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                    Friday 21 January 2022
            Continued from Front         the  guidance  applied  to  to prevent it. But it also has  have  this  kind  of  mischief  anniversary  as  CDC  direc-
            Speaking  to  the  AP  last  children  and  why  people  been  repeatedly  criticized  going  on  in  the  past,"  he  tor,  and  the  agency  is  still
            week,  she  said  she  was  didn't  need  to  test  nega-  as timid and slow in a crisis.  said.                    criticized as slow at times.
            proud of what the agency  tive  before  going  back  to  Much  of  the  problem  has  TOO SLOW                      For example, the CDC last
            had  accomplished  in  the  their jobs.                   been  lack  of  funding  and  Early in 2020, the CDC was  week  updated  its  website
            past  year.  Her  examples  —  The  CDC  briefly  over-   governmental     authority,  slow to send out test kits to  to acknowledge N95 masks
            included  a  torrent  of  CDC  stated  the  omicron  vari-  said Shelley Hearne, a John  help state labs identify the  are  more  protective  than
            scientific   reports,   rapid  ant's  penetration  in  the  Hopkins  University  profes-  earliest  coronavirus  infec-  other types and the better
            identification  of  concern-  U.S.  In  mid-December,  the  sor  of  health  policy  and  tions. The agency's kits had  choice for most people —
            ing  vaccine  side  effects  agency  estimated  73%  of  management.  She  noted,  a  design  flaw  and  were  something  that  has  long
            and  quick  research  into  the  previous  week's  coro-  for example, that the CDC  contaminated.                  been obvious to scientists.
            new variants.                navirus infections were due  can't  require  doctors  or  CDC  officials  were  initially  "So  why  has  its  guidance
            Among her particular points  to  omicron.  A  week  later,  states  to  report  disease  focused on the risk of infec-  come out late time & time
            of  pride:  Last  spring,  the  the CDC shaved it to 23%,  case  counts  or  other  vital  tions spreading from China  again?"  Lawrence  Gostin,
            CDC  was  quick  to  investi-  based on additional data.  information.                 and  were  slow  to  under-  a  Georgetown  University
            gate  and  report  on  rare  (The CDC turned out to be  Walensky  is  not  going  to  stand  how  much  corona-     public  health  law  expert,
            but concerning side effects  a week early: Omicron now  change that, Hearne said.      virus  was  coming  from  Eu-  asked on Twitter.
            in some vaccine recipients,  reigns.)                     "If the pandemic has shown  rope.                         On   Wednesday,      Biden
            including an unusual blood  —  Last  spring,  Walen-      anything, it's that we need  The  agency  also  was  criti-  defended  the  CDC,  say-
            clot in young women who  sky  said  fully  vaccinated  to  do  an  overhaul  of  how  cized  for  being  too  slow  ing:  "The  messages,  to  the
            had  received  Johnson  &  people  could  stop  wear-     we protect our health," she  to   recommend     people  extent  they've  been  con-
            Johnson  shots.  The  identi-  ing masks in many settings,  said.                      wear  masks,  to  recognize  fusing  —  it's  because  the
            fication  of  about  15  cases  only  to  reverse  course  as  Compounding  the  prob-  that  the  virus  can  spread  scientists,  they're  learning
            —  out  of  more  than  8  mil-  the then-new delta variant  lem is pressure on the CDC  through  the  air  and  to  more."
            lion  people  who  had  got-  spread.                     from both Republican and  ramp up systematic testing  TOO FAST
            ten the vaccine — led the  Walensky  has  many  de-       Democratic      administra-  to detect new variants.      Public  health  experts  note
            government  to  pause  the  fenders.  They  say  that  in  tions  to  speak  in  harmony  In 2020, the Trump adminis-  the  fast-changing  pan-
            dispensing  of  J&J  shots  for  most cases, core decisions  with the White House. That's  tration was accused of po-  demic has forced the CDC
            11 days.                     made  sense  at  the  time  not  new,  but  there  is  now  litical interference for work-  to  reverse  decisions  that
            "Everyone has said that dur-  they  were  made.  The  real  more  second-guessing  by  ing to control CDC messag-   made  sense  at  one  point
            ing a pandemic, CDC has  problem, they say, was with  other  scientists  and  pub-     ing  that  might  contradict  but later became problem-
            to move faster," she said. "I  how  they  were  rolled  out  lic health experts on social  the White House's portrayal  atic.
