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A30    world news
                    Diabierna 22 aPriL 2022

                        UK lawmakers OK probe into PM Boris Johnson’s alleged lies

                                                                      hold  “the  simple  principle  fense — initially saying there  islator William Wragg. “Each
                                                                      that  honesty,  integrity  and  were  no  illegal  gatherings,  time part of us withers.”
                                                                      telling the truth matter in our  then  claiming  it  “did  not
                                                                      politics.”                   occur to me” that the birth-  Lawmaker Steve Baker, until
                                                                                                   day event was a party — has  now  a  prominent  supporter,
                                                                      “It  is  a  British  principle  ...  drawn  derision  and  outrage  said  that  Johnson  “should
                                                                      guiding members from every  from  opponents,  who  have  be  long  gone”  for  violating
                                                                      political party in this House,”  called for him to quit.  the “letter and spirit” of  the
                                                                      Starmer said. “But it is a prin-                          rules.”
                                                                      ciple under attack.”         “The truth is simple and it’s
                                                                                                   this  –  he  lied  to  avoid  get-  “I’ll  certainly  vote  for  this
                                                                      Johnson was not present for  ting caught, and once he got  motion,” he said. “But really,
                                                                      the  decision  on  a  scandal  caught, he lied again,” Scot-  the  prime  minister  should
                                                                      that  has  rocked  his  leader-  tish  National  Party  lawmak-  just know the gig’s up.”
                                                                      ship  of  the  country  and  the  er  Ian  Blackford  said  in  the
                                                                      Conservative  Party.  He  was  House of Commons.          The Committee of Privileges
            (AP)  —  British  lawmak-    sure on a Conservative prime  more than 4,000 miles (6,400                             probe will not start until twin
            ers  on  Thursday  ordered  minister whose grip on pow-   kilometers) away in India, in-  Usually  lawmakers  are  for-  police  and  civil-service  in-
            a parliamentary investiga-   er has been shaken by claims  sisting he wanted to “get on  bidden  from  accusing  one  vestigations  into  “partygate”
            tion  into  Prime  Minister  he flouted the pandemic rules  with  the  job”  of  leading  the  another  of  lying,  but  Black-  have concluded.
            Boris  Johnson  for  alleg-  he  imposed  on  the  country,  country.                  ford was not reprimanded by
            edly  lying  about  whether  then repeatedly failed to own                             the Speaker.                 Senior civil servant Sue Gray
            he  broke  coronavirus  re-  up to it.                    Johnson was fined 50 pounds                               is  investigating  16  events,
            strictions  by  attending  il-                            ($66) by police last week for  A  growing  number  of  Con-  including  “bring  your  own
            legal  gatherings  during  The move was instigated by  attending  his  own  birthday  servatives are uncomfortable  booze”  office  parties  and
            the pandemic.                the  opposition  Labour  Party  party  in  his  office  in  June  about defending a leader who  “wine time Fridays” in John-
                                         and passed after the govern-  2020, when people in Britain  broke  rules  he  imposed  on  son’s  10  Downing  St.  of-
            The move, approved by cries  ment  abandoned  efforts  to  were barred from meeting up  the country. A few have called  fice  and  other  government
            of “aye” and without a formal  get  Conservative  lawmakers  with  friends  and  family,  or  openly for Johnson to go, and  buildings. Police are probing
            vote  in  the  House  of  Com-  to  block  it.  Johnson’s  Con-  even  visiting  dying  relatives.  the number is rising. Others  a dozen of the events and so
            mons,  means  Parliament’s  servatives  have  a  substantial  Johnson  is  the  first  British  are  waiting  to  see  whether  far  have  handed  out  at  least
            Committee of Privileges will  majority  in  Parliament,  but  prime minister ever found to  public  anger  translates  into  50  fines,  including  ones  to
            investigate  whether  Johnson  many  lawmakers  are  uneasy  have broken the law while in  Conservative  losses  at  local  Johnson, his wife Carrie and
            knowingly misled Parliament  with the prime minister’s be-  office.                    elections on May 5.          Treasury  chief  Rishi  Sunak.
            — historically a resigning of-  havior.                                                                             Johnson  is  believed  to  have
            fense if proven.                                          He  has  apologized,  but  de-  “It is utterly depressing to be  attended  about  six  of  the
                                         Labour  leader  Keir  Starmer  nied he knowingly broke the  asked to defend the indefen-  gatherings  and  could  face
            The  probe  piles  more  pres-  said the move sought to up-  rules.  Johnson’s  shifting  de-  sible,” said Conservative leg-  more police fines.

