Page 32 - bon-dia-aruba-20210910
P. 32

A32    sports
              Diabierna 10 September 2021

                           After all the hype, Ronaldo set for 1st game back at Man U

            (AP) - The public relations push                                        Championship  where  he  won  the  proaches — yet his presence did wind
            has been relentless at Manchester  One of the best players in the history  Golden Boot with five goals in four  up being divisive purely for the fact it
            United  these  past  few  days,  de-  of soccer is making an emotional re-  games.                          meant the team seemed to exist as a
            tailing  everything  about  Cristia-  turn for a second spell at one of the                                 function to get the best out of him as
            no Ronaldo from his movements  world’s biggest teams, so it’s under-    The top scorer in Champions League  opposed to working as a unit.
            in training, his greatest goals, his  standable that Ronaldo has been the  history with 134, Ronaldo has deliv-
            reclaiming  of  the  “iconic”  No.  7  talk  of  the  town  since  his  stunning  ered the following number of league  More than 28% shots taken by Juven-
            jersey,  to  the  inside  story  of  his  transfer from Juventus was complet-  goals  in  his  last  five  seasons  at  club  tus  last  season  came  from  Ronaldo.
            goal celebration.                   ed last week.                       level: 29 in 33 games (2020-21), 31 in  Juventus was the team that supplied
                                                                                    33 games (2019-20), 21 in 31 games  the most crosses in Serie A, serving
            Ronaldo, of course, was immediately  His first appearance back at United is  (2018-19), 26 in 27 games (2017-18),  arguably the best header of the ball in
            added to the giant mural emblazoned  likely to be against Newcastle on Sat-  and 25 in 29 games (2016-17).  the world whose best work increas-
            outside  Old  Trafford.  United  jer-  urday and it is one of the most antici-                              ingly  came  in  the  six-yard  box.  He
            seys  with  his  name  on  the  back  are  pated occasions in the history of the  However, even if he was top scorer in  had 168 shots in total, 31 more than
            flying  off  the  shelves  in  the  club’s  Premier  League,  even  if  the  match  Serie A last season and had 101 goals  any Premier League player had.
            megastore.                          will  not  be  televised  live  in  Britain  and 22 assists in a total of 134 appear-
                                                because  of  previously  agreed  broad-  ances for Juventus, his three years in  “If there’s Ronaldo, you need to have
            “Cristiano  is  in  the  house,”  United  casting arrangements.         Turin should perhaps act as a warning  a  squad  that  suits  Ronaldo,”  Sarri,
            midfielder Bruno Fernandes said.                                        for United.                         who was Juventus coach in the 2019-
                                                But away from all the glitz, the hype                                   20 season, said recently.
            As if anyone wasn’t aware.          and the marketing, what can the soc-  Juve steadily declined with Ronaldo
                                                cer  world  expect  of  the  36-year-old  there, to the extent that the team only  Sarri,  who  is  now  coach  at  Lazio,
                                                Ronaldo  in  what  could  be  the  last  just scraped a fourth-place finish last  spoke  of  the  difficulty  of  managing
                                                big move of his club career? Does his  season to qualify for the Champions  Ronaldo  because  he  is  a  “multina-
                                                presence virtually ensure United will  League.  In  the  Champions  League,  tional  brand  who  has  personal  in-
                                                be  “closer  to  winning”  trophies,  as  Juve  reached  the  quarterfinals  just  terests that have to be coupled with
                                                Fernandes has said.                 once with Ronaldo — before he ar-   those of the team.”
                                                                                    rived, it got to the final in two of the
                                                Certainly, Ronaldo is a still a guaran-  previous four seasons.         “But  there  are  also  many  positive
                                                tee of goals. He has a staggering 785                                   aspects,”  he  said,  “because  Ronaldo
                                                goals  in  1,075  appearances  for  club  That maybe was not all his doing — it  brings the numbers at the end of the
                                                and country, after all. He has just be-  was a turbulent period for Juve, which  year.”
                                                come the record scorer of all time in  had  three  coaches  in  Massimiliano
                                                men’s international soccer, with 111  Allegri,  Maurizio  Sarri  and  Andrea  And  that’s  the  balance  United  will
                                                goals, and is coming off a European  Pirlo, all of whom had different ap-  have to strike.
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