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                                                                                                       sports Diabierna 10 September 2021

                      Trial of former Germany, Bayern player Jérôme Boateng begins

            (AP) — Former Germany and Bay-          said he tore at her hair, bit her head, and
            ern  Munich  soccer  player  Jérôme  pressed  his  thumb  into  her  eye,  giving
            Boateng  denied  allegations  of  as-   her a black eye. She said that that particu-
            sault  against  his  former  partner  as  lar incident on July 19, 2018 was not the
            his trial started on Thursday.          first of its kind, but the most violent.

            Boateng told Munich District Court that  She said the couple had an “on-off rela-
            he did not hit and injure his former part-  tionship” since 2007. “Our relationship
            ner Sherin Senler in July 2018 when they  was always turbulent,” Senler said, with
            were on vacation in the Turks and Caicos  a “very toxic” connection.
            Islands. He is charged with allegations of
            dangerous bodily harm and verbal abuse  Boateng,  who  appeared  at  the  court
            against  Senler,  the  mother  of  their  two  wearing  a  dark  blue  suit  and  a  white
            children.                               shirt, shook his head at times as Senler
                                                    gave evidence to the court. His defense
            According  to  the  indictment,  Boateng  lawyer,  Kai  Walden,  previously  said  his
            beat her, boxed her, bit her head, threw  client was disputing the allegations.
            her on the ground and insulted her. DPA
            news  agency  reported  the  public  pros-  Boateng  suggested  Senler  was  bringing
            ecutors’  office  also  accuses  Boateng  of  this case against him to boost her chanc-
            throwing a glass lantern and cooling bag  es of success in a dispute over their chil-
            at his partner.                         dren’s custody. Senler rejected the sug-
            The 33-year-old Boateng told the court
            his  former  partner  had  become  aggres-  Thursday was the only scheduled day for
            sive and insulting during a dispute after  the trial, which had been delayed due to
            a game of cards. He said she hit him and  coronavirus restrictions. Final arguments
            injured  his  lip,  and  that  she  fell  when  from prosecutors and the defense were
            he tried to push her away. He disputed  still pending before a ruling can be made.
            throwing  a  lantern  at  her,  but  said  it
            fell when he threw a cushion at a table.  Boateng no longer plays for Bayern. The
            Boateng said he had never hit his ex-girl-  club  declined  to  extend  his  contract  at
            friend.                                 the  end  of  last  season.  He  signed  with
                                                    French team Lyon in the offseason. He
            Senler later told the court that Boateng  was dropped by Germany coach Joachim
            punched her in the kidney so hard that  Löw as part of a shakeup of the squad in
            she  found  it  difficult  to  breathe.  She  March 2019.

                   New England coach Wiegman against biennial Women’s World Cup

            (AP) — Setting out her vi-   Sarina Wiegman was sure  en’s World Cup should re-        victory  in  that  final,  is  now
            sion as England manager,  of one thing — the Wom-         main every four years.       heading a FIFA technical ad-  “Of course because of COV-
                                                                                                   visory group that will explore  ID we have five tournaments
                                                                      There’s no need for FIFA to  the merits of biennial World  in  a  row,  which  is  enough,”
                                                                      push through plans to double  Cups. The prospect of more  Wiegman  said.  “At  big  tour-
                                                                      the  frequency  of  its  flagship  regular  World  Cups  has  al-  naments  you  want  the  best
                                                                      tournament,  according  to  ready been talked up by FIFA  players on the pitch.
                                                                      Weigman.                     Presient  Gianni  Infantino
                                                                                                   despite  resistance  from  Eu-  “If you look now at the com-
                                                                      “The  Euros  are  great,  the  ropean  football’s  governing  petitions in England there are
                                                                      World  Cup  is  great,  the  body UEFA.                   so  many  games,  Champions
                                                                      Olympics are great so that is  “It is about visibility,” Wieg-  League, international players
                                                                      three tournaments,” she said,  man  said,  “but  I  think  also  and  you  play  for  your  club
                                                                      pitchside  at  Wembley  Stadi-  think we need to take care of  team  —  you  play  so  many
                                                                      um on Thursday. “I think if  the well-being of the players  games  because  you  are  one
                                                                      you have a World Cup every  and  sometimes  they  need  a  of the best, you are a game-
                                                                      two years that is too much for  rest.”                    changer  so  when  can  you
                                                                      the players at the moment so                              have  a  rest,  we  should  take
                                                                      I wouldn’t be cheering for it  It’s taken a year since Wieg-  care  of  the  welfare  of  the
                                                                      right now.                   man’s  appointment  was  an-  players.”
                                                                                                   nounced for her to start with
                                                                      “It is too many tournaments,  England.  Her  last  game  as  FIFA’s plans could ultimately
                                                                      for Europe it is good (at the  Netherlands  coach  was  at  see men’s and women’s tour-
                                                                      moment),  the  development  the Tokyo Olympics in July,  naments  played  every  year
                                                                      in Europe for women’s foot-  a quarterfinal loss to the U.S.  around  June  and  July.  That
                                                                      ball  is  ahead  of  most  other  on penalties.           would   prevent   women’s
                                                                      continents.  So for Europe it                             football  having  odd-num-
                                                                      is not necessary.”           The  pandemic  disruption  bered years largely clear cur-
                                                                                                   to  the  calendar  means  the  rently for its tournaments in
                                                                      Wiegman is taking charge of  Women’s  European  Cham-     a period of growth and trying
                                                                      England after a five-year stint  pionship,  which  England  is  to attract new audiences.
                                                                      in charge of her native Neth-  hosting,  now  starts  in  July
                                                                      erlands that saw her win the  2022. Then there’s the World  “You don’t want two tourna-
                                                                      Women’s  European  Cham-     Cup  in  Australia  and  New  ments  (men  and  women’s)
                                                                      pionship  in  2017  and  reach  Zealand in 2023, followed by  at  the  same  time,”  she  said,
                                                                      the  2019  World  Cup  final.  the  Paris  Olympics  in  2024  “because people are going to
                                                                      Jill Ellis, who led the U.S. to  and the Euros in 2025.   have to choose.”
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