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A30    world news
                     Diabierna 8 aPriL 2022

                        Despite risk of death, Thailand sends Myanmar refugees back

                                                                      tries. The Associated Press is  food, shelter and other  sup-  ties  facilitated  their  volun-
                                                                      withholding Hay’s full name,  port  to  Myanmar  refugees  tary  return  to  the  Myanmar
                                                                      along with the full names of  in Thailand. “You can’t keep  side,” says Thailand Ministry
                                                                      other refugees in this story, to  going  back  and  forth  across  of Foreign Affairs spokesper-
                                                                      protect them from retaliation  the border. You’ve got to be  son Tanee Sangrat. “Thailand
                                                                      by  authorities.  “Sometimes  somewhere  where  it’s  sta-  remains committed and will
                                                                      we cross  back  to  the  Myan-  ble.....And there is absolutely  continue to uphold its long-
                                                                      mar  side  of  the  river.  But  I  no  stability  in  Myanmar  at  held  humanitarian  tradition,
                                                                      have not returned to the vil-  the moment.”               including  the  principle  of
                                                                      lage at all.”                                             non-refoulement, in assisting
                                                                                                   Since  its  takeover  last  year,  those in need.”
                                                                      Though international refugee  Myanmar’s military has killed
                                                                      laws forbid the return of peo-  more  than  1,700  people,  ar-  Somchai  Kitcharoenrungroj,
                                                                      ple  to  countries  where  their  rested more than 13,000 and  governor  of  Thailand’s  Tak
                                                                      lives may be in danger, Thai-  systematically  tortured  chil-  province, where thousands of
                                                                      land  has  nonetheless  sent  dren, women and men.        people  from  Myanmar  have
                                                                      thousands of people who fled                              sought  refuge,  said  many
            (AP) — The young wom-        safe haven that does not ex-  escalating violence by Myan-  Thailand, which is not a sig-  crossed  illegally  when  there
            an  from  Myanmar  and  ist.  Returning  to  Myanmar  mar’s  military  back  home,  natory to the United Nations  was no fighting.
            her  family  now  live  amid  would place her and her fam-  according to interviews with  Refugee  Convention,  insists
            the tall grasses of a river-  ily  at  risk  of  death.  And  yet  refugees, aid groups and Thai  Myanmar’s  refugees  return  “We had to send them back as
            bank on the Thai border,  that  is  precisely  what  Thai  authorities  themselves.  That  to their embattled homeland  the laws said,” Somchai says.
            trapped in limbo between  authorities — wary of jeopar-   has  forced  Hay  and  other  voluntarily. Thailand also in-  “When they faced the threats
            a  country  that  does  not  dizing their relationship with  Myanmar  refugees  to  rico-  sists it has complied with all  and  crossed  here,  we  never
            want them and a country  Myanmar’s ruling military —  chet  between  both  sides  of  international   non-refoule-  refused  to  help  them.  We
            whose  military  could  kill  tell them to do at least once a  the  river  as  the  fighting  in  ment laws, which dictate that  provided them all basic needs
            them.                        week, she says.              their home villages rages and  people must not be returned  according to the international
                                                                      briefly recedes.             to  a  country  where  they  human rights principle.”
            Like  thousands  of  others  “When  they  told  us  to  go                             would  face  torture,  punish-
            fleeing  mounting  violence  back, we cried and explained  “It is this game of ping-pong,”  ment or harm.           “For  example,”  he  added,
            after  a  military  takeover  in  why we can’t go back home,”  says Sally Thompson, execu-                          “last  week  we  also  found
            Myanmar last February, Hay  says Hay, who lives in a flim-  tive  director  of  The  Border  “As  the  situation  on  the  some  crossing  here  illegally
            left her village for neighbor-  sy  tent  on  the  Moei  River,  Consortium, which has long  Myanmar side of the border  and we sent them back.”
            ing  Thailand  in  search  of  a  which divides the two coun-  been  the  main  provider  of  improved, the Thai authori-

