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A2   u.s. news
                  Wednesday 24 april 2024

            Tensions between Beijing and Washington are the biggest worry

            for U.S. companies in China, report says

             By ELAINE KURTENBACH        rising labor costs and data  ers to investment and opera-  in November was "looming  to be profitable in 2024.
             AP Business Writer          security issues were other top  tions including policies that   large" over the future busi-  Still, many members of the
             Simmering tensions between  concerns. It also said that,  discriminate  against  them   ness environment.          American  Chamber  said
             Beijing and Washington re-  despite  the  insistence  of  and  public  relations  cam-  It's  unclear  what  ramifica-  they  were  more  optimistic
             main the top worry for Ameri-  Chinese leaders that Beijing  paigns that create suspicion   tions a victory for either Biden  about growth of China's own
             can companies operating in  welcomes foreign business-   of foreigners," the report said.  or former President Donald  economy. Among its many
             China, according to a report  es,  many  still  are  hindered  The  report  welcomed  an   Trump might have for rela-  recommendations the report
             by the American Chamber  from free competition.          improvement  in  relations   tions. But Trump could deep-  urged China to create and
             of Commerce in China re-    "The  Chinese  government  in  2023  that  was  capped    en a trade war he started  implement "transparent and
             leased Tuesday.             has stated that it encourag-  by summit meetings of Chi-  during his first term. His tough  practical economic policies
             The survey of U.S. companies  es foreign direct investment,  nese leader Xi Jinping and   rhetoric on China and isola-  which  treat  domestic  and
             said inconsistent and unclear  but many of our members  President Joe Biden, but said   tionist approach to foreign  foreign entities equally."
             policies  and  enforcement,  continue to encounter barri-  the U.S. presidential election   policy could ramp up uncer-  Referring  to  concerns  that
                                                                                                   tainties. More recently, U.S.  business people are at risk
                                                                                                   Treasury Secretary Janet Yel-  of being caught up in ac-
                                                                                                   len visited Beijing, where she  cusations they have violated
                                                                                                   raised concerns that poten-  China's national security, it
                                                                                                   tial overcapacity in Chinese  also  appealed  to  China's
                                                                                                   industries — such as electric  leaders to clarify and narrow
                                                                                                   vehicles, steel making and  the  scope  of  the  country's
                                                                                                   solar panels — might crowd  anti-espionage law to pre-
                                                                                                   out  U.S.  and  other  foreign  vent it from interfering with
                                                                                                   manufacturers.               normal business operations.
                                                                                                   The fact that such visits are  Such requests follow repeat-
                                                                                                   taking place shows "that on  ed raids on foreign compa-
                                                                                                   difficult issues, the two gov-  nies that Chinese authorities
                                                                                                   ernments  are  talking  and  say were conducted on na-
                                                                                                   they're  able  to  do  so  in  a  tional security grounds. Raids
                                                                                                   way that's not acrimonious.  on  consulting  companies
                                                                                                   So  that  was  very  positive,"  also tend to hinder foreign
                                                                                                   said  the  chamber's  chair,  companies  from  assessing
                                                                                                   Sean Stein.                  the  business  environment,
                                                                                                   The Chamber sees high-level  leaving less willing to invest,
                                                                                                   exchanges  and  communi-     said Lester Ross, a co-chair of
                                                                                                   cation  between  the  two  the chamber's policy com-
                                                                                                   sides  as  a  top  priority,  the  mittee.
                                                                                                   report said.                 The report also had recom-
                                                                                                   American  businesses  are  mendations for the U.S. side,
                                                                                                   frustrated by slow progress  including providing clear visa
                                                                                                   on  promises  by  China  to  policies for Chinese students
                                                                                                   level  the  playing  field  be-  to  show  they  will  be  wel-
                                                                                                   tween foreign and Chinese  comed. Similarly, American
                                                                                                   companies, the report said.  students should be encour-
                                                                                                   Meanwhile, heightened U.S.  aged to study in China, the
                                                                                                   export  controls  and  other  report said.
                                                                                                   restrictions have raised the  It also called on U.S. officials
                                                                                                   costs of doing business.     to avoid resorting to unilat-
                                                                                                   "So the end result is compa-  eral  controls  that  may  be
                                                                                                   nies  are  getting  squeezed  ineffective and fail to meet
                                                                                                   between  the  two  govern-   goals  for  national  security
                                                                                                   ments, and on the regula-    and  foreign  policy.  Wash-
                                                                                                   tory front, what we're seeing  ington should engage with
                                                                                                   is it's not getting easier to do  Chinese companies to allow
                                                                                                   business in China; it's getting  them to address export con-
                                                                                                   harder," Stein said.         trol concerns such as military
                                                                                                   American companies oper-     use of civilian technologies
                                                                                                   ating in China saw improved  before the companies are
                                                                                                   profits  last  year,  though  subjected  to  sanctions,  it
                                                                                                   slightly less than half expect  said.q
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