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                                                                                                       sports Diabierna 22 aPriL 2022

                          Lewis Hamilton, Serena Williams part of bid to buy Chelsea

            (AP) — The crowded field to buy  dent Sebastian Coe.
            Chelsea  now  features  23-time  Another bid has seen Boston Celtics
            Grand  Slam  winner  Serena  Wil-   co-owner Steve Pagliuca partner with
            liams  and  seven-time  Formula  Larry  Tanenbaum,  who  has  owner-
            One champion Lewis Hamilton.        ship stakes in Toronto with the NBA’s
                                                Raptors, the NHL’s Maple Leafs and
            A long-standing fan of Arsenal, Ham-  the city’s MLS team. Peter Guber, a
            ilton has seized the opportunity to in-  part-owner of the Los Angeles Dodg-
            vest in its London rival as three bid-  ers, is also backing in the group.
            ders  try  to  buy  the  Premier  League
            club from sanctioned Russian owner  Another part-owner of the Dodgers,
            Roman Abramovich.                   Todd Boehly, is leading another con-
                                                sortium  hoping  to  be  announced  as
            Williams and Hamilton are part of a  the preferred bidder.
            consortium  that  features  proposed
            investment from Josh Harris and Da-  A  New  York-based  merchant  bank,
            vid Blitzer, the owners of the NBA’s  the Raine Group, has been overseeing
            Philadelphia  76ers  who  would  have  the sale process that was announced
            to sell their stakes in Premier League  last  month  by  Abramovich  follow-
            club Crystal Palace to buy Chelsea.  ing Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The
                                                oligarch has been sanctioned by Brit-
            The  reigning  world  and  European  ain and the European Union over his
            champions  could  be  sold  for  3  bil-  links  to  Russian  President  Vladimir
            lion pounds ($4 billion) — a record  Putin  with  assets  frozen,  including
            in world sports — given the interest  Chelsea.
            in the west London club.
                                                Abramovich  has  been  disqualified
            Representatives for Hamilton said he  from running Chelsea by the Premier
            planned to invest more than 10 mil-  League and he cannot profit from the
            lion pounds ($13 million) in the bid  proceeds of the sale, which the Brit-
            being  fronted  by  former  Liverpool  ish government must approve under
            and British Airways chairman Martin  terms of a license that allows the team
            Broughton and World Athletics presi-  to continue operating.

                               Wright resigns as Villanova coach, Neptune takes over

            (AP)    —     Jay   Wright  era  of  Villanova  basketball,”  giate athletics and keep Villa-  NCAA Tournament.     2018, winning every game by
            shocked  college  basket-    Wright  said  in  a  statement.  nova in a position of strength                        double digits on its way to the
            ball Wednesday night with  “After 35 years in coaching, I  —  now  and  in  the  future,”  Wright  needed  three  years  national title.
            his immediate resignation  am proud and excited to hand  Villanova  athletic  director  to build a foundation before
            at Villanova, the Big East  over  the  reins  to  Villanova’s  Mark  Jackson  said.  “After  Villanova broke through with  He was selected AP coach of
            program he led to two na-    next  coach.  I  am  excited  to  meeting  with  several  excep-  a trip to the 2005 Sweet 16.  the decade in 2020.
            tional championships and  remain  a  part  of  Villanova  tional  candidates,  we  found  An  Elite  Eight  appearance
            four Final Fours in a Hall  and look forward to working  all those attributes and more  followed  the  next  year  and  The  37-year-old  Neptune
            of Fame career.              with (Villanova) and the rest  in Kyle Neptune. Kyle quick-  the Wildcats reached the Fi-  was on Wright’s staff for the
                                         of the leadership team.”     ly stood out for his basketball  nal Four in 2009.        2009  Final  Four  team,  then
            The 60-year-old Wright guid-                              knowledge,  recruiting  savvy                             later spent three seasons as an
            ed Villanova to titles in 2016  Kyle  Neptune,  who  served  and natural ability to connect  Villanova  won  its  first  na-  assistant at Niagara before he
            and  2018  and  just  led  the  on  the  Villanova  coaching  with  student-athletes  and  tional  title  under  Wright  in  returned  to  the  Wildcats  in
            Wildcats  to  the  Final  Four,  staff  before  accepting  the  coaches.”              2016  on  Kris  Jenkins’  buzz-  2013.  He  went  16-16  in  his
            where  they  lost  to  national  head  coaching  position  at                          er-beater  and  decimated  the  lone season at Fordham.
            champion  Kansas.  He  went  Fordham  in  2021,  returned  Wright’s  decision  was  unex-  NCAA  Tournament  field  in
            520-197 in 21 seasons at the  to replace Wright.          pected and there was no im-
            school  and  642-282  overall,                            mediate word the move was
            also  coaching  Hofstra  from  “When  looking  for  a  suc-  health related or that he was
            1994–2001.                   cessor,  we  wanted  a  candi-  leaving for the NBA. He was
                                         date who could navigate the  inducted  into  the  Naismith
            “It’s time for us to enter a new  changing landscape of colle-  Basketball  Hall  of  Fame  in

                                                                      Wright  will  remain  at  Vil-
                                                                      lanova  and  stay  involved  in
                                                                      fundraising, advising, educa-
                                                                      tion and more.

                                                                      He  joined  North  Carolina’s
                                                                      Roy  Williams  and  Duke’s
                                                                      Mike Krzyzewski as the third
                                                                      coach with multiple champi-
                                                                      onship to step down over the
                                                                      last two years.

                                                                      Before  he  arrived,  Villanova
                                                                      was  known  for  upsetting
                                                                      Georgetown in the 1985 na-
                                                                      tional  championship  game
                                                                      and the occasional trip to the
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