                         More Cubans immigrating to the US by crossing from Mexico

            (AP)  —  For  years  after  undertook  a  20-day  journey,  Cubans travel by land to re-  highest monthly mark in 22  thority on May 23.
            leaving  Cuba,  the  moth-   starting  with  a  plane  ride  mote  stretches  of  the  U.S.  years.
            er of two tried to get her  from  Havana  to  Managua,  border with Mexico – mainly                                 Jorge Duany, director of the
            children and parents into  Nicaragua. From there, they  in  Yuma,  Arizona,  and  Del  Cubans  who  cross  the  U.S.  Cuban  Research  Institute  at
            the  U.S.  through  legal  took  buses,  vans  and  taxis  Rio,  Texas  –  and  generally  border illegally face little risk  Florida  International  Uni-
            channels.                    across  Honduras,  Guate-    turn themselves in to Border  of being deported or expelled  versity, and other experts es-
                                         mala and Mexico, until they  Patrol agents.               under  a  public  health  law  timate the number of Cubans
            Finally,  she  decided  she  arrived  at  the  U.S.-Mexico                             that  has  been  used  to  deny  leaving  could  exceed  other
            wouldn’t  wait  any  longer:  border.                     The  Biden  administration  asylum  to  thousands  of  mi-  mass  migrations  from  the
            She paid more than $40,000                                has  been  leaning  on  other  grants  of  other  nationalities  island,  including  the  Mariel
            dollars  to  someone  to  help  “I saw that other people were  governments  to  do  more  to  on  the  grounds  of  slowing  boatlift of 1980, when more
            them sneak in through Mex-   coming  through  the  border  stop migrants from reaching  the spread of COVID-19.     than 124,700 Cubans came to
            ico.                         and  they  were  happy,  and  I,  the U.S., most recently dur-                         the U.S.
                                         who had done things legally,  ing a visit this week to Pana-  Barely  500  Cubans  stopped
            “I said to myself, `Enough. I  was still waiting for my chil-  ma by Secretary of State Ant-  in March, or about 2%, were  “There  are  several  inter-
            am going to risk everything,’”  dren,” the woman said.    ony  Blinken  and  Homeland  subject to Title 42 authority,  twined factors that have pro-
            said the 30-year-old woman,                               Security  Alejandro  Mayork-  named  after  a  public  health  duced a perfect storm for the
            who spoke to The Associated  U.S.  border  authorities  en-  as. The actions of Nicaragua,  law.  The  Biden  administra-  intensification  of  the  Cuban
            Press  on  condition  of  ano-  countered  Cubans  almost  a U.S. adversary, complicates  tion plans to end Title 42 au-  exodus,” Duany said.
            nymity  for  fear  of  reprisals  32,400  times  in  March,  ac-  that effort.
            from U.S. authorities.       cording  to  figures  released
                                         Monday.  That  was  roughly  Cuban and U.S. officials will
            Her family’s story is an exam-  double the number in Febru-  meet  Thursday  in  Washing-
            ple of what tens of thousands  ary and five times the num-  ton for immigration talks —
            of  Cuban  immigrants  look-  ber in October.             the first in four years.
            ing  to  escape  political  and
            economic troubles are going  The increase coincided with  U.S.  Customs  and  Border
            through  as  more  risk  their  Nicaragua’s  decision  start-  Protection  stopped  Cubans
            lives and arrive illegally in the  ing in November to stop re-  more than 79,800 times from
            United States. It’s a very dif-  quiring  visas  for  Cubans  to  October  through  March  —
            ferent reality from years ago,  promote  tourism  after  other  more than double all of 2021
            when Cubans enjoyed special  countries,  such  as  Panama  and five times more than all
            protections that other immi-  and  the  Dominican  Repub-  of 2020. Overall, the Border
            grants did not have.         lic, began mandating them.   Patrol  stopped  migrants  of
                                                                      all  nationalities  more  than
            Her  children  and  parents  After  flying  to  Nicaragua,  209,000 times in March, the
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