y yiunan                                          ance,  she  will  secure  a  legacy  and  from  the  end  of  President
              Ana Clara de Cuba y yiunan                      Harris,  who  paused  with  emo-  on the court for Biden and ful-  Barack  Obama’s,  when  Repub-
                                                              tion as she read the vote, said as  fill his 2020 campaign pledge to  licans blocked nominee Merrick
              Tanta nan:                                      she left the Capitol that she was  nominate the first Black female  Garland from getting a vote.
              Sra. Mani v/d Linden                            “overjoyed, deeply moved.”     justice.
              Sra. Ika de Cuba                                                                                               Once sworn in, Jackson will be
              Swa- y Cuñanan:
              Bernarda y yiunan                               Jackson will take her seat when  “This is a tremendously historic  the second youngest member of
              Constanza y yiunan                              Justice  Stephen  Breyer  retires  day in the White House and in  the  court  after  Barrett,  50.  She
              Orlando y yiunan                                this  summer,  solidifying  the  the country,” said White House  will  join  a  court  on  which  no
              Indira y yiunan                                 liberal  wing  of  the  6-3  conser-  press secretary Jen Psaki after the  one is yet 75, the first time that
              Lourdes y yiunan                                vative-dominated  court.  She  vote. “And this is a fulfillment of  has happened in nearly 30 years.
              Denise y Rudy Perrot                            joined Biden at the White House  a promise the president made to
              Famia:                                                                                                         Jackson’s  first  term  will  be
              De Cuba, Rodriguez, Lubo, Prince,Perez, Maduro, Faro,   to watch the vote, embracing as  the country.”
              Arendsz, Habibe, Tromp,                         it came in.                                                    marked by cases involving race,
              Henriquez, van der Kamp, Matthew, Kadir, Nucete, van                           Despite the efforts to tarnish her  both  in  college  admissions  and
              Nimwegen, Canninga, Rooseman,                   During the four days of Senate  record,  Jackson  eventually  won  voting  rights.  She  has  pledged
              Bareño, Lopez, Lacle, Martinez, Croes, Van der Bliek,   hearings  last  month,  Jackson  three GOP votes. The final tally  to  sit  out  the  court’s  consider-
              Gomez, Rincon, Geerman,                         spoke  of  her  parents’  struggles  was  far  from  the  overwhelm-  ation  of  Harvard’s  admissions
              Schwengle, Ras, Werleman,Solognier, Wever, Perzia,   through  racial  segregation  and  ing  bipartisan  confirmations  program since she is a member
              Willems, Piña, Brete, Kroon,
              Gallarza, Steven, Berbel, Loaiza, Palma, Allende, Ebraat.  said her “path was clearer” than  for  Breyer  and  other  justices  of  its  board  of  overseers.  But
              Colega musiconan:                               theirs  as  a  Black  American  af-  in  decades  past,  but  it  was  still  the  court  could  split  off  a  sec-
              Wiwi Piña                                       ter the enactment of civil rights  a  significant  bipartisan  accom-  ond case involving a challenge to
              Ronny Brete                                     laws.  She  attended  Harvard  plishment for Biden in the 50-  the  University  of  North  Caro-
              Eddy Kroon                                      University,  served  as  a  public  50 split Senate after GOP sena-  lina’s admissions process, which
              Freddy Gallarza                                 defender,  worked  at  a  private  tors aggressively worked to paint  might allow her to weigh in on
              Kenneth Samson                                  law firm and was appointed as a  Jackson as too liberal and soft on  the issue.
              Amigo: Steven Jack
              Grupo di misa Cristo ta Amor                    member of the U.S. Sentencing  crime.
                                                              Commission.                                                    Judith Browne Dianis, executive
              Ta invita tur amigo, bisiña, colega y conoci pa asisti na e                    Statements  from  Sens.  Susan  director the Advancement Proj-
              condolencia cual lo tuma                        She  told  senators  she  would  Collins of Maine, Lisa Murkows-  ect,  a  civil  rights  organization,
              lugar dialuna, 11 di april 2022 di 7pm pa 9pm na Royal   apply  the  law  “without  fear  or  ki of Alaska and Mitt Romney of  said Jackson’s confirmation will
              Funeral Home.
                                                              favor,” and pushed back on Re-  Utah all said the same thing —  make  the  court  more  reflective
              Nos kier a pidi nos disculpa si nos por a lubida un of otro   publican attempts to portray her  they might not always agree with  of  communities  that  are  most
              famia den nos tristeza.                         as  too  lenient  on  criminals  she  Jackson,  but  they  found  her  to  impacted by the judiciary.
                                                              had sentenced.                 be enormously well qualified for
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