            think we really did that."   and communicated.            media.                       of how the crisis was unfold-  One example: For much of
            Her  efforts,  though,  have  'WE NEED TO DO AN OVER-     And then there's the gener-  ing.                         the  pandemic,  the  CDC
            sometimes gone awry:         HAUL'                        al fracturing of the nation.  Walensky,  an  infectious-  had advised Americans to
            —  The  agency's  decision  The  CDC  has  long  been  Some  politicians  and  oth-    disease specialist known for  wear masks when near oth-
            late  last  month  to  shorten  considered   the   crown  ers have repeatedly under-   her  communications  skills,  ers. But last spring, Walensky
            isolation  and  quarantine  jewel of U.S. public health,  mined the CDC's message,  vowed  to  restore  public  changed  the  guidance,
            caught  many  by  surprise.  with  great  minds  working  said Benjamin, of the Amer-  trust  under  President  Joe  saying   fully   vaccinated
            Public  confusion  included  to  investigate  illness  and  ican Public Health Associa-  Biden.                     people  could  stop  cover-
            questions  such  as  whether  coordinate national efforts  tion.  CDC  directors  "didn't  This week marks Walensky's  ing up in most settings. q

            US researchers test pig-to-human transplant in donated body

            By LAURAN NEERGAARD AP  this year.                        heats up.                    the pair of pig kidneys sur-  The research was conduct-
            Medical Writer               "The  organ  shortage  is  in  Twice  this  fall,  surgeons  at  vived with no sign of imme-  ed  in  September  after  Jim
            Researchers  on  Thursday  fact  an  unmitigated  cri-    New  York  University  tem-  diate  rejection,  her  team  Parsons, a 57-year-old Ala-
            reported the latest in a sur-  sis and we've never had a  porarily  attached  a  pig's  reported  Thursday  in  the  bama  man,  was  declared
            prising string of experiments  real  solution  to  it,"  said  Dr.  kidney  to  blood  vessels  American Journal of Trans-  brain-dead from a dirt bike
            in the quest to save human  Jayme Locke of the Univer-    outside  the  body  of  a  de-  plantation.               racing accident.
            lives  with  organs  from  ge-  sity of Alabama at Birming-  ceased recipient to watch  That was only one of sever-  After hearing this kind of re-
            netically modified pigs.     ham,  who  led  the  newest  them work. And earlier this  al key findings. Locke said it  search  "had  the  potential
            This  time  around,  surgeons  study and aims to begin a  month, surgeons at the Uni-  wasn't clear if delicate pig  to  save  hundreds  of  thou-
            in  Alabama  transplanted  clinical  trial  of  pig  kidney  versity of Maryland Medical  kidney blood vessels could  sands  of  lives,  we  knew
            a pig's kidneys into a brain-  transplants.               Center gave a dying man  withstand  the  pounding  without  a  doubt  that  that
            dead  man  —  a  step-by-    Similar  experiments  have  a heart from a gene-edited  force of human blood pres-     was  something  that  Jim
            step  rehearsal  for  an  op-  made  headlines  in  recent  pig  that  so  far  is  keeping  sure -- but they did. One kid-  would  have  definitely  put
            eration they hope to try in  months as research into an-  him alive.                   ney  was  damaged  during  his  seal  of  approval  on,"
            living patients possibly later  imal-to-human  transplants  But scientists still needed to  removal  from  the  pig  and  said  Julie  O'Hara,  Parsons'
                                                                      learn  more  about  how  to  didn't work properly but the  ex-wife.
                                                                      test  such  transplants  with-  other  rapidly  started  pro-  The  need  for  another
                                                                      out  risking  a  patient's  life.  ducing  urine  as  a  kidney  source  of  organs  is  huge:
                                                                      With  the  help  of  a  family  should. No pig viruses were  While  more  than  41,000
                                                                      who donated a loved one's  transmitted  to  the  recipi-  transplants   were    per-
                                                                      body  for  science,  Locke  ent, and no pig cells were  formed  in  the  U.S.  last
                                                                      mimicked  the  way  human  found in his bloodstream.      year,  a  record,  more  than
                                                                      organ transplants are done  But  Locke  said  the  kidney  100,000  people  remain  on
                                                                      —  from  removing  the  pig  experiment  could  have  the  national  waiting  list.
                                                                      "donor"  kidneys  to  sewing  more  far-reaching  impact  Thousands  die  every  year
                                                                      them  inside  the  deceased  --  because  it  shows  that  a  before  getting  an  organ
                                                                      man's abdomen.               brain-dead  body  can  be  and thousands more never
                                                                      For a little over three days,  a  much-needed  human  even get added to the list,
                                                                      until  the  man's  body  was  model to test potential new  considered too much of a
                                                                      removed from life support,  medical treatments.           long shot.q
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