                              Pakistan’s top court blocks PM’s move to stay in power

            (AP)  —  Pakistan’s  Su-     warned  that  “instability  will  Chaudhry’s  allegation  to  Khan  said  the  U.S.  wants  terror,  which  is  deeply  con-
            preme Court on Thursday  increase and I see no end to  toss  out  the  no-confidence  him gone because of what he  troversial in Pakistan.”
            blocked  Prime  Minister  the crisis.”                    resolution, but the Supreme  describes as his independent
            Imran  Khan’s  bid  to  stay                              Court ruled that Suri had no  foreign  policy,  which  often  She  warned  the  anti-U.S.
            in  power,  ruling  that  his  Dozens of heavily armed po-  grounds to do so.          favors China and Russia. He  rhetoric  could  further  com-
            move  to  dissolve  Parlia-  lice  backed  by  paramilitary                            also has been a strident critic  plicate Pakistan’s relationship
            ment  and  call  early  elec-  Rangers  surrounded  Paki-  Chaudhry  did  not  say  what  of  Washington’s  war  on  ter-  with Washington
            tions was illegal. That set  stan’s  stately  white  marble  Khan’s  next  step  might  be.  rorism and was criticized for
            the  stage  for  a  no-confi-  Supreme  Court  building.  Khan  previously  had  called  a visit to Moscow on Feb. 24,  Pakistan’s  top  court  or  its
            dence  vote  by  opposition  Roads  leading  to  the  court  for  nationwide  demonstra-  hours  after  Russia  invaded  powerful  military  have  con-
            lawmakers,  who  say  they  were  blocked  and  a  heavily  tions to protest what he called  Ukraine.               sistently stepped in whenever
            have  enough  support  to  armed  contingent  of  police  Washington’s interference in                              turmoil engulfs a democrati-
            oust him.                    also  encircled  the  nearby  Pakistan’s affairs.         The  U.S.  State  Department  cally  elected  government.
                                         Parliamentary  Lodges  where                              has  denied  any  involvement  The  army  has  seized  power
            The  decision  followed  four  opposition  and  government  During  the  week,  the  Su-  in Pakistan’s internal politics.  and ruled for more than half
            days  of  hearings  by  the  top  lawmakers stay when Parlia-  preme  Court  heard  argu-                           of Pakistan’s 75-year history.
            court  on  the  political  crisis.  ment is in session.   ments  from  Khan’s  law-    “Khan  tapped  into  a  po-
            Khan had tried to sidestep the                            yers,  the  opposition  and  the  tent  vein  of  anti-American  The  military  has  remained
            no-confidence vote by accus-  Opposition  leader  Shahbaz  country’s  president  before  sentiment  in  Pakistan  that  quiet  in  the  latest  crisis,  al-
            ing his political opponents of  Sharif,  who  heads  the  Paki-  handing  down  the  decision  is  unlikely  to  dissipate  any  though army chief Gen. Qa-
            colluding  with  the  United  stan  Muslim  League  and  is  Thursday  night,  after  iftar,  time  soon,”  said  Elizabeth  mar Javed Bajwa told a secu-
            States to unseat him.        the likely candidate for prime  the meal that breaks the day-  Threlkeld,  Pakistan  expert  rity summit in Islamabad last
                                         minister if the no-confidence  long fast during the Muslim  at the U.S.-based The Stim-  weekend that Pakistan wants
            Lawmakers  will  probably  vote succeeds, welcomed the  holy month of Ramadan.         son  Center.  “Young  people  good relations with China, a
            convene  Saturday  for  the  ruling as a victory for “justice                          make up the majority in the  major investor, and also with
            vote, and the opposition says  and the supremacy of law.”  “This is the unfortunate fact  country and grew up during  the U.S., the country’s larg-
            it  has  the  172  votes  in  the                         about Pakistani politics — the  the two-decades-long war on  est export market.
            342-seat  house  needed  to  The  political  crisis  began  political issues, which should
            oust Khan after several mem-  Sunday  when  an  embattled  be  settled  in  the  parliament
            bers  of  his  own  party  and  a  Khan  dissolved  Parliament  are  instead  brought  to  the
            key  coalition  partner  defect-  and set the stage for early elec-  Supreme  Court  to  settle,”
            ed.                          tions. Chaudhry had stood in  said  analyst  Zahid  Hussain,
                                         Parliament  and  accused  the  who  has  authored  several
            “It’s  an  unfortunate  deci-  opposition  of  “disloyalty  to  books on militancy in the re-
            sion,”  Khan’s  ally  and  In-  the state” by working with a  gion and Islamabad’s compli-
            formation  Minister  Fawad  foreign power to bring about  cated relationship with Wash-
            Chaudhry told The Associat-  a “regime change.”           ington.
            ed Press following the unani-
            mous  ruling  by  the  five-  The  deputy  parliamentary  “It  is  just  a  weakness  of  the
            member Supreme Court. He  speaker  Qasim  Suri  cited  system,” Hussain added